#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace mbgl; using namespace mbgl::style; using namespace std::literals::string_literals; class MockBackend : public HeadlessBackend { public: MockBackend() : HeadlessBackend(test::sharedDisplay() ) { } std::function callback; void invalidate() override { if (callback) { callback(); } } }; class StubMapObserver : public MapObserver { public: void onWillStartLoadingMap() final { if (onWillStartLoadingMapCallback) { onWillStartLoadingMapCallback(); } } void onDidFinishLoadingMap() final { if (onDidFinishLoadingMapCallback) { onDidFinishLoadingMapCallback(); } } void onDidFailLoadingMap(std::exception_ptr) final { if (didFailLoadingMapCallback) { didFailLoadingMapCallback(); } } void onDidFinishLoadingStyle() final { if (didFinishLoadingStyleCallback) { didFinishLoadingStyleCallback(); } } std::function onWillStartLoadingMapCallback; std::function onDidFinishLoadingMapCallback; std::function didFailLoadingMapCallback; std::function didFinishLoadingStyleCallback; }; struct MapTest { util::RunLoop runLoop; MockBackend backend; StubMapObserver observer; BackendScope scope { backend }; OffscreenView view { backend.getContext() }; StubFileSource fileSource; ThreadPool threadPool { 4 }; }; TEST(Map, LatLngBehavior) { MapTest test; Map map(test.backend, test.observer, test.view.getSize(), 1, test.fileSource, test.threadPool, MapMode::Still); map.setLatLngZoom({ 1, 1 }, 0); auto latLng1 = map.getLatLng(); map.setLatLng({ 1, 1 }); auto latLng2 = map.getLatLng(); ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(latLng1.latitude(), latLng2.latitude()); ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(latLng1.longitude(), latLng2.longitude()); } TEST(Map, LatLngBoundsToCamera) { MapTest test; Map map(test.backend, test.observer, test.view.getSize(), 1, test.fileSource, test.threadPool, MapMode::Still); map.setLatLngZoom({ 40.712730, -74.005953 }, 16.0); LatLngBounds bounds = LatLngBounds::hull({15.68169,73.499857}, {53.560711, 134.77281}); CameraOptions virtualCamera = map.cameraForLatLngBounds(bounds, {}); ASSERT_TRUE(bounds.contains(*virtualCamera.center)); } TEST(Map, CameraToLatLngBounds) { MapTest test; Map map(test.backend, test.observer, test.view.getSize(), 1, test.fileSource, test.threadPool, MapMode::Still); map.setLatLngZoom({ 45, 90 }, 16); LatLngBounds bounds = LatLngBounds::hull( map.latLngForPixel({}), map.latLngForPixel({ double(map.getSize().width), double(map.getSize().height) })); CameraOptions camera = map.getCameraOptions({}); ASSERT_EQ(bounds, map.latLngBoundsForCamera(camera)); // Map::cameraForLatLngBounds only sets zoom and center. CameraOptions virtualCamera = map.cameraForLatLngBounds(bounds, {}); ASSERT_NEAR(*camera.zoom, *virtualCamera.zoom, 1e-7); ASSERT_NEAR(camera.center->latitude(), virtualCamera.center->latitude(), 1e-7); ASSERT_NEAR(camera.center->longitude(), virtualCamera.center->longitude(), 1e-7); } TEST(Map, Offline) { MapTest test; DefaultFileSource fileSource(":memory:", "."); auto expiredItem = [] (const std::string& path) { Response response; response.data = std::make_shared(util::read_file("test/fixtures/map/offline/"s + path)); response.expires = Timestamp{ Seconds(0) }; return response; }; const std::string prefix = ""; fileSource.put(Resource::style(prefix + "style.json"), expiredItem("style.json")); fileSource.put(Resource::source(prefix + "streets.json"), expiredItem("streets.json")); fileSource.put(Resource::spriteJSON(prefix + "sprite", 1.0), expiredItem("sprite.json")); fileSource.put(Resource::spriteImage(prefix + "sprite", 1.0), expiredItem("sprite.png")); fileSource.put(Resource::tile(prefix + "{z}-{x}-{y}.vector.pbf", 1.0, 0, 0, 0, Tileset::Scheme::XYZ), expiredItem("0-0-0.vector.pbf")); fileSource.put(Resource::glyphs(prefix + "{fontstack}/{range}.pbf", {{"Helvetica"}}, {0, 255}), expiredItem("glyph.pbf")); NetworkStatus::Set(NetworkStatus::Status::Offline); Map map(test.backend, test.observer, test.view.getSize(), 1, fileSource, test.threadPool, MapMode::Still); map.getStyle().loadURL(prefix + "style.json"); test::checkImage("test/fixtures/map/offline", test::render(map, test.view), 0.0015, 0.1); NetworkStatus::Set(NetworkStatus::Status::Online); } TEST(Map, SetStyleInvalidJSON) { MapTest test; Log::setObserver(std::make_unique()); bool