#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace mbgl { SpriteAtlas::SpriteAtlas(dimension width_, dimension height_, float pixelRatio_, SpriteStore& store_) : width(width_), height(height_), pixelWidth(std::ceil(width * pixelRatio_)), pixelHeight(std::ceil(height * pixelRatio_)), pixelRatio(pixelRatio_), store(store_), bin(width_, height_), dirty(true) { } Rect SpriteAtlas::allocateImage(const SpriteImage& spriteImage) { const uint16_t pixel_width = std::ceil(spriteImage.image.width / pixelRatio); const uint16_t pixel_height = std::ceil(spriteImage.image.height / pixelRatio); // Increase to next number divisible by 4, but at least 1. // This is so we can scale down the texture coordinates and pack them // into 2 bytes rather than 4 bytes. const uint16_t pack_width = (pixel_width + 1) + (4 - (pixel_width + 1) % 4); const uint16_t pack_height = (pixel_height + 1) + (4 - (pixel_height + 1) % 4); // We have to allocate a new area in the bin, and store an empty image in it. // Add a 1px border around every image. Rect rect = bin.allocate(pack_width, pack_height); if (rect.w == 0) { return rect; } return rect; } optional SpriteAtlas::getImage(const std::string& name, const bool wrap) { std::lock_guard lock(mtx); auto rect_it = images.find({ name, wrap }); if (rect_it != images.end()) { return SpriteAtlasElement { rect_it->second.pos, rect_it->second.spriteImage, rect_it->second.spriteImage->pixelRatio / pixelRatio }; } auto sprite = store.getSprite(name); if (!sprite) { return {}; } Rect rect = allocateImage(*sprite); if (rect.w == 0) { if (debug::spriteWarnings) { Log::Warning(Event::Sprite, "sprite atlas bitmap overflow"); } return {}; } const Holder& holder = images.emplace(Key{ name, wrap }, Holder{ sprite, rect }).first->second; copy(holder, wrap); return SpriteAtlasElement { rect, sprite, sprite->pixelRatio / pixelRatio }; } optional SpriteAtlas::getPosition(const std::string& name, bool repeating) { std::lock_guard lock(mtx); auto img = getImage(name, repeating); if (!img) { return {}; } auto rect = (*img).pos; const float padding = 1; auto spriteImage = (*img).spriteImage; const float w = spriteImage->getWidth() * (*img).relativePixelRatio; const float h = spriteImage->getHeight() * (*img).relativePixelRatio; return SpriteAtlasPosition { {{ float(spriteImage->getWidth()), spriteImage->getHeight() }}, {{ float(rect.x + padding) / width, float(rect.y + padding) / height }}, {{ float(rect.x + padding + w) / width, float(rect.y + padding + h) / height }} }; } void copyBitmap(const uint32_t *src, const uint32_t srcStride, const uint32_t srcX, const uint32_t srcY, uint32_t *const dst, const uint32_t dstStride, const uint32_t dstX, const uint32_t dstY, int dstSize, const int width, const int height, const bool wrap) { int srcI = srcY * srcStride + srcX; int dstI = dstY * dstStride + dstX; int x, y; if (wrap) { // add 1 pixel wrapped padding on each side of the image dstI -= dstStride; for (y = -1; y <= height; y++, srcI = ((y + height) % height + srcY) * srcStride + srcX, dstI += dstStride) { for (x = -1; x <= width; x++) { const int dstIndex = (dstI + x + dstSize) % dstSize; dst[dstIndex] = src[srcI + ((x + width) % width)]; } } } else { for (y = 0; y < height; y++, srcI += srcStride, dstI += dstStride) { for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { const int dstIndex = (dstI + x + dstSize) % dstSize; dst[dstIndex] = src[srcI + x]; } } } } void SpriteAtlas::copy(const Holder& holder, const bool wrap) { if (!data) { data = std::make_unique(pixelWidth * pixelHeight); std::fill(data.get(), data.get() + pixelWidth * pixelHeight, 0); } const uint32_t *srcData = reinterpret_cast(holder.spriteImage->image.data.get()); if (!srcData) return; uint32_t *const dstData = data.get(); const int padding = 1; copyBitmap(srcData, uint32_t(holder.spriteImage->image.width), 0, 0, dstData, pixelWidth, (holder.pos.x + padding) * pixelRatio, (holder.pos.y + padding) * pixelRatio, pixelWidth * pixelHeight, uint32_t(holder.spriteImage->image.width), uint32_t(holder.spriteImage->image.height), wrap); dirty = true; } void SpriteAtlas::upload(gl::ObjectStore& objectStore) { if (dirty) { bind(false, objectStore); } } void SpriteAtlas::updateDirty() { auto dirtySprites = store.getDirty(); if (dirtySprites.empty()) { return; } std::lock_guard lock(mtx); auto imageIterator = images.begin(); auto spriteIterator = dirtySprites.begin(); while (imageIterator != images.end() && spriteIterator != dirtySprites.end()) { if (imageIterator->first.first < spriteIterator->first) { ++imageIterator; } else if (spriteIterator->first < imageIterator->first.first) { ++spriteIterator; } else { // The two names match; Holder& holder = imageIterator->second; holder.spriteImage = spriteIterator->second; if (holder.spriteImage != nullptr) { copy(holder, imageIterator->first.second); ++imageIterator; } else { images.erase(imageIterator++); } // Don't advance the spriteIterator because there might be another sprite with the same // name, but a different wrap value. } } } void SpriteAtlas::bind(bool linear, gl::ObjectStore& objectStore) { if (!data) { return; // Empty atlas } if (!texture) { texture = objectStore.createTexture(); MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, *texture)); #ifndef GL_ES_VERSION_2_0 MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL, 0)); #endif // We are using clamp to edge here since OpenGL ES doesn't allow GL_REPEAT on NPOT textures. // We use those when the pixelRatio isn't a power of two, e.g. on iPhone 6 Plus. MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE)); MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE)); fullUploadRequired = true; } else { MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, *texture)); } GLuint filter_val = linear ? GL_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST; if (filter_val != filter) { MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, filter_val)); MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, filter_val)); filter = filter_val; } if (dirty) { std::lock_guard lock(mtx); if (fullUploadRequired) { MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, // GLenum target 0, // GLint level GL_RGBA, // GLint internalformat pixelWidth, // GLsizei width pixelHeight, // GLsizei height 0, // GLint border GL_RGBA, // GLenum format GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, // GLenum type data.get() // const GLvoid * data )); fullUploadRequired = false; } else { MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glTexSubImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, // GLenum target 0, // GLint level 0, // GLint xoffset 0, // GLint yoffset pixelWidth, // GLsizei width pixelHeight, // GLsizei height GL_RGBA, // GLenum format GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, // GLenum type data.get() // const GLvoid *pixels )); } dirty = false; #ifndef GL_ES_VERSION_2_0 // platform::showColorDebugImage("Sprite Atlas", reinterpret_cast(data.get()), // pixelWidth, pixelHeight, pixelWidth, pixelHeight); #endif } } SpriteAtlas::~SpriteAtlas() = default; SpriteAtlas::Holder::Holder(std::shared_ptr spriteImage_, Rect pos_) : spriteImage(std::move(spriteImage_)), pos(std::move(pos_)) { } SpriteAtlas::Holder::Holder(Holder&& h) : spriteImage(std::move(h.spriteImage)), pos(h.pos) { } } // namespace mbgl