#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace mbgl { static GlyphAtlasObserver nullObserver; GlyphAtlas::GlyphAtlas(const Size size, FileSource& fileSource_) : fileSource(fileSource_), observer(&nullObserver), bin(size.width, size.height), image(size), dirty(true) { } GlyphAtlas::~GlyphAtlas() = default; void GlyphAtlas::getGlyphs(GlyphRequestor& requestor, GlyphDependencies glyphDependencies) { auto dependencies = std::make_shared(std::move(glyphDependencies)); // Figure out which glyph ranges need to be fetched. For each range that does need to // be fetched, record an entry mapping the requestor to a shared pointer containing the // dependencies. When the shared pointer becomes unique, we know that all the dependencies // for that requestor have been fetched, and can notify it of completion. for (const auto& dependency : *dependencies) { const FontStack& fontStack = dependency.first; Entry& entry = entries[fontStack]; const GlyphIDs& glyphIDs = dependency.second; GlyphRangeSet ranges; for (const auto& glyphID : glyphIDs) { ranges.insert(getGlyphRange(glyphID)); } for (const auto& range : ranges) { auto it = entry.ranges.find(range); if (it == entry.ranges.end() || !it->second.parsed) { GlyphRequest& request = requestRange(entry, fontStack, range); request.requestors[&requestor] = dependencies; } } } // If the shared dependencies pointer is already unique, then all dependent glyph ranges // have already been loaded. Send a notification immediately. if (dependencies.unique()) { addGlyphs(requestor, *dependencies); } } GlyphAtlas::GlyphRequest& GlyphAtlas::requestRange(Entry& entry, const FontStack& fontStack, const GlyphRange& range) { GlyphRequest& request = entry.ranges[range]; if (request.req) { return request; } request.req = fileSource.request(Resource::glyphs(glyphURL, fontStack, range), [this, fontStack, range](Response res) { processResponse(res, fontStack, range); }); return request; } void GlyphAtlas::processResponse(const Response& res, const FontStack& fontStack, const GlyphRange& range) { if (res.error) { observer->onGlyphsError(fontStack, range, std::make_exception_ptr(std::runtime_error(res.error->message))); return; } if (res.notModified) { return; } Entry& entry = entries[fontStack]; GlyphRequest& request = entry.ranges[range]; if (!res.noContent) { std::vector glyphs; try { glyphs = parseGlyphPBF(range, *res.data); } catch (...) { observer->onGlyphsError(fontStack, range, std::current_exception()); return; } for (auto& glyph : glyphs) { auto it = entry.glyphs.find(glyph.id); if (it == entry.glyphs.end()) { // Glyph doesn't exist yet. entry.glyphs.emplace(glyph.id, GlyphValue { std::move(glyph.bitmap), std::move(glyph.metrics), {}, {} }); } else if (it->second.metrics == glyph.metrics) { if (it->second.bitmap != glyph.bitmap) { // The actual bitmap was updated; this is unsupported. Log::Warning(Event::Glyph, "Modified glyph changed bitmap represenation"); } // At least try to update it in case it's currently unused. // If it is already used, we won't attempt to update the glyph atlas texture. it->second.bitmap = std::move(glyph.bitmap); } else { // The metrics were updated; this is unsupported. Log::Warning(Event::Glyph, "Modified glyph has different metrics"); return; } } } request.parsed = true; for (auto& pair : request.requestors) { GlyphRequestor& requestor = *pair.first; const std::shared_ptr& dependencies = pair.second; if (dependencies.unique()) { addGlyphs(requestor, *dependencies); } } request.requestors.clear(); observer->onGlyphsLoaded(fontStack, range); } void GlyphAtlas::setObserver(GlyphAtlasObserver* observer_) { observer = observer_ ? observer_ : &nullObserver; } void GlyphAtlas::addGlyphs(GlyphRequestor& requestor, const GlyphDependencies& glyphDependencies) { GlyphPositionMap glyphPositions; for (const auto& dependency : glyphDependencies) { const FontStack& fontStack = dependency.first; const GlyphIDs& glyphIDs = dependency.second; GlyphPositions& positions = glyphPositions[fontStack]; Entry& entry = entries[fontStack]; for (const auto& glyphID : glyphIDs) { // Make a glyph position entry even if we didn't get an SDF for the glyph. During layout, // an empty optional is treated as "loaded but nothing to show", wheras no entry in the // positions map means "not loaded yet". optional& glyph = positions[glyphID]; auto it = entry.glyphs.find(glyphID); if (it == entry.glyphs.end()) continue; it->second.ids.insert(&requestor); glyph = Glyph { addGlyph(it->second), it->second.metrics }; } } requestor.onGlyphsAvailable(glyphPositions); } Rect GlyphAtlas::addGlyph(GlyphValue& value) { // The glyph is already in this texture. if (value.rect) { return *value.rect; } // We don't need to add glyphs without a bitmap (e.g. whitespace). if (!value.bitmap.valid()) { return {}; } // Add a 1px border around every image. const uint32_t padding = 1; uint16_t width = value.bitmap.size.width + 2 * padding; uint16_t height = value.bitmap.size.height + 2 * padding; // Increase to next number divisible by 4, but at least 1. // This is so we can scale down the texture coordinates and pack them // into 2 bytes rather than 4 bytes. width += (4 - width % 4); height += (4 - height % 4); Rect rect = bin.allocate(width, height); if (rect.w == 0) { Log::Error(Event::OpenGL, "glyph bitmap overflow"); return {}; } AlphaImage::copy(value.bitmap, image, { 0, 0 }, { rect.x + padding, rect.y + padding }, value.bitmap.size); value.rect = rect; dirty = true; return rect; } void GlyphAtlas::removeGlyphValues(GlyphRequestor& requestor, std::map& values) { for (auto it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); it++) { GlyphValue& value = it->second; if (value.ids.erase(&requestor) && value.ids.empty() && value.rect) { const Rect& rect = *value.rect; // Clear out the bitmap. uint8_t *target = image.data.get(); for (uint32_t y = 0; y < rect.h; y++) { uint32_t y1 = image.size.width * (rect.y + y) + rect.x; for (uint32_t x = 0; x < rect.w; x++) { target[y1 + x] = 0; } } bin.release(rect); value.rect = {}; } } } void GlyphAtlas::removePendingRanges(mbgl::GlyphRequestor& requestor, std::map& ranges) { for (auto it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end(); it++) { it->second.requestors.erase(&requestor); } } void GlyphAtlas::removeGlyphs(GlyphRequestor& requestor) { for (auto& entry : entries) { removeGlyphValues(requestor, entry.second.glyphs); removePendingRanges(requestor, entry.second.ranges); } } Size GlyphAtlas::getSize() const { return image.size; } void GlyphAtlas::upload(gl::Context& context, gl::TextureUnit unit) { if (!texture) { texture = context.createTexture(image, unit); } else if (dirty) { context.updateTexture(*texture, image, unit); } dirty = false; } void GlyphAtlas::bind(gl::Context& context, gl::TextureUnit unit) { upload(context, unit); context.bindTexture(*texture, unit, gl::TextureFilter::Linear); } } // namespace mbgl