fail = false; test.observer.didFailLoadingMapCallback = [&]() { fail = true; }; { Map map(test.backend, test.observer, test.view.getSize(), 1, test.fileSource, test.threadPool, MapMode::Still); map.getStyle().loadJSON("invalid"); } EXPECT_TRUE(fail); auto observer = Log::removeObserver(); auto flo = dynamic_cast(observer.get()); EXPECT_EQ(1u, flo->count({ EventSeverity::Error, Event::ParseStyle, -1, "Failed to parse style: 0 - Invalid value." })); auto unchecked = flo->unchecked(); EXPECT_TRUE(unchecked.empty()) << unchecked; } TEST(Map, SetStyleInvalidURL) { MapTest test; test.fileSource.styleResponse = [] (const Resource&) { Response response; response.error = std::make_unique( Response::Error::Reason::Other, "Failed by the test case"); return response; }; test.observer.didFailLoadingMapCallback = [&]() { test.runLoop.stop(); }; Map map(test.backend, test.observer, test.view.getSize(), 1, test.fileSource, test.threadPool, MapMode::Still); map.getStyle().loadURL("mapbox://bar"); test.runLoop.run(); } TEST(Map, DoubleStyleLoad) { MapTest test; Map map(test.backend, test.observer, test.view.getSize(), 1, test.fileSource, test.threadPool, MapMode::Still); map.getStyle().loadJSON(""); map.getStyle().loadJSON(""); } TEST(Map, StyleFresh) { // The map should not revalidate fresh styles. MapTest test; FakeFileSource fileSource; Map map(test.backend, test.observer, test.view.getSize(), 1, fileSource, test.threadPool, MapMode::Still); map.getStyle().loadURL("mapbox://styles/test"); EXPECT_EQ(1u, fileSource.requests.size()); Response response; response.data = std::make_shared(util::read_file("test/fixtures/api/empty.json")); response.expires = Timestamp::max(); fileSource.respond(Resource::Style, response); EXPECT_EQ(0u, fileSource.requests.size()); } TEST(Map, StyleExpired) { // The map should allow expired styles to be revalidated, so long as no mutations are made. using namespace std::chrono_literals; MapTest test; FakeFileSource fileSource; Map map(test.backend, test.observer, test.view.getSize(), 1, fileSource, test.threadPool, MapMode::Still); map.getStyle().loadURL("mapbox://styles/test"); EXPECT_EQ(1u, fileSource.requests.size()); Response response; response.data = std::make_shared(util::read_file("test/fixtures/api/empty.json")); response.expires = util::now() - 1h; fileSource.respond(Resource::Style, response); EXPECT_EQ(1u, fileSource.requests.size()); map.getStyle().addLayer(std::make_unique("bg")); EXPECT_EQ(1u, fileSource.requests.size()); fileSource.respond(Resource::Style, response); EXPECT_EQ(0u, fileSource.requests.size()); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, map.getStyle().getLayer("bg")); } TEST(Map, StyleExpiredWithAnnotations) { // Adding an annotation should not prevent revalidation of an expired style. using namespace std::chrono_literals; MapTest test; FakeFileSource fileSource; Map map(test.backend, test.observer, test.view.getSize(), 1, fileSource, test.threadPool, MapMode::Still); map.getStyle().loadURL("mapbox://styles/test"); EXPECT_EQ(1u, fileSource.requests.size()); Response response; response.data = std::make_shared(util::read_file("test/fixtures/api/empty.json")); response.expires = util::now() - 1h; fileSource.respond(Resource::Style, response); EXPECT_EQ(1u, fileSource.requests.size()); map.addAnnotation(LineAnnotation { LineString {{ { 0, 0 }, { 10, 10 } }} }); EXPECT_EQ(1u, fileSource.requests.size()); fileSource.respond(Resource::Style, response); EXPECT_EQ(1u, fileSource.requests.size()); } TEST(Map, StyleExpiredWithRender) { // Rendering should not prevent revalidation of an expired style. using namespace std::chrono_literals; MapTest test; FakeFileSource fileSource; Map map(test.backend, test.observer, test.view.getSize(), 1, fileSource, test.threadPool, MapMode::Still); map.getStyle().loadURL("mapbox://styles/test"); EXPECT_EQ(1u, fileSource.requests.size()); Response response; response.data = std::make_shared(util::read_file("test/fixtures/api/empty.json")); response.expires = util::now() - 1h; fileSource.respond(Resource::Style, response); EXPECT_EQ(1u, fileSource.requests.size()); map.render(test.view); EXPECT_EQ(1u, fileSource.requests.size()); fileSource.respond(Resource::Style, response); EXPECT_EQ(1u, fileSource.requests.size()); } TEST(Map, StyleEarlyMutation) { // An