// NOTE: DO NOT CHANGE THIS FILE. IT IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. #include namespace mbgl { namespace shaders { const char* symbol_sdf::name = "symbol_sdf"; const char* symbol_sdf::vertexSource = R"MBGL_SHADER( const float PI = 3.141592653589793; attribute vec4 a_pos_offset; attribute vec4 a_data; attribute vec3 a_projected_pos; // contents of a_size vary based on the type of property value // used for {text,icon}-size. // For constants, a_size is disabled. // For source functions, we bind only one value per vertex: the value of {text,icon}-size evaluated for the current feature. // For composite functions: // [ text-size(lowerZoomStop, feature), // text-size(upperZoomStop, feature) ] uniform bool u_is_size_zoom_constant; uniform bool u_is_size_feature_constant; uniform highp float u_size_t; // used to interpolate between zoom stops when size is a composite function uniform highp float u_size; // used when size is both zoom and feature constant #ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_fill_color uniform lowp float a_fill_color_t; attribute highp vec4 a_fill_color; varying highp vec4 fill_color; #else uniform highp vec4 u_fill_color; #endif #ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_halo_color uniform lowp float a_halo_color_t; attribute highp vec4 a_halo_color; varying highp vec4 halo_color; #else uniform highp vec4 u_halo_color; #endif #ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_opacity uniform lowp float a_opacity_t; attribute lowp vec2 a_opacity; varying lowp float opacity; #else uniform lowp float u_opacity; #endif #ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_halo_width uniform lowp float a_halo_width_t; attribute lowp vec2 a_halo_width; varying lowp float halo_width; #else uniform lowp float u_halo_width; #endif #ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_halo_blur uniform lowp float a_halo_blur_t; attribute lowp vec2 a_halo_blur; varying lowp float halo_blur; #else uniform lowp float u_halo_blur; #endif uniform mat4 u_matrix; uniform mat4 u_label_plane_matrix; uniform mat4 u_gl_coord_matrix; uniform bool u_is_text; uniform bool u_pitch_with_map; uniform highp float u_pitch; uniform highp float u_camera_to_center_distance; uniform highp float u_collision_y_stretch; uniform vec2 u_texsize; varying vec4 v_data0; varying vec2 v_data1; void main() { #ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_fill_color fill_color = unpack_mix_vec4(a_fill_color, a_fill_color_t); #else highp vec4 fill_color = u_fill_color; #endif #ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_halo_color halo_color = unpack_mix_vec4(a_halo_color, a_halo_color_t); #else highp vec4 halo_color = u_halo_color; #endif #ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_opacity opacity = unpack_mix_vec2(a_opacity, a_opacity_t); #else lowp float opacity = u_opacity; #endif #ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_halo_width halo_width = unpack_mix_vec2(a_halo_width, a_halo_width_t); #else lowp float halo_width = u_halo_width; #endif #ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_halo_blur halo_blur = unpack_mix_vec2(a_halo_blur, a_halo_blur_t); #else lowp float halo_blur = u_halo_blur; #endif vec2 a_pos = a_pos_offset.xy; vec2 a_offset = a_pos_offset.zw; vec2 a_tex = a_data.xy; vec2 a_size = a_data.zw; highp vec2 angle_labelminzoom = unpack_float(a_projected_pos[2]); highp float segment_angle = -angle_labelminzoom[0] / 255.0 * 2.0 * PI; mediump float a_labelminzoom = angle_labelminzoom[1]; float size; if (!u_is_size_zoom_constant && !u_is_size_feature_constant) { size = mix(a_size[0], a_size[1], u_size_t) / 10.0; } else if (u_is_size_zoom_constant && !u_is_size_feature_constant) { size = a_size[0] / 10.0; } else if (!u_is_size_zoom_constant && u_is_size_feature_constant) { size = u_size; } else { size = u_size; } vec4 projectedPoint = u_matrix * vec4(a_pos, 0, 1); highp float camera_to_anchor_distance = projectedPoint.w; // If the label is pitched with the map, layout is done in pitched space, // which makes labels in the distance smaller relative to viewport space. // We counteract part of that effect by multiplying by the perspective ratio. // If the label isn't pitched with the map, we do layout in viewport space, // which makes labels in the distance larger relative to the features around // them. We counteract part of that effect by dividing by the perspective ratio. highp float distance_ratio = u_pitch_with_map ? camera_to_anchor_distance / u_camera_to_center_distance : u_camera_to_center_distance / camera_to_anchor_distance; highp float perspective_ratio = 0.5 + 0.5 * distance_ratio; size *= perspective_ratio; float fontScale = u_is_text ? size / 24.0 : size; highp float angle_sin = sin(segment_angle); highp float angle_cos = cos(segment_angle); mat2 rotation_matrix = mat2(angle_cos, -1.0 * angle_sin, angle_sin, angle_cos); vec4 projected_pos = u_label_plane_matrix * vec4(a_projected_pos.xy, 0.0, 1.0); gl_Position = u_gl_coord_matrix * vec4(projected_pos.xy / projected_pos.w + rotation_matrix * (a_offset / 64.0 * fontScale), 0.0, 1.0); float gamma_scale = gl_Position.w; vec2 tex = a_tex / u_texsize; // incidence_stretch is the ratio of how much y space a label takes up on a tile while drawn perpendicular to the viewport vs // how much space it would take up if it were drawn flat on the tile // Using law of sines, camera_to_anchor/sin(ground_angle) = camera_to_center/sin(incidence_angle) // sin(incidence_angle) = 1/incidence_stretch // Incidence angle 90 -> head on, sin(incidence_angle) = 1, no incidence stretch // Incidence angle 1 -> very oblique, sin(incidence_angle) =~ 0, lots of incidence stretch // ground_angle = u_pitch + PI/2 -> sin(ground_angle) = cos(u_pitch) // This 2D calculation is only exactly correct when gl_Position.x is in the center of the viewport, // but it's a close enough approximation for our purposes highp float incidence_stretch = camera_to_anchor_distance / (u_camera_to_center_distance * cos(u_pitch)); // incidence_stretch only applies to the y-axis, but without re-calculating the collision tile, we can't // adjust the size of only one axis. So, we do a crude approximation at placement time to get the aspect ratio // about right, and then do the rest of the adjustment here: there will be some extra padding on the x-axis, // but hopefully not too much. // Never make the adjustment less than 1.0: instead of allowing collisions on the x-axis, be conservative on // the y-axis. highp float collision_adjustment = max(1.0, incidence_stretch / u_collision_y_stretch); // Floor to 1/10th zoom to dodge precision issues that can cause partially hidden labels highp float collision_perspective_ratio = 1.0 + 0.5*((camera_to_anchor_distance / u_camera_to_center_distance) - 1.0); highp float perspective_zoom_adjust = floor(log2(collision_perspective_ratio * collision_adjustment) * 10.0); vec2 fade_tex = vec2((a_labelminzoom + perspective_zoom_adjust) / 255.0, 0.0); v_data0 = vec4(tex.x, tex.y, fade_tex.x, fade_tex.y); v_data1 = vec2(gamma_scale, size); } )MBGL_SHADER"; const char* symbol_sdf::fragmentSource = R"MBGL_SHADER( #define SDF_PX 8.0 #define EDGE_GAMMA 0.105/DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO uniform bool u_is_halo; #ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_fill_color varying highp vec4 fill_color; #else uniform highp vec4 u_fill_color; #endif #ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_halo_color varying highp vec4 halo_color; #else uniform highp vec4 u_halo_color; #endif #ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_opacity varying lowp float opacity; #else uniform lowp float u_opacity; #endif #ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_halo_width varying lowp float halo_width; #else uniform lowp float u_halo_width; #endif #ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_halo_blur varying lowp float halo_blur; #else uniform lowp float u_halo_blur; #endif uniform sampler2D u_texture; uniform sampler2D u_fadetexture; uniform highp float u_gamma_scale; uniform bool u_is_text; varying vec4 v_data0; varying vec2 v_data1; void main() { #ifdef HAS_UNIFORM_u_fill_color highp vec4 fill_color = u_fill_color; #endif #ifdef HAS_UNIFORM_u_halo_color highp vec4 halo_color = u_halo_color; #endif #ifdef HAS_UNIFORM_u_opacity lowp float opacity = u_opacity; #endif #ifdef HAS_UNIFORM_u_halo_width lowp float halo_width = u_halo_width; #endif #ifdef HAS_UNIFORM_u_halo_blur lowp float halo_blur = u_halo_blur; #endif vec2 tex = v_data0.xy; vec2 fade_tex = v_data0.zw; float gamma_scale = v_data1.x; float size = v_data1.y; float fontScale = u_is_text ? size / 24.0 : size; lowp vec4 color = fill_color; highp float gamma = EDGE_GAMMA / (fontScale * u_gamma_scale); lowp float buff = (256.0 - 64.0) / 256.0; if (u_is_halo) { color = halo_color; gamma = (halo_blur * 1.19 / SDF_PX + EDGE_GAMMA) / (fontScale * u_gamma_scale); buff = (6.0 - halo_width / fontScale) / SDF_PX; } lowp float dist = texture2D(u_texture, tex).a; lowp float fade_alpha = texture2D(u_fadetexture, fade_tex).a; highp float gamma_scaled = gamma * gamma_scale; highp float alpha = smoothstep(buff - gamma_scaled, buff + gamma_scaled, dist) * fade_alpha; gl_FragColor = color * (alpha * opacity); #ifdef OVERDRAW_INSPECTOR gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0); #endif } )MBGL_SHADER"; } // namespace shaders } // namespace mbgl