#include namespace mbgl { namespace style { namespace expression { using Interpolator = variant; using namespace mbgl::style::conversion; ParseResult parseInterpolate(const Convertible& value, ParsingContext& ctx) { assert(isArray(value)); auto length = arrayLength(value); if (length < 2) { ctx.error("Expected an interpolation type expression."); return ParseResult(); } const Convertible& interp = arrayMember(value, 1); if (!isArray(interp) || arrayLength(interp) == 0) { ctx.error("Expected an interpolation type expression."); return ParseResult(); } optional interpolator; const optional interpName = toString(arrayMember(interp, 0)); if (interpName && *interpName == "linear") { interpolator = {ExponentialInterpolator(1.0)}; } else if (interpName && *interpName == "exponential") { optional base; if (arrayLength(interp) == 2) { base = toDouble(arrayMember(interp, 1)); } if (!base) { ctx.error("Exponential interpolation requires a numeric base.", 1, 1); return ParseResult(); } interpolator = {ExponentialInterpolator(*base)}; } else if (interpName && *interpName == "cubic-bezier") { optional x1; optional y1; optional x2; optional y2; if (arrayLength(interp) == 5) { x1 = toDouble(arrayMember(interp, 1)); y1 = toDouble(arrayMember(interp, 2)); x2 = toDouble(arrayMember(interp, 3)); y2 = toDouble(arrayMember(interp, 4)); } if ( !x1 || !y1 || !x2 || !y2 || *x1 < 0 || *x1 > 1 || *y1 < 0 || *y1 > 1 || *x2 < 0 || *x2 > 1 || *y2 < 0 || *y2 > 1 ) { ctx.error("Cubic bezier interpolation requires four numeric arguments with values between 0 and 1.", 1); return ParseResult(); } interpolator = {CubicBezierInterpolator(*x1, *y1, *x2, *y2)}; } if (!interpolator) { ctx.error("Unknown interpolation type " + (interpName ? *interpName : ""), 1, 0); return ParseResult(); } std::size_t minArgs = 4; if (length - 1 < minArgs) { ctx.error("Expected at least 4 arguments, but found only " + std::to_string(length - 1) + "."); return ParseResult(); } // [interpolation, interp_type, input, 2 * (n pairs)...] if ((length - 1) % 2 != 0) { ctx.error("Expected an even number of arguments."); return ParseResult(); } ParseResult input = ctx.parse(arrayMember(value, 2), 2, {type::Number}); if (!input) { return input; } std::map> stops; optional outputType; if (ctx.getExpected() && *ctx.getExpected() != type::Value) { outputType = ctx.getExpected(); } double previous = - std::numeric_limits::infinity(); for (std::size_t i = 3; i + 1 < length; i += 2) { const optional labelValue = toValue(arrayMember(value, i)); optional label; optional labelError; if (labelValue) { labelValue->match( [&](uint64_t n) { if (n > std::numeric_limits::max()) { label = {std::numeric_limits::infinity()}; } else { label = {static_cast(n)}; } }, [&](int64_t n) { if (n > std::numeric_limits::max()) { label = {std::numeric_limits::infinity()}; } else { label = {static_cast(n)}; } }, [&](double n) { if (n > std::numeric_limits::max()) { label = {std::numeric_limits::infinity()}; } else { label = {static_cast(n)}; } }, [&](const auto&) {} ); } if (!label) { ctx.error(labelError ? *labelError : R"(Input/output pairs for "interpolate" expressions must be defined using literal numeric values (not computed expressions) for the input values.)", i); return ParseResult(); } if (*label <= previous) { ctx.error( R"(Input/output pairs for "interpolate" expressions must be arranged with input values in strictly ascending order.)", i ); return ParseResult(); } previous = *label; auto output = ctx.parse(arrayMember(value, i + 1), i + 1, outputType); if (!output) { return ParseResult(); } if (!outputType) { outputType = (*output)->getType(); } stops.emplace(*label, std::move(*output)); } assert(outputType); if ( *outputType != type::Number && *outputType != type::Color && !( outputType->is() && outputType->get().itemType == type::Number && outputType->get().N ) ) { ctx.error("Type " + toString(*outputType) + " is not interpolatable."); return ParseResult(); } return outputType->match( [&](const type::NumberType&) -> ParseResult { return interpolator->match([&](const auto& interpolator_) { return ParseResult(std::make_unique>( *outputType, interpolator_, std::move(*input), std::move(stops) )); }); }, [&](const type::ColorType&) -> ParseResult { return interpolator->match([&](const auto& interpolator_) { return ParseResult(std::make_unique>( *outputType, interpolator_, std::move(*input), std::move(stops) )); }); }, [&](const type::Array& arrayType) -> ParseResult { return interpolator->match( [&](const auto& continuousInterpolator) { if (arrayType.itemType != type::Number || !arrayType.N) { assert(false); // interpolability already checked above. return ParseResult(); } return ParseResult(std::make_unique>>( *outputType, continuousInterpolator, std::move(*input), std::move(stops) )); } ); }, [&](const auto&) { // unreachable: Null, Boolean, String, Object, Value output types // are not interpolatable, and interpolability was already checked above assert(false); return ParseResult(); } ); } } // namespace expression } // namespace style } // namespace mbgl