early mutation should not prevent the initial style load. MapTest test; FakeFileSource fileSource; Map map(test.backend, test.observer, test.view.getSize(), 1, fileSource, test.threadPool, MapMode::Still); map.getStyle().loadURL("mapbox://styles/test"); map.getStyle().addLayer(std::make_unique("bg")); Response response; response.data = std::make_shared(util::read_file("test/fixtures/api/water.json")); fileSource.respond(Resource::Style, response); EXPECT_EQ(0u, fileSource.requests.size()); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, map.getStyle().getLayer("water")); } TEST(Map, MapLoadingSignal) { MapTest test; Map map(test.backend, test.observer, test.view.getSize(), 1, test.fileSource, test.threadPool, MapMode::Still); bool emitted = false; test.observer.onWillStartLoadingMapCallback = [&]() { emitted = true; }; map.getStyle().loadJSON(util::read_file("test/fixtures/api/empty.json")); EXPECT_TRUE(emitted); } TEST(Map, MapLoadedSignal) { MapTest test; Map map(test.backend, test.observer, test.view.getSize(), 1, test.fileSource, test.threadPool, MapMode::Continuous); test.observer.onDidFinishLoadingMapCallback = [&]() { test.runLoop.stop(); }; test.backend.callback = [&]() { map.render(test.view); }; map.getStyle().loadJSON(util::read_file("test/fixtures/api/empty.json")); test.runLoop.run(); } TEST(Map, StyleLoadedSignal) { MapTest test; Map map(test.backend, test.observer, test.view.getSize(), 1, test.fileSource, test.threadPool, MapMode::Still); // The map should emit a signal on style loaded bool emitted = false; test.observer.didFinishLoadingStyleCallback = [&]() { emitted = true; }; map.getStyle().loadJSON(util::read_file("test/fixtures/api/empty.json")); EXPECT_TRUE(emitted); // But not when the style couldn't be parsed emitted = false; map.getStyle().loadJSON("invalid"); EXPECT_FALSE(emitted); } // Test for https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/issues/7902 TEST(Map, TEST_REQUIRES_SERVER(StyleNetworkErrorRetry)) { MapTest test; OnlineFileSource fileSource; Map map(test.backend, test.observer, test.view.getSize(), 1, fileSource, test.threadPool, MapMode::Still); map.getStyle().loadURL(""); test.observer.didFinishLoadingStyleCallback = [&]() { test.runLoop.stop(); }; test.runLoop.run(); } TEST(Map, TEST_REQUIRES_SERVER(StyleNotFound)) { MapTest test; OnlineFileSource fileSource; Map map(test.backend, test.observer, test.view.getSize(), 1, fileSource, test.threadPool, MapMode::Still); map.getStyle().loadURL(""); using namespace std::chrono_literals; util::Timer timer; // Not found errors should not trigger a retry like other errors. test.observer.didFinishLoadingStyleCallback = [&]() { FAIL() << "Should not retry on not found!"; }; test.observer.didFailLoadingMapCallback = [&]() { timer.start(Milliseconds(1100), 0s, [&] { test.runLoop.stop(); }); }; test.runLoop.run(); // Should also not retry if the response has cache headers. map.getStyle().loadURL(""); test.runLoop.run(); } TEST(Map, AddLayer) { MapTest test; Map map(test.backend, test.observer, test.view.getSize(), 1, test.fileSource, test.threadPool, MapMode::Still); map.getStyle().loadJSON(util::read_file("test/fixtures/api/empty.json")); auto layer = std::make_unique("background"); layer->setBackgroundColor({ { 1, 0, 0, 1 } }); map.getStyle().addLayer(std::move(layer)); test::checkImage("test/fixtures/map/add_layer", test::render(map, test.view)); } TEST(Map, WithoutVAOExtension) { MapTest test; test.backend.getContext().disableVAOExtension = true; DefaultFileSource fileSource(":memory:", "test/fixtures/api/assets"); Map map(test.backend, test.observer, test.view.getSize(), 1, fileSource, test.threadPool, MapMode::Still); map.getStyle().loadJSON(util::read_file("test/fixtures/api/water.json")); test::checkImage("test/fixtures/map/no_vao", test::render(map, test.view), 0.002); } TEST(Map, RemoveLayer) { MapTest test; Map map(test.backend, test.observer, test.view.getSize(), 1, test.fileSource, test.threadPool, MapMode::Still); map.getStyle().loadJSON(util::read_file("test/fixtures/api/empty.json")); auto layer = std::make_unique("background"); layer->setBackgroundColor({{ 1, 0, 0, 1 }}); map.getStyle().addLayer(std::move(layer)); map.getStyle().removeLayer("background"); test::checkImage("test/fixtures/map/remove_layer", test::render(map, test.view)); } TEST(Map, DisabledSources) { MapTest