#include "gtest/gtest.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../common/headless_view.hpp" #include "./fixtures/fixture_log.hpp" #include const std::string base_directory = []{ std::string fn = __FILE__; fn.erase(fn.find_last_of("/")); fn.erase(fn.find_last_of("/")); return fn + "/node_modules/mapbox-gl-test-suite/"; }(); class HeadlessTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam {}; TEST_P(HeadlessTest, render) { using namespace mbgl; const std::string &base = GetParam(); std::string style = util::read_file(base_directory + "tests/" + base + "/style.json"); std::string info = util::read_file(base_directory + "tests/" + base + "/info.json"); // Parse style. rapidjson::Document styleDoc; styleDoc.Parse<0>((const char *const)style.c_str()); ASSERT_FALSE(styleDoc.HasParseError()); ASSERT_TRUE(styleDoc.IsObject()); rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer; rapidjson::Writer writer(buffer); styleDoc.Accept(writer); style = buffer.GetString(); // Parse settings. rapidjson::Document infoDoc; infoDoc.Parse<0>((const char *const)info.c_str()); ASSERT_FALSE(infoDoc.HasParseError()); ASSERT_TRUE(infoDoc.IsObject()); Log::Set(); for (auto it = infoDoc.MemberBegin(), end = infoDoc.MemberEnd(); it != end; it++) { const std::string name { it->name.GetString(), it->name.GetStringLength() }; const rapidjson::Value &value = it->value; ASSERT_TRUE(value.IsObject()); if (value.HasMember("center")) ASSERT_TRUE(value["center"].IsArray()); const std::string actual_image = base_directory + "tests/" + base + "/" + name + "/actual.png"; const double zoom = value.HasMember("zoom") ? value["zoom"].GetDouble() : 0; const double bearing = value.HasMember("bearing") ? value["bearing"].GetDouble() : 0; const double latitude = value.HasMember("center") ? value["center"][rapidjson::SizeType(0)].GetDouble() : 0; const double longitude = value.HasMember("center") ? value["center"][rapidjson::SizeType(1)].GetDouble() : 0; const unsigned int width = value.HasMember("width") ? value["width"].GetUint() : 512; const unsigned int height = value.HasMember("height") ? value["height"].GetUint() : 512; const unsigned int pixelRatio = value.HasMember("pixelRatio") ? value["pixelRatio"].GetUint() : 1; std::vector classes; if (value.HasMember("classes")) { const rapidjson::Value &js_classes = value["classes"]; ASSERT_TRUE(js_classes.IsArray()); for (rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < js_classes.Size(); i++) { const rapidjson::Value &js_class = js_classes[i]; ASSERT_TRUE(js_class.IsString()); classes.push_back({ js_class.GetString(), js_class.GetStringLength() }); } } HeadlessView view; Map map(view); map.setStyleJSON(style, base_directory); map.setAppliedClasses(classes); view.resize(width, height, pixelRatio); map.resize(width, height, pixelRatio); map.setLonLatZoom(longitude, latitude, zoom); map.setBearing(bearing); // Run the loop. It will terminate when we don't have any further listeners. map.run(); const unsigned int w = width * pixelRatio; const unsigned int h = height * pixelRatio; const std::unique_ptr pixels(new uint32_t[w * h]); glReadPixels(0, 0, w, h, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels.get()); const std::string image = util::compress_png(w, h, pixels.get(), true); util::write_file(actual_image, image); } } INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(Headless, HeadlessTest, ::testing::ValuesIn([] { std::vector names; DIR *dir = opendir((base_directory + "tests").c_str()); if (dir == nullptr) { return names; } for (dirent *dp = nullptr; (dp = readdir(dir)) != nullptr;) { const std::string name = dp->d_name; if (name != "." && name != ".." && name != "index.html") { names.push_back(name); } } closedir(dir); return names; }()));