#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace mbgl { RasterDEMTile::RasterDEMTile(const OverscaledTileID& id_, const TileParameters& parameters, const Tileset& tileset) : Tile(id_), loader(*this, id_, parameters, tileset), mailbox(std::make_shared(*Scheduler::GetCurrent())), worker(parameters.workerScheduler, ActorRef(*this, mailbox)) { encoding = tileset.encoding; if ( id.canonical.y == 0 ){ // this tile doesn't have upper neighboring tiles so marked those as backfilled neighboringTiles = neighboringTiles | DEMTileNeighbors::NoUpper; } if (id.canonical.y + 1 == std::pow(2, id.canonical.z)){ // this tile doesn't have lower neighboring tiles so marked those as backfilled neighboringTiles = neighboringTiles | DEMTileNeighbors::NoLower; } } RasterDEMTile::~RasterDEMTile() = default; void RasterDEMTile::setError(std::exception_ptr err) { loaded = true; observer->onTileError(*this, err); } void RasterDEMTile::setMetadata(optional modified_, optional expires_) { modified = modified_; expires = expires_; } void RasterDEMTile::setData(std::shared_ptr data) { pending = true; ++correlationID; worker.invoke(&RasterDEMTileWorker::parse, data, correlationID, encoding); } void RasterDEMTile::onParsed(std::unique_ptr result, const uint64_t resultCorrelationID) { bucket = std::move(result); loaded = true; if (resultCorrelationID == correlationID) { pending = false; } renderable = bucket ? true : false; observer->onTileChanged(*this); } void RasterDEMTile::onError(std::exception_ptr err, const uint64_t resultCorrelationID) { loaded = true; if (resultCorrelationID == correlationID) { pending = false; } observer->onTileError(*this, err); } void RasterDEMTile::upload(gl::Context& context) { if (bucket) { bucket->upload(context); } } Bucket* RasterDEMTile::getBucket(const style::Layer::Impl&) const { return bucket.get(); } HillshadeBucket* RasterDEMTile::getBucket() const { return bucket.get(); } void RasterDEMTile::backfillBorder(const RasterDEMTile& borderTile, const DEMTileNeighbors mask) { int32_t dx = borderTile.id.canonical.x - id.canonical.x; const int8_t dy = borderTile.id.canonical.y - id.canonical.y; const uint32_t dim = pow(2, id.canonical.z); if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) return; if (std::abs(dy) > 1) return; // neighbor is in another world wrap if (std::abs(dx) > 1) { if (std::abs(int(dx + dim)) == 1) { dx += dim; } else if (std::abs(int(dx - dim)) == 1) { dx -= dim; } } const HillshadeBucket* borderBucket = borderTile.getBucket(); if (borderBucket) { const DEMData& borderDEM = borderBucket->getDEMData(); DEMData& tileDEM = bucket->getDEMData(); tileDEM.backfillBorder(borderDEM, dx, dy); // update the bitmask to indicate that this tiles have been backfilled by flipping the relevant bit this->neighboringTiles = this->neighboringTiles | mask; // mark HillshadeBucket.prepared as false so it runs through the prepare render pass // with the new texture data we just backfilled bucket->setPrepared(false); } } void RasterDEMTile::setMask(TileMask&& mask) { if (bucket) { bucket->setMask(std::move(mask)); } } void RasterDEMTile::setNecessity(TileNecessity necessity) { loader.setNecessity(necessity); } } // namespace mbgl