// NOTE: DO NOT CHANGE THIS FILE. IT IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. #include #include namespace mbgl { namespace shaders { const char* hillshade_prepare::name = "hillshade_prepare"; const char* hillshade_prepare::vertexSource = source() + 36635; const char* hillshade_prepare::fragmentSource = source() + 36849; // Uncompressed source of hillshade_prepare.vertex.glsl: /* uniform mat4 u_matrix; attribute vec2 a_pos; attribute vec2 a_texture_pos; varying vec2 v_pos; void main() { gl_Position = u_matrix * vec4(a_pos, 0, 1); v_pos = (a_texture_pos / 8192.0) / 2.0 + 0.25; } */ // Uncompressed source of hillshade_prepare.fragment.glsl: /* #ifdef GL_ES precision highp float; #endif uniform sampler2D