<% const type = locals.type; const layoutProperties = locals.layoutProperties; const paintProperties = locals.paintProperties; -%> // This file is generated. Edit scripts/generate-style-code.js, then run `make style-code`. #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace mbgl { namespace style { <% for (const property of layoutProperties) { -%> struct <%- camelize(property.name) %> : <%- layoutPropertyType(property, type) %> { static constexpr const char *name() { return "<%- property.name %>"; } static <%- evaluatedType(property) %> defaultValue() { return <%- defaultValue(property) %>; } }; <% } -%> <% for (const property of paintProperties) { -%> <% if (property['property-type'] === 'color-ramp') { -%> struct <%- camelize(property.name) %> : ColorRampProperty { }; <% } else { -%> struct <%- camelize(property.name) %> : <%- paintPropertyType(property, type) %> { static <%- evaluatedType(property) %> defaultValue() { return <%- defaultValue(property) %>; } <% if (isOverridable(property)) { -%> static constexpr const char *name() { return "<%- property.name %>"; } static constexpr auto expressionType() { return expression::type::<%- expressionType(property) %>{}; }; template static bool hasOverride(const T& t) { return !!t.<%- camelizeWithLeadingLowercase(property.name) %>; }; <% } -%> }; <% if (property.name === 'line-width') { -%> struct LineFloorWidth : DataDrivenPaintProperty { using EvaluatorType = DataDrivenPropertyEvaluator; static float defaultValue() { return 1.0f; } }; <% } -%> <% } -%> <% } -%> <% if (layoutProperties.length) { -%> class <%- camelize(type) %>LayoutProperties : public Properties< <% for (const property of layoutProperties.slice(0, -1)) { -%> <%- camelize(property.name) %>, <% } -%> <%- camelize(layoutProperties.slice(-1)[0].name) %> > {}; <% } -%> class <%- camelize(type) %>PaintProperties : public Properties< <% for (const property of paintProperties.slice(0, -1)) { -%> <%- camelize(property.name) %>, <% if (property.name === 'line-width') { -%> LineFloorWidth, <% } -%> <% } -%> <%- camelize(paintProperties.slice(-1)[0].name) %> > {}; } // namespace style } // namespace mbgl