#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace mbgl { namespace style { Parser::~Parser() = default; void Parser::parse(const std::string& json) { rapidjson::GenericDocument, rapidjson::CrtAllocator> document; document.Parse<0>(json.c_str()); if (document.HasParseError()) { Log::Error(Event::ParseStyle, "Error parsing style JSON at %i: %s", document.GetErrorOffset(), rapidjson::GetParseError_En(document.GetParseError())); return; } if (document.HasMember("version")) { int version = document["version"].GetInt(); if (version != 8) { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "current renderer implementation only supports style spec version 8; using an outdated style will cause rendering errors"); } } if (document.HasMember("sources")) { parseSources(document["sources"]); } if (document.HasMember("layers")) { parseLayers(document["layers"]); } if (document.HasMember("sprite")) { const JSValue& sprite = document["sprite"]; if (sprite.IsString()) { spriteURL = { sprite.GetString(), sprite.GetStringLength() }; } } if (document.HasMember("glyphs")) { const JSValue& glyphs = document["glyphs"]; if (glyphs.IsString()) { glyphURL = { glyphs.GetString(), glyphs.GetStringLength() }; } } } void Parser::parseSources(const JSValue& value) { if (!value.IsObject()) { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "sources must be an object"); return; } JSValue::ConstMemberIterator itr = value.MemberBegin(); for (; itr != value.MemberEnd(); ++itr) { const JSValue& nameVal = itr->name; const JSValue& sourceVal = itr->value; if (!sourceVal.HasMember("type")) { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "source must have a type"); continue; } const JSValue& typeVal = sourceVal["type"]; if (!typeVal.IsString()) { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "source type must be a string"); continue; } const auto type = Enum::toEnum({ typeVal.GetString(), typeVal.GetStringLength() }); if (!type) { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "source type must have one of the enum values"); continue; } const std::string id { nameVal.GetString(), nameVal.GetStringLength() }; std::unique_ptr source; switch (*type) { case SourceType::Raster: { source = RasterSource::parse(id, sourceVal); break; } case SourceType::Vector: source = VectorSource::parse(id, sourceVal); break; case SourceType::GeoJSON: source = GeoJSONSource::parse(id, sourceVal); break; default: Log::Error(Event::ParseStyle, "source type '%s' is not supported", typeVal.GetString()); continue; } if (source) { sourcesMap.emplace(id, source.get()); sources.emplace_back(std::move(source)); } } } void Parser::parseLayers(const JSValue& value) { std::vector ids; if (!value.IsArray()) { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "layers must be an array"); return; } for (rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < value.Size(); ++i) { const JSValue& layerValue = value[i]; if (!layerValue.IsObject()) { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "layer must be an object"); continue; } if (!layerValue.HasMember("id")) { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "layer must have an id"); continue; } const JSValue& id = layerValue["id"]; if (!id.IsString()) { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "layer id must be a string"); continue; } const std::string layerID = { id.GetString(), id.GetStringLength() }; if (layersMap.find(layerID) != layersMap.end()) { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "duplicate layer id %s", layerID.c_str()); continue; } layersMap.emplace(layerID, std::pair> { layerValue, nullptr }); ids.push_back(layerID); } for (const auto& id : ids) { auto it = layersMap.find(id); parseLayer(it->first, it->second.first, it->second.second); } for (const auto& id : ids) { auto it = layersMap.find(id); if (it->second.second) { layers.emplace_back(std::move(it->second.second)); } } } void Parser::parseLayer(const std::string& id, const JSValue& value, std::unique_ptr& layer) { if (layer) { // Skip parsing this again. We already have a valid layer definition. return; } // Make sure we have not previously attempted to parse this layer. if (std::find(stack.begin(), stack.end(), id) != stack.end()) { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "layer reference of '%s' is circular", id.c_str()); return; } if (value.HasMember("ref")) { // This layer is referencing another layer. Recursively parse that layer. const JSValue& refVal = value["ref"]; if (!refVal.IsString()) { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "layer ref of '%s' must be a string", id.c_str()); return; } const std::string ref { refVal.GetString(), refVal.GetStringLength() }; auto it = layersMap.find(ref); if (it == layersMap.end()) { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "layer '%s' references unknown layer %s", id.c_str(), ref.c_str()); return; } // Recursively parse the referenced layer. stack.push_front(id); parseLayer(it->first, it->second.first, it->second.second); stack.pop_front(); Layer* reference = it->second.second.get(); if (!reference) { return; } layer = reference->copy(id, ref); layer->baseImpl->parsePaints(value); } else { // Otherwise, parse the source/source-layer/filter/render keys to form the bucket. if (!value.HasMember("type")) { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "layer '%s' is missing a type", id.c_str()); return; } const JSValue& typeVal = value["type"]; if (!typeVal.IsString()) { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "layer '%s' has an invalid type", id.c_str()); return; } std::string type { typeVal.GetString(), typeVal.GetStringLength() }; if (type == "fill") { layer = std::make_unique(id); } else if (type == "line") { layer = std::make_unique(id); } else if (type == "circle") { layer = std::make_unique(id); } else if (type == "symbol") { layer = std::make_unique(id); } else if (type == "raster") { layer = std::make_unique(id); } else if (type == "background") { layer = std::make_unique(id); } else { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "unknown type '%s' for layer '%s'", type.c_str(), id.c_str()); return; } Layer::Impl* impl = layer->baseImpl.get(); if (value.HasMember("source")) { const JSValue& value_source = value["source"]; if (value_source.IsString()) { impl->source = { value_source.GetString(), value_source.GetStringLength() }; auto source_it = sourcesMap.find(impl->source); if (source_it == sourcesMap.end()) { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "can't find source '%s' required for layer '%s'", impl->source.c_str(), impl->id.c_str()); } } else { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "source of layer '%s' must be a string", impl->id.c_str()); } } if (value.HasMember("source-layer")) { const JSValue& value_source_layer = value["source-layer"]; if (value_source_layer.IsString()) { impl->sourceLayer = { value_source_layer.GetString(), value_source_layer.GetStringLength() }; } else { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "source-layer of layer '%s' must be a string", impl->id.c_str()); } } if (value.HasMember("filter")) { impl->filter = parseFilter(value["filter"]); } if (value.HasMember("minzoom")) { const JSValue& min_zoom = value["minzoom"]; if (min_zoom.IsNumber()) { impl->minZoom = min_zoom.GetDouble(); } else { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "minzoom of layer %s must be numeric", impl->id.c_str()); } } if (value.HasMember("maxzoom")) { const JSValue& max_zoom = value["maxzoom"]; if (max_zoom.IsNumber()) { impl->maxZoom = max_zoom.GetDouble(); } else { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "maxzoom of layer %s must be numeric", impl->id.c_str()); } } if (value.HasMember("layout")) { parseVisibility(*layer, value["layout"]); impl->parseLayout(value["layout"]); } impl->parsePaints(value); } } void Parser::parseVisibility(Layer& layer, const JSValue& value) { Layer::Impl& impl = *layer.baseImpl; if (!value.HasMember("visibility")) { return; } if (!value["visibility"].IsString()) { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "value of 'visibility' must be a string"); return; } const auto enumValue = Enum::toEnum({ value["visibility"].GetString(), value["visibility"].GetStringLength() }); if (!enumValue) { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "value of 'visibility' must be a valid enumeration value"); return; } impl.visibility = *enumValue; } Value parseFeatureType(const Value& value) { if (value == std::string("Point")) { return Value(uint64_t(FeatureType::Point)); } else if (value == std::string("LineString")) { return Value(uint64_t(FeatureType::LineString)); } else if (value == std::string("Polygon")) { return Value(uint64_t(FeatureType::Polygon)); } else { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "value for $type filter must be Point, LineString, or Polygon"); return Value(uint64_t(FeatureType::Unknown)); } } Value parseValue(const