#include #include #include #include #include namespace mbgl { namespace { // Taken from polymaps src/Layer.js // https://github.com/simplegeo/polymaps/blob/master/src/Layer.js#L333-L383 struct edge { double x0 = 0, y0 = 0; double x1 = 0, y1 = 0; double dx = 0, dy = 0; edge(Point a, Point b) { if (a.y > b.y) std::swap(a, b); x0 = a.x; y0 = a.y; x1 = b.x; y1 = b.y; dx = b.x - a.x; dy = b.y - a.y; } }; using ScanLine = const std::function; // scan-line conversion static void scanSpans(edge e0, edge e1, int32_t ymin, int32_t ymax, ScanLine scanLine) { double y0 = ::fmax(ymin, std::floor(e1.y0)); double y1 = ::fmin(ymax, std::ceil(e1.y1)); // sort edges by x-coordinate if ((e0.x0 == e1.x0 && e0.y0 == e1.y0) ? (e0.x0 + e1.dy / e0.dy * e0.dx < e1.x1) : (e0.x1 - e1.dy / e0.dy * e0.dx < e1.x0)) { std::swap(e0, e1); } // scan lines! double m0 = e0.dx / e0.dy; double m1 = e1.dx / e1.dy; double d0 = e0.dx > 0; // use y + 1 to compute x0 double d1 = e1.dx < 0; // use y + 1 to compute x1 for (int32_t y = y0; y < y1; y++) { double x0 = m0 * ::fmax(0, ::fmin(e0.dy, y + d0 - e0.y0)) + e0.x0; double x1 = m1 * ::fmax(0, ::fmin(e1.dy, y + d1 - e1.y0)) + e1.x0; scanLine(std::floor(x1), std::ceil(x0), y); } } // scan-line conversion static void scanTriangle(const Point& a, const Point& b, const Point& c, int32_t ymin, int32_t ymax, ScanLine& scanLine) { edge ab = edge(a, b); edge bc = edge(b, c); edge ca = edge(c, a); // sort edges by y-length if (ab.dy > bc.dy) { std::swap(ab, bc); } if (ab.dy > ca.dy) { std::swap(ab, ca); } if (bc.dy > ca.dy) { std::swap(bc, ca); } // scan span! scan span! if (ab.dy) scanSpans(ca, ab, ymin, ymax, scanLine); if (bc.dy) scanSpans(ca, bc, ymin, ymax, scanLine); } } // namespace namespace util { namespace { std::vector tileCover(const Point& tl, const Point& tr, const Point& br, const Point& bl, const Point& c, int32_t z) { const int32_t tiles = 1 << z; struct ID { int32_t x, y; double sqDist; }; std::vector t; auto scanLine = [&](int32_t x0, int32_t x1, int32_t y) { int32_t x; if (y >= 0 && y <= tiles) { for (x = x0; x < x1; ++x) { const auto dx = x + 0.5 - c.x, dy = y + 0.5 - c.y; t.emplace_back(ID{ x, y, dx * dx + dy * dy }); } } }; // Divide the screen up in two triangles and scan each of them: // \---+ // | \ | // +---\. scanTriangle(tl, tr, br, 0, tiles, scanLine); scanTriangle(br, bl, tl, 0, tiles, scanLine); // Sort first by distance, then by x/y. std::sort(t.begin(), t.end(), [](const ID& a, const ID& b) { return std::tie(a.sqDist, a.x, a.y) < std::tie(b.sqDist, b.x, b.y); }); // Erase duplicate tile IDs (they typically occur at the common side of both triangles). t.erase(std::unique(t.begin(), t.end(), [](const ID& a, const ID& b) { return a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y; }), t.end()); std::vector result; for (const auto& id : t) { result.emplace_back(z, id.x, id.y); } return result; } } // namespace int32_t coveringZoomLevel(double zoom, style::SourceType type, uint16_t size) { zoom += std::log(util::tileSize / size) / std::log(2); if (type == style::SourceType::Raster || type == style::SourceType::Video) { return ::round(zoom); } else { return std::floor(zoom); } } std::vector tileCover(const LatLngBounds& bounds_, int32_t z) { if (bounds_.isEmpty() || bounds_.south() > util::LATITUDE_MAX || bounds_.north() < -util::LATITUDE_MAX) { return {}; } LatLngBounds bounds = LatLngBounds::hull( { std::max(bounds_.south(), -util::LATITUDE_MAX), bounds_.west() }, { std::min(bounds_.north(), util::LATITUDE_MAX), bounds_.east() }); return tileCover( TileCoordinate::fromLatLng(z, bounds.northwest()).p, TileCoordinate::fromLatLng(z, bounds.northeast()).p, TileCoordinate::fromLatLng(z, bounds.southeast()).p, TileCoordinate::fromLatLng(z, bounds.southwest()).p, TileCoordinate::fromLatLng(z, bounds.center()).p, z); } std::vector tileCover(const TransformState& state, int32_t z) { assert(state.valid()); const double w = state.getSize().width; const double h = state.getSize().height; return tileCover( TileCoordinate::fromScreenCoordinate(state, z, { 0, 0 }).p, TileCoordinate::fromScreenCoordinate(state, z, { w, 0 }).p, TileCoordinate::fromScreenCoordinate(state, z, { w, h }).p, TileCoordinate::fromScreenCoordinate(state, z, { 0, h }).p, TileCoordinate::fromScreenCoordinate(state, z, { w/2, h/2 }).p, z); } // Taken from https://github.com/mapbox/sphericalmercator#xyzbbox-zoom-tms_style-srs // Computes the projected tiles for the lower left and upper right points of the bounds // and uses that to compute the tile cover count uint64_t tileCount(const LatLngBounds& bounds, uint8_t zoom, uint16_t tileSize_){ auto sw = Projection::project(bounds.southwest().wrapped(), zoom, tileSize_); auto ne = Projection::project(bounds.northeast().wrapped(), zoom, tileSize_); auto x1 = floor(sw.x/ tileSize_); auto x2 = floor((ne.x - 1) / tileSize_); auto y1 = floor(sw.y/ tileSize_); auto y2 = floor((ne.y - 1) / tileSize_); auto minX = ::fmax(std::min(x1, x2), 0); auto maxX = std::max(x1, x2); auto minY = (std::pow(2, zoom) - 1) - std::max(y1, y2); auto maxY = (std::pow(2, zoom) - 1) - ::fmax(std::min(y1, y2), 0); return (maxX - minX + 1) * (maxY - minY + 1); } } // namespace util } // namespace mbgl