#include #include #include #include #include namespace mbgl { namespace util { namespace mapbox { const std::string protocol = "mapbox://"; const std::string baseURL = "https://api.mapbox.com/"; bool isMapboxURL(const std::string& url) { return url.compare(0, protocol.length(), protocol) == 0; } std::vector getMapboxURLPathname(const std::string& url) { std::vector pathname; std::size_t startIndex = protocol.length(); while (startIndex < url.length()) { std::size_t endIndex = url.find("/", startIndex); if (endIndex == std::string::npos) { endIndex = url.find_first_of("?#"); } if (endIndex == std::string::npos) { endIndex = url.length(); } pathname.push_back(url.substr(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex)); startIndex = endIndex + 1; } return pathname; } std::string normalizeSourceURL(const std::string& url, const std::string& accessToken) { if (!isMapboxURL(url)) { return url; } if (accessToken.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("You must provide a Mapbox API access token for Mapbox tile sources"); } return baseURL + "v4/" + url.substr(protocol.length()) + ".json?access_token=" + accessToken + "&secure"; } std::string normalizeStyleURL(const std::string& url, const std::string& accessToken) { if (!isMapboxURL(url)) { return url; } std::vector pathname = getMapboxURLPathname(url); if (pathname.size() < 3) { Log::Error(Event::ParseStyle, "Invalid style URL"); return url; } std::string user = pathname[1]; std::string id = pathname[2]; bool isDraft = pathname.size() > 3; return baseURL + "styles/v1/" + user + "/" + id + (isDraft ? "/draft" : "") + "?access_token=" + accessToken; } std::string normalizeSpriteURL(const std::string& url, const std::string& accessToken) { if (!isMapboxURL(url)) { return url; } std::vector pathname = getMapboxURLPathname(url); if (pathname.size() < 3) { Log::Error(Event::ParseStyle, "Invalid sprite URL"); return url; } std::string user = pathname[1]; bool isDraft = pathname.size() > 3; std::string id, extension; if (isDraft) { size_t index = pathname[3].find_first_of("@."); id = pathname[2]; extension = pathname[3].substr(index); } else { size_t index = pathname[2].find_first_of("@."); id = pathname[2].substr(0, index); extension = pathname[2].substr(index); } return baseURL + "styles/v1/" + user + "/" + id + "/" + (isDraft ? "draft/" : "") + "sprite" + extension + "?access_token=" + accessToken; } std::string normalizeGlyphsURL(const std::string& url, const std::string& accessToken) { if (!isMapboxURL(url)) { return url; } std::vector pathname = getMapboxURLPathname(url); if (pathname.size() < 4) { Log::Error(Event::ParseStyle, "Invalid glyph URL"); return url; } std::string user = pathname[1]; std::string fontstack = pathname[2]; std::string range = pathname[3]; return baseURL + "fonts/v1/" + user + "/" + fontstack + "/" + range + "?access_token=" + accessToken; } std::string normalizeTileURL(const std::string& url, const std::string& sourceURL, SourceType sourceType) { if (sourceURL.empty() || !isMapboxURL(sourceURL) || sourceType != SourceType::Raster) { return url; } std::string::size_type queryIdx = url.rfind("?"); // Trim off the right end but never touch anything before the extension dot. std::string urlSansParams((queryIdx == std::string::npos) ? url : url.substr(0, queryIdx)); while (!urlSansParams.empty() && isdigit(urlSansParams.back())) { urlSansParams.pop_back(); } std::string::size_type basenameIdx = url.rfind("/", queryIdx); std::string::size_type extensionIdx = url.rfind(".", queryIdx); if (basenameIdx == std::string::npos || extensionIdx == std::string::npos || basenameIdx > extensionIdx) { // No file extension: probably not a file name we can tack a ratio onto. return url; } std::string normalizedURL(url); normalizedURL.insert(extensionIdx, "{ratio}"); return normalizedURL; } std::string removeAccessTokenFromURL(const std::string &url) { const size_t token_start = url.find("access_token="); // Ensure that token exists, isn't at the front and is preceded by either & or ?. if (token_start == std::string::npos || token_start == 0 || !(url[token_start - 1] == '&' || url[token_start - 1] == '?')) { return url; } const size_t token_end = url.find_first_of('&', token_start); if (token_end == std::string::npos) { // The token is the last query argument. We slice away the "&access_token=..." part return url.substr(0, token_start - 1); } else { // We slice away the "access_token=...&" part. return url.substr(0, token_start) + url.substr(token_end + 1); } } namespace { std::string convertMapboxDomainsToProtocol(const std::string &url) { const size_t protocol_separator = url.find("://"); if (protocol_separator == std::string::npos) { return url; } const std::string protocol = url.substr(0, protocol_separator); if (!(protocol == "http" || protocol == "https")) { return url; } const size_t domain_begin = protocol_separator + 3; const size_t path_separator = url.find("/", domain_begin); if (path_separator == std::string::npos) { return url; } const std::string domain = url.substr(domain_begin, path_separator - domain_begin); if (domain == "api.mapbox.com" || domain.find(".tiles.mapbox.com") != std::string::npos) { return std::string{ "mapbox://" } + url.substr(path_separator + 1); } else { return url; } } } // end namespace std::string canonicalURL(const std::string &url) { return removeAccessTokenFromURL(convertMapboxDomainsToProtocol(url)); } } // end namespace mapbox } // end namespace util } // end namespace mbgl