JSValue& value) { switch (value.GetType()) { case rapidjson::kNullType: case rapidjson::kFalseType: return false; case rapidjson::kTrueType: return true; case rapidjson::kStringType: return std::string { value.GetString(), value.GetStringLength() }; case rapidjson::kNumberType: if (value.IsUint64()) return value.GetUint64(); if (value.IsInt64()) return value.GetInt64(); return value.GetDouble(); default: return false; } } template Filter parseUnaryFilter(const JSValue& value) { Filter empty; if (value.Size() < 2) { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "filter expression must have 2 elements"); return empty; } if (!value[1u].IsString()) { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "filter expression key must be a string"); return empty; } Expression expression; expression.key = { value[1u].GetString(), value[1u].GetStringLength() }; return expression; } template Filter parseBinaryFilter(const JSValue& value) { Filter empty; if (value.Size() < 3) { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "filter expression must have 3 elements"); return empty; } if (!value[1u].IsString()) { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "filter expression key must be a string"); return empty; } Expression expression; expression.key = { value[1u].GetString(), value[1u].GetStringLength() }; expression.value = parseValue(value[2u]); if (expression.key == "$type") { expression.value = parseFeatureType(expression.value); } return expression; } template Filter parseSetFilter(const JSValue& value) { Filter empty; if (value.Size() < 2) { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "filter expression must at least 2 elements"); return empty; } if (!value[1u].IsString()) { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "filter expression key must be a string"); return empty; } Expression expression; expression.key = { value[1u].GetString(), value[1u].GetStringLength() }; for (rapidjson::SizeType i = 2; i < value.Size(); ++i) { Value parsedValue = parseValue(value[i]); if (expression.key == "$type") { parsedValue = parseFeatureType(parsedValue); } expression.values.push_back(parsedValue); } return expression; } template Filter parseCompoundFilter(const JSValue& value) { Expression expression; for (rapidjson::SizeType i = 1; i < value.Size(); ++i) { expression.filters.push_back(parseFilter(value[i])); } return expression; } Filter parseFilter(const JSValue& value) { Filter empty; if (!value.IsArray()) { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "filter expression must be an array"); return empty; } if (value.Size() < 1) { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "filter expression must have at least 1 element"); return empty; } if (!value[0u].IsString()) { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "filter operator must be a string"); return empty; } std::string op = { value[0u].GetString(), value[0u].GetStringLength() }; if (op == "==") { return parseBinaryFilter(value); } else if (op == "!=") { return parseBinaryFilter(value); } else if (op == ">") { return parseBinaryFilter(value); } else if (op == ">=") { return parseBinaryFilter(value); } else if (op == "<") { return parseBinaryFilter(value); } else if (op == "<=") { return parseBinaryFilter(value); } else if (op == "in") { return parseSetFilter(value); } else if (op == "!in") { return parseSetFilter(value); } else if (op == "all") { return parseCompoundFilter(value); } else if (op == "any") { return parseCompoundFilter(value); } else if (op == "none") { return parseCompoundFilter(value); } else if (op == "has") { return parseUnaryFilter(value); } else if (op == "!has") { return parseUnaryFilter(value); } else { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "filter operator must be one of \"==\", \"!=\", \">\", \">=\", \"<\", \"<=\", \"in\", \"!in\", \"all\", \"any\", \"none\", \"has\", or \"!has\""); return empty; } } std::vector Parser::fontStacks() const { std::set result; for (const auto& layer : layers) { if (layer->is()) { PropertyValue textFont = layer->as()->getTextFont(); if (textFont.isUndefined()) { result.insert({"Open Sans Regular", "Arial Unicode MS Regular"}); } else if (textFont.isConstant()) { result.insert(textFont.asConstant()); } else if (textFont.isFunction()) { for (const auto& stop : textFont.asFunction().getStops()) { result.insert(stop.second); } } } } return std::vector(result.begin(), result.end()); } } // namespace style } // namespace mbgl