#include #include #include #include #include namespace mbgl { TileLayerIndex::TileLayerIndex(OverscaledTileID coord_, std::vector& symbolInstances, uint32_t bucketInstanceId_, std::string bucketLeaderId_) : coord(coord_), bucketInstanceId(bucketInstanceId_), bucketLeaderId(std::move(bucketLeaderId_)) { for (SymbolInstance& symbolInstance : symbolInstances) { if (symbolInstance.crossTileID == SymbolInstance::invalidCrossTileID()) continue; indexedSymbolInstances[symbolInstance.key].emplace_back(symbolInstance.crossTileID, getScaledCoordinates(symbolInstance, coord)); } } Point TileLayerIndex::getScaledCoordinates(SymbolInstance& symbolInstance, const OverscaledTileID& childTileCoord) const { // Round anchor positions to roughly 4 pixel grid const double roundingFactor = 512.0 / util::EXTENT / 2.0; const double scale = roundingFactor / std::pow(2, childTileCoord.canonical.z - coord.canonical.z); return { static_cast(std::floor((childTileCoord.canonical.x * util::EXTENT + symbolInstance.anchor.point.x) * scale)), static_cast(std::floor((childTileCoord.canonical.y * util::EXTENT + symbolInstance.anchor.point.y) * scale)) }; } void TileLayerIndex::findMatches(SymbolBucket& bucket, const OverscaledTileID& newCoord, std::set& zoomCrossTileIDs) const { auto& symbolInstances = bucket.symbolInstances; float tolerance = coord.canonical.z < newCoord.canonical.z ? 1 : std::pow(2, coord.canonical.z - newCoord.canonical.z); if (bucket.bucketLeaderID != bucketLeaderId) return; for (auto& symbolInstance : symbolInstances) { if (symbolInstance.crossTileID) { // already has a match, skip continue; } auto it = indexedSymbolInstances.find(symbolInstance.key); if (it == indexedSymbolInstances.end()) { // No symbol with this key in this bucket continue; } auto scaledSymbolCoord = getScaledCoordinates(symbolInstance, newCoord); for (const IndexedSymbolInstance& thisTileSymbol : it->second) { // Return any symbol with the same keys whose coordinates are within 1 // grid unit. (with a 4px grid, this covers a 12px by 12px area) if (std::abs(thisTileSymbol.coord.x - scaledSymbolCoord.x) <= tolerance && std::abs(thisTileSymbol.coord.y - scaledSymbolCoord.y) <= tolerance && zoomCrossTileIDs.find(thisTileSymbol.crossTileID) == zoomCrossTileIDs.end()) { // Once we've marked ourselves duplicate against this parent symbol, // don't let any other symbols at the same zoom level duplicate against // the same parent (see issue #10844) zoomCrossTileIDs.insert(thisTileSymbol.crossTileID); symbolInstance.crossTileID = thisTileSymbol.crossTileID; break; } } } } CrossTileSymbolLayerIndex::CrossTileSymbolLayerIndex(uint32_t& maxCrossTileID_) : maxCrossTileID(maxCrossTileID_) {} /* * Sometimes when a user pans across the antimeridian the longitude value gets wrapped. * To prevent labels from flashing out and in we adjust the tileID values in the indexes * so that they match the new wrapped version of the map. */ void CrossTileSymbolLayerIndex::handleWrapJump(float newLng) { const int wrapDelta = ::round((newLng - lng) / 360); if (wrapDelta != 0) { std::map> newIndexes; for (auto& zoomIndex : indexes) { std::map newZoomIndex; for (auto& index : zoomIndex.second) { // change the tileID's wrap and move its index index.second.coord = index.second.coord.unwrapTo(index.second.coord.wrap + wrapDelta); newZoomIndex.emplace(index.second.coord, std::move(index.second)); } newIndexes.emplace(zoomIndex.first, std::move(newZoomIndex)); } indexes = std::move(newIndexes); } lng = newLng; } namespace { bool isInVewport(const mat4& posMatrix, const Point& point) { vec4 p = {{point.x, point.y, 0, 1}}; matrix::transformMat4(p, p, posMatrix); // buffer covers area of the next zoom level (current zoom - 1 covered area). constexpr float buffer = 1.0f; constexpr float edge = 1.0f + buffer; float x = p[0] / p[3]; float y = p[1] / p[3]; return (x > -edge && y > -edge && x < edge && y < edge); } } // namespace bool CrossTileSymbolLayerIndex::addBucket(const OverscaledTileID& tileID, const mat4& tileMatrix, SymbolBucket& bucket) { auto& thisZoomIndexes = indexes[tileID.overscaledZ]; auto previousIndex = thisZoomIndexes.find(tileID); if (previousIndex != thisZoomIndexes.end()) { if (previousIndex->second.bucketInstanceId == bucket.bucketInstanceId && !bucket.hasUninitializedSymbols) { return false; } else { // We're replacing this bucket with an updated version // Remove the old bucket's "used crossTileIDs" now so that the new bucket can claim them. // We have to keep the old index entries themselves until the end of 'addBucket' so // that we can copy them with 'findMatches'. removeBucketCrossTileIDs(tileID.overscaledZ, previousIndex->second); } } bucket.hasUninitializedSymbols = false; if (tileID.overscaleFactor() > 1u) { // For overscaled tiles the viewport might be showing only a small part of the tile, // so we filter out the off-screen symbols to improve the performance. for (auto& symbolInstance : bucket.symbolInstances) { if (isInVewport(tileMatrix, symbolInstance.anchor.point)) { symbolInstance.crossTileID = 0u; } else { symbolInstance.crossTileID = SymbolInstance::invalidCrossTileID(); bucket.hasUninitializedSymbols = true; } } } else { for (auto& symbolInstance : bucket.symbolInstances) { symbolInstance.crossTileID = 0u; } } auto& thisZoomUsedCrossTileIDs = usedCrossTileIDs[tileID.overscaledZ]; for (auto& it : indexes) { auto zoom = it.first; const auto& zoomIndexes = it.second; if (zoom > tileID.overscaledZ) { for (auto& childIndex : zoomIndexes) { if (childIndex.second.coord.isChildOf(tileID)) { childIndex.second.findMatches(bucket, tileID, thisZoomUsedCrossTileIDs); } } } else { auto parentTileID = tileID.scaledTo(zoom); auto parentIndex = zoomIndexes.find(parentTileID); if (parentIndex != zoomIndexes.end()) { parentIndex->second.findMatches(bucket, tileID, thisZoomUsedCrossTileIDs); } } } for (auto& symbolInstance : bucket.symbolInstances) { if (!symbolInstance.crossTileID) { // symbol did not match any known symbol, assign a new id symbolInstance.crossTileID = ++maxCrossTileID; thisZoomUsedCrossTileIDs.insert(symbolInstance.crossTileID); } } thisZoomIndexes.erase(tileID); thisZoomIndexes.emplace( std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(tileID), std::forward_as_tuple(tileID, bucket.symbolInstances, bucket.bucketInstanceId, bucket.bucketLeaderID)); return true; } void CrossTileSymbolLayerIndex::removeBucketCrossTileIDs(uint8_t zoom, const TileLayerIndex& removedBucket) { for (auto key : removedBucket.indexedSymbolInstances) { for (auto indexedSymbolInstance : key.second) { usedCrossTileIDs[zoom].erase(indexedSymbolInstance.crossTileID); } } } bool CrossTileSymbolLayerIndex::removeStaleBuckets(const std::unordered_set& currentIDs) { bool tilesChanged = false; for (auto& zoomIndexes : indexes) { for (auto it = zoomIndexes.second.begin(); it != zoomIndexes.second.end();) { if (!currentIDs.count(it->second.bucketInstanceId)) { removeBucketCrossTileIDs(zoomIndexes.first, it->second); it = zoomIndexes.second.erase(it); tilesChanged = true; } else { ++it; } } } return tilesChanged; } CrossTileSymbolIndex::CrossTileSymbolIndex() = default; auto CrossTileSymbolIndex::addLayer(const RenderLayer& layer, float lng) -> AddLayerResult { auto found = layerIndexes.find(layer.getID()); if (found == layerIndexes.end()) { found = layerIndexes .emplace(std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(layer.getID()), std::forward_as_tuple(maxCrossTileID)) .first; } auto& layerIndex = found->second; AddLayerResult result = AddLayerResult::NoChanges; std::unordered_set currentBucketIDs; layerIndex.handleWrapJump(lng); for (const auto& item : layer.getPlacementData()) { const RenderTile& renderTile = item.tile; Bucket& bucket = item.bucket; auto pair = bucket.registerAtCrossTileIndex(layerIndex, renderTile); assert(pair.first != 0u); if (pair.second) result |= AddLayerResult::BucketsAdded; currentBucketIDs.insert(pair.first); } if (layerIndex.removeStaleBuckets(currentBucketIDs)) result |= AddLayerResult::BucketsRemoved; return result; } void CrossTileSymbolIndex::pruneUnusedLayers(const std::set& usedLayers) { for (auto it = layerIndexes.begin(); it != layerIndexes.end();) { if (usedLayers.find(it->first) == usedLayers.end()) { it = layerIndexes.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } } void CrossTileSymbolIndex::reset() { layerIndexes.clear(); } } // namespace mbgl