#include #include #include #include namespace mbgl { namespace { vec3 toVec3(const vec4& v) { return vec3{{v[0], v[1], v[2]}}; } double vec4Dot(const vec4& a, const vec4& b) { return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2] + a[3] * b[3]; } template static Point ProjectPointsToAxis(const std::array& points, const vec3& origin, const vec3& axis) { double min = std::numeric_limits::max(); double max = -std::numeric_limits::max(); for (const vec3& point : points) { double projectedPoint = vec3Dot(vec3Sub(point, origin), axis); min = std::min(projectedPoint, min); max = std::max(projectedPoint, max); } return {min, max}; } } // namespace namespace util { AABB::AABB() : min({{0, 0, 0}}), max({{0, 0, 0}}) {} AABB::AABB(const vec3& min_, const vec3& max_) : min(min_), max(max_) {} vec3 AABB::closestPoint(const vec3& point) const { return {{std::max(std::min(max[0], point[0]), min[0]), std::max(std::min(max[1], point[1]), min[1]), std::max(std::min(max[2], point[2]), min[2])}}; } vec3 AABB::distanceXYZ(const vec3& point) const { vec3 vec = vec3Sub(closestPoint(point), point); vec[0] = std::abs(vec[0]); vec[1] = std::abs(vec[1]); vec[2] = std::abs(vec[2]); return vec; } AABB AABB::quadrant(int idx) const { assert(idx >= 0 && idx < 4); vec3 quadrantMin = min; vec3 quadrantMax = max; const double xCenter = 0.5 * (max[0] + min[0]); const double yCenter = 0.5 * (max[1] + min[1]); // This aabb is split into 4 quadrants. For each axis define in which side of the split "idx" is // The result for indices 0, 1, 2, 3 is: { 0, 0 }, { 1, 0 }, { 0, 1 }, { 1, 1 } const std::array xSplit = {{0, 1, 0, 1}}; const std::array ySplit = {{0, 0, 1, 1}}; quadrantMin[0] = xSplit[idx] ? xCenter : quadrantMin[0]; quadrantMax[0] = xSplit[idx] ? quadrantMax[0] : xCenter; quadrantMin[1] = ySplit[idx] ? yCenter : quadrantMin[1]; quadrantMax[1] = ySplit[idx] ? quadrantMax[1] : yCenter; return {quadrantMin, quadrantMax}; } bool AABB::intersects(const AABB& aabb) const { if (min[0] > aabb.max[0] || aabb.min[0] > max[0]) return false; if (min[1] > aabb.max[1] || aabb.min[1] > max[1]) return false; if (min[2] > aabb.max[2] || aabb.min[2] > max[2]) return false; return true; } bool AABB::operator==(const AABB& aabb) const { return min == aabb.min && max == aabb.max; } bool AABB::operator!=(const AABB& aabb) const { return !(*this == aabb); } // Named index values for frustum::points array enum { near_tl = 0, near_tr = 1, near_br = 2, near_bl = 3, far_tl = 4, far_tr = 5, far_br = 6, far_bl = 7, }; Frustum::Frustum(const std::array& points_, const std::array& planes_) : points(points_), planes(planes_) { const Point xBounds = ProjectPointsToAxis(points, {{0, 0, 0}}, {{1, 0, 0}}); const Point yBounds = ProjectPointsToAxis(points, {{0, 0, 0}}, {{0, 1, 0}}); const Point zBounds = ProjectPointsToAxis(points, {{0, 0, 0}}, {{0, 0, 1}}); bounds = AABB({{xBounds.x, yBounds.x, zBounds.x}}, {{xBounds.y, yBounds.y, zBounds.y}}); // Precompute a set of separating axis candidates for precise intersection tests. // Remaining axes not covered in basic intersection tests are: axis[] = (edges of aabb) x (edges of frustum) std::array frustumEdges = {{vec3Sub(points[near_br], points[near_bl]), vec3Sub(points[near_tl], points[near_bl]), vec3Sub(points[far_tl], points[near_tl]), vec3Sub(points[far_tr], points[near_tr]), vec3Sub(points[far_br], points[near_br]), vec3Sub(points[far_bl], points[near_bl])}}; for (size_t i = 0; i < frustumEdges.size(); i++) { // Cross product [1, 0, 0] x [a, b, c] == [0, -c, b] // Cross product [0, 1, 0] x [a, b, c] == [c, 0, -a] const vec3 axis0 = {{0.0, -frustumEdges[i][2], frustumEdges[i][1]}}; const vec3 axis1 = {{frustumEdges[i][2], 0.0, -frustumEdges[i][0]}}; projections[i * 2] = {axis0, ProjectPointsToAxis(points, points[0], axis0)}; projections[i * 2 + 1] = {axis1, ProjectPointsToAxis(points, points[0], axis1)}; } } Frustum Frustum::fromInvProjMatrix(const mat4& invProj, double worldSize, double zoom, bool flippedY) { // Define frustum corner points in normalized clip space std::array cornerCoords = {{vec4{{-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0}}, vec4{{1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0}}, vec4{{1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0}}, vec4{{-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0}}, vec4{{-1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}}, vec4{{1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}}, vec4{{1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0}}, vec4{{-1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0}}}}; const double scale = std::pow(2.0, zoom); // Transform points to tile space for (auto& coord : cornerCoords) { matrix::transformMat4(coord, coord, invProj); for (auto& component : coord) component *= 1.0 / coord[3] / worldSize * scale; } std::array frustumPlanePointIndices = {{ vec3i{{near_bl, near_br, far_br}}, // bottom vec3i{{near_tl, near_bl, far_bl}}, // left vec3i{{near_br, near_tr, far_tr}}, // right vec3i{{near_tl, far_tl, far_tr}}, // top vec3i{{near_tl, near_tr, near_br}}, // near vec3i{{far_br, far_tr, far_tl}} // far }}; if (flippedY) { std::for_each(frustumPlanePointIndices.begin(), frustumPlanePointIndices.end(), [](vec3i& tri) { std::swap(tri[1], tri[2]); }); } std::array frustumPlanes; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < frustumPlanePointIndices.size(); i++) { const vec3i indices = frustumPlanePointIndices[i]; // Compute plane equation using 3 points on the plane const vec3 p0 = toVec3(cornerCoords[indices[0]]); const vec3 p1 = toVec3(cornerCoords[indices[1]]); const vec3 p2 = toVec3(cornerCoords[indices[2]]); const vec3 a = vec3Sub(p0, p1); const vec3 b = vec3Sub(p2, p1); const vec3 n = vec3Normalize(vec3Cross(a, b)); frustumPlanes[i] = {{n[0], n[1], n[2], -vec3Dot(n, p1)}}; } std::array frustumPoints; for (size_t i = 0; i < cornerCoords.size(); i++) frustumPoints[i] = toVec3(cornerCoords[i]); return {frustumPoints, frustumPlanes}; } IntersectionResult Frustum::intersects(const AABB& aabb) const { // Execute separating axis test between two convex objects to find intersections // Each frustum plane together with 3 major axes define the separating axes // This implementation is conservative as it's not checking all possible axes. // False positive rate is ~0.5% of all cases (see intersectsPrecise). // Note: test only 4 points as both min and max points have zero elevation assert(aabb.min[2] == 0.0 && aabb.max[2] == 0.0); if (!bounds.intersects(aabb)) return IntersectionResult::Separate; const std::array aabbPoints = {{ vec4{{aabb.min[0], aabb.min[1], 0.0, 1.0}}, vec4{{aabb.max[0], aabb.min[1], 0.0, 1.0}}, vec4{{aabb.max[0], aabb.max[1], 0.0, 1.0}}, vec4{{aabb.min[0], aabb.max[1], 0.0, 1.0}}, }}; bool fullyInside = true; for (const vec4& plane : planes) { size_t pointsInside = 0; pointsInside += vec4Dot(plane, aabbPoints[0]) >= 0.0; pointsInside += vec4Dot(plane, aabbPoints[1]) >= 0.0; pointsInside += vec4Dot(plane, aabbPoints[2]) >= 0.0; pointsInside += vec4Dot(plane, aabbPoints[3]) >= 0.0; if (!pointsInside) { // Separating axis found, no intersection return IntersectionResult::Separate; } if (pointsInside != aabbPoints.size()) fullyInside = false; } return fullyInside ? IntersectionResult::Contains : IntersectionResult::Intersects; } IntersectionResult Frustum::intersectsPrecise(const AABB& aabb, bool edgeCasesOnly) const { if (!edgeCasesOnly) { IntersectionResult result = intersects(aabb); if (result == IntersectionResult::Separate) return result; } const std::array aabbPoints = {{vec3{{aabb.min[0], aabb.min[1], 0.0}}, vec3{{aabb.max[0], aabb.min[1], 0.0}}, vec3{{aabb.max[0], aabb.max[1], 0.0}}, vec3{{aabb.min[0], aabb.max[1], 0.0}}}}; // For a precise SAT-test all edge cases needs to be covered // Projections of the frustum on separating axis candidates have been precomputed already for (const Projection& proj : projections) { Point projectedAabb = ProjectPointsToAxis(aabbPoints, points[0], proj.axis); const Point& projectedFrustum = proj.projection; if (projectedFrustum.y < projectedAabb.x || projectedFrustum.x > projectedAabb.y) { return IntersectionResult::Separate; } } return IntersectionResult::Intersects; } } // namespace util } // namespace mbgl