test; // Always load the same image tile for raster layers. test.fileSource.response = [] (const Resource& res) -> optional { if (res.url == "asset://tile.png") { Response response; response.data = std::make_shared( util::read_file("test/fixtures/map/disabled_layers/tile.png")); return {std::move(response)}; } return {}; }; Map map(test.backend, test.observer, test.view.getSize(), 1, test.fileSource, test.threadPool, MapMode::Still); map.setZoom(1); // This stylesheet has two raster layers, one that starts at zoom 1, the other at zoom 0. // We first render a map at zoom level 1, which should show both layers (both are "visible" due // to an opacity of 0.5). Then, we are zooming back out to a zoom level of 0.5 and rerender. // The "raster1" layer should not be visible anymore since it has minzoom 1, while "raster2" // should still be there. Both layers have a distinct color through "raster-hue-rotate". map.getStyle().loadJSON(R"STYLE( { "version": 8, "name": "Test", "sources": { "raster": { "type": "raster", "tiles": [ "asset://tile.png" ], "tileSize": 256 } }, "layers": [{ "id": "background", "type": "background", "paint": { "background-color": "white" } }, { "id": "raster1", "type": "raster", "source": "raster", "minzoom": 0 }, { "id": "raster2", "type": "raster", "source": "raster", "minzoom": 1, "paint": { "raster-hue-rotate": 180 } }] } )STYLE"); test::checkImage("test/fixtures/map/disabled_layers/first", test::render(map, test.view)); map.setZoom(0.5); test::checkImage("test/fixtures/map/disabled_layers/second", test::render(map, test.view)); } TEST(Map, DontLoadUnneededTiles) { MapTest test; Map map(test.backend, test.observer, test.view.getSize(), 1, test.fileSource, test.threadPool, MapMode::Still); map.getStyle().loadJSON(R"STYLE({ "sources": { "a": { "type": "vector", "tiles": [ "a/{z}/{x}/{y}" ] } }, "layers": [{ "id": "a", "type": "fill", "source": "a", "source-layer": "a", "minzoom": 0.3, "maxzoom": 1.6 }] })STYLE"); using Tiles = std::unordered_set; Tiles tiles; test.fileSource.tileResponse = [&](const Resource& rsc) { tiles.emplace(rsc.url); Response res; res.noContent = true; return res; }; std::unordered_map referenceTiles = { // Since the layer's minzoom is 0.3, we shouldn't load tiles before z0.3 { 0.3, { "a/0/0/0" } }, { 1.0, { "a/1/1/0", "a/1/0/1", "a/1/0/0", "a/1/1/1" } }, // Since the layer's maxzoom is 1.6, we should never load z2 or z3 tiles. }; // Loop through zoom levels from 0 to 3 and check that the correct tiles are loaded at every // step. The source is marked with maxzoom 1.0, which means that it won't be visible anymore // after z1.0, so we should under no circumstances attempt to load z2 tiles. for (unsigned zoom = 0; zoom <= 30; zoom++) { // times 10 // Note: using z += 0.1 in the loop doesn't produce accurate floating point numbers. const double z = double(zoom) / 10; tiles.clear(); map.setZoom(z); test::render(map, test.view); EXPECT_EQ(referenceTiles[z], tiles) << "zoom level " << z; } } TEST(Map, TEST_DISABLED_ON_CI(ContinuousRendering)) { util::RunLoop runLoop; MockBackend backend; BackendScope scope { backend }; OffscreenView view { backend.getContext() }; ThreadPool threadPool { 4 }; DefaultFileSource fileSource(":memory:", "test/fixtures/api/assets"); Map map(backend, MapObserver::nullObserver(), view.getSize(), 1, fileSource, threadPool, MapMode::Continuous); using namespace std::chrono_literals; util::Timer emergencyShutoff; emergencyShutoff.start(10s, 0s, [&] { util::RunLoop::Get()->stop(); FAIL() << "Did not stop rendering"; }); util::Timer timer; util::AsyncTask render{[&] { if (map.isFullyLoaded()) { // Abort the test after 1 second after the map loading fully. Note that a "fully loaded // map" doesn't mean that we won't render anymore: we could still render fade in/fade // out or other animations. // If we are continuing to render indefinitely, the emergency shutoff above will trigger // and the test will fail since the regular time will be constantly reset. timer.start(1s, 0s, [&] { util::RunLoop::Get()->stop(); }); } BackendScope scope2(backend); map.render(view); }}; backend.callback = [&] { render.send(); }; map.getStyle().loadJSON(util::read_file("test/fixtures/api/water.json")); util::RunLoop::Get()->run(); }