#include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace mbgl { void GlyphSet::insert(uint32_t id, SDFGlyph&& glyph) { auto it = sdfs.find(id); if (it == sdfs.end()) { // Glyph doesn't exist yet. sdfs.emplace(id, std::move(glyph)); } else if (it->second.metrics == glyph.metrics) { if (it->second.bitmap != glyph.bitmap) { // The actual bitmap was updated; this is unsupported. Log::Warning(Event::Glyph, "Modified glyph changed bitmap represenation"); } // At least try to update it in case it's currently unsused. // If it is already used; we won't attempt to update the glyph atlas texture. it->second.bitmap = std::move(glyph.bitmap); } else { // The metrics were updated; this is unsupported. Log::Warning(Event::Glyph, "Modified glyph has different metrics"); return; } } const std::map& GlyphSet::getSDFs() const { return sdfs; } const Shaping GlyphSet::getShaping(const std::u16string& logicalInput, const float maxWidth, const float lineHeight, const float horizontalAlign, const float verticalAlign, const float justify, const float spacing, const Point& translate, const float verticalHeight, const WritingModeType writingMode, BiDi& bidi) const { Shaping shaping(translate.x * 24, translate.y * 24, writingMode); std::vector reorderedLines = bidi.processText(logicalInput, determineLineBreaks(logicalInput, spacing, maxWidth, writingMode)); shapeLines(shaping, reorderedLines, spacing, lineHeight, horizontalAlign, verticalAlign, justify, translate, verticalHeight, writingMode); return shaping; } void align(Shaping& shaping, const float justify, const float horizontalAlign, const float verticalAlign, const float maxLineLength, const float lineHeight, const std::size_t lineCount, const Point& translate) { const float shiftX = (justify - horizontalAlign) * maxLineLength + ::round(translate.x * 24 /* one em */); const float shiftY = (-verticalAlign * lineCount + 0.5) * lineHeight + ::round(translate.y * 24 /* one em */); for (auto& glyph : shaping.positionedGlyphs) { glyph.x += shiftX; glyph.y += shiftY; } } // justify left = 0, right = 1, center = .5 void justifyLine(std::vector& positionedGlyphs, const std::map& sdfs, std::size_t start, std::size_t end, float justify) { if (!justify) { return; } PositionedGlyph& glyph = positionedGlyphs[end]; auto it = sdfs.find(glyph.glyph); if (it != sdfs.end()) { const uint32_t lastAdvance = it->second.metrics.advance; const float lineIndent = float(glyph.x + lastAdvance) * justify; for (std::size_t j = start; j <= end; j++) { positionedGlyphs[j].x -= lineIndent; } } } float GlyphSet::determineAverageLineWidth(const std::u16string& logicalInput, const float spacing, float maxWidth) const { float totalWidth = 0; for (char16_t chr : logicalInput) { auto it = sdfs.find(chr); if (it != sdfs.end()) { totalWidth += it->second.metrics.advance + spacing; } } int32_t targetLineCount = std::fmax(1, std::ceil(totalWidth / maxWidth)); return totalWidth / targetLineCount; } float calculateBadness(const float lineWidth, const float targetWidth, const float penalty, const bool isLastBreak) { const float raggedness = std::pow(lineWidth - targetWidth, 2); if (isLastBreak) { // Favor finals lines shorter than average over longer than average if (lineWidth < targetWidth) { return raggedness / 2; } else { return raggedness * 2; } } if (penalty < 0) { return raggedness - std::pow(penalty, 2); } return raggedness + std::pow(penalty, 2); } float calculatePenalty(char16_t codePoint, char16_t nextCodePoint) { float penalty = 0; // Force break on newline if (codePoint == 0x0a) { penalty -= 10000; } // Penalize open parenthesis at end of line if (codePoint == 0x28 || codePoint == 0xff08) { penalty += 50; } // Penalize close parenthesis at beginning of line if (nextCodePoint == 0x29 || nextCodePoint == 0xff09) { penalty += 50; } return penalty; } struct PotentialBreak { PotentialBreak(const std::size_t p_index, const float p_x, const PotentialBreak* p_priorBreak, const float p_badness) : index(p_index), x(p_x), priorBreak(p_priorBreak), badness(p_badness) {} const std::size_t index; const float x; const PotentialBreak* priorBreak; const float badness; }; PotentialBreak evaluateBreak(const std::size_t breakIndex, const float breakX, const float targetWidth, const std::list& potentialBreaks, const float penalty, const bool isLastBreak) { // We could skip evaluating breaks where the line length (breakX - priorBreak.x) > maxWidth // ...but in fact we allow lines longer than maxWidth (if there's no break points) // ...and when targetWidth and maxWidth are close, strictly enforcing maxWidth can give // more lopsided results. const PotentialBreak* bestPriorBreak = nullptr; float bestBreakBadness = calculateBadness(breakX, targetWidth, penalty, isLastBreak); for (const auto& potentialBreak : potentialBreaks) { const float lineWidth = breakX - potentialBreak.x; float breakBadness = calculateBadness(lineWidth, targetWidth, penalty, isLastBreak) + potentialBreak.badness; if (breakBadness <= bestBreakBadness) { bestPriorBreak = &potentialBreak; bestBreakBadness = breakBadness; } } return PotentialBreak(breakIndex, breakX, bestPriorBreak, bestBreakBadness); } std::set leastBadBreaks(const PotentialBreak& lastLineBreak) { std::set leastBadBreaks = { lastLineBreak.index }; const PotentialBreak* priorBreak = lastLineBreak.priorBreak; while (priorBreak) { leastBadBreaks.insert(priorBreak->index); priorBreak = priorBreak->priorBreak; } return leastBadBreaks; } // We determine line breaks based on shaped text in logical order. Working in visual order would be // more intuitive, but we can't do that because the visual order may be changed by line breaks! std::set GlyphSet::determineLineBreaks(const std::u16string& logicalInput, const float spacing, float maxWidth, const WritingModeType writingMode) const { if (!maxWidth || writingMode != WritingModeType::Horizontal) { return {}; } if (logicalInput.empty()) { return {}; } const float targetWidth = determineAverageLineWidth(logicalInput, spacing, maxWidth); std::list potentialBreaks; float currentX = 0; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < logicalInput.size(); i++) { const char16_t codePoint = logicalInput[i]; auto it = sdfs.find(codePoint); if (it != sdfs.end() && !boost::algorithm::is_any_of(u" \t\n\v\f\r")(codePoint)) { currentX += it->second.metrics.advance + spacing; } // Ideographic characters, spaces, and word-breaking punctuation that often appear without // surrounding spaces. if ((i < logicalInput.size() - 1) && (util::i18n::allowsWordBreaking(codePoint) || util::i18n::allowsIdeographicBreaking(codePoint))) { potentialBreaks.push_back(evaluateBreak(i+1, currentX, targetWidth, potentialBreaks, calculatePenalty(codePoint, logicalInput[i+1]), false)); } } return leastBadBreaks(evaluateBreak(logicalInput.size(), currentX, targetWidth, potentialBreaks, 0, true)); } void GlyphSet::shapeLines(Shaping& shaping, const std::vector& lines, const float spacing, const float lineHeight, const float horizontalAlign, const float verticalAlign, const float justify, const Point& translate, const float verticalHeight, const WritingModeType writingMode) const { // the y offset *should* be part of the font metadata const int32_t yOffset = -17; float x = 0; float y = yOffset; float maxLineLength = 0; for (std::u16string line : lines) { // Collapse whitespace so it doesn't throw off justification boost::algorithm::trim_if(line, boost::algorithm::is_any_of(u" \t\n\v\f\r")); if (line.empty()) { y += lineHeight; // Still need a line feed after empty line continue; } std::size_t lineStartIndex = shaping.positionedGlyphs.size(); for (char16_t chr : line) { auto it = sdfs.find(chr); if (it == sdfs.end()) { continue; } const SDFGlyph& glyph = it->second; if (writingMode == WritingModeType::Horizontal || !util::i18n::hasUprightVerticalOrientation(chr)) { shaping.positionedGlyphs.emplace_back(chr, x, y, 0); x += glyph.metrics.advance + spacing; } else { shaping.positionedGlyphs.emplace_back(chr, x, 0, -M_PI_2); x += verticalHeight + spacing; } } // Only justify if we placed at least one glyph if (shaping.positionedGlyphs.size() != lineStartIndex) { float lineLength = x - spacing; // Don't count trailing spacing maxLineLength = util::max(lineLength, maxLineLength); justifyLine(shaping.positionedGlyphs, sdfs, lineStartIndex, shaping.positionedGlyphs.size() - 1, justify); } x = 0; y += lineHeight; } align(shaping, justify, horizontalAlign, verticalAlign, maxLineLength, lineHeight, lines.size(), translate); const uint32_t height = lines.size() * lineHeight; // Calculate the bounding box shaping.top += -verticalAlign * height; shaping.bottom = shaping.top + height; shaping.left += -horizontalAlign * maxLineLength; shaping.right = shaping.left + maxLineLength; } } // end namespace mbgl