#pragma once #include namespace mbgl { namespace util { std::string percentEncode(const std::string&); std::string percentDecode(const std::string&); // Class that holds position + lenth pairs for scheme, domain, path + query string of a URL. class URL { public: using Segment = std::pair; // position, length const Segment query; const Segment scheme; const Segment domain; const Segment path; URL(const std::string&); }; // Class that holds position + lenth pairs for directory, extension, and filename of a path. // The extension will contain the preceding ., and optionally a preceding @2x specifier. // The filename will not contain the file extension. class Path { public: using Segment = std::pair; // position, length const Segment directory; const Segment extension; const Segment filename; Path(const std::string&, size_t pos = 0, size_t count = std::string::npos); }; // Parses the given URL and replaces the tokens in template with parts of the URL. // When parsing "http://example.com/foo/bar/baz.png", valid tokens are: // * {scheme} == "http" // * {domain} == "example.com" // * {path} == "foo/bar/baz.png" // * {directory} == "foo/bar/" // * {filename} == "baz" // * {extension} == ".png" // The query string of the source URL will always be appended. std::string transformURL(const std::string& tpl, const std::string& str, const URL&); inline std::string transformURL(const std::string& tpl, const std::string& url) { return transformURL(tpl, url, URL(url)); } } // namespace util } // namespace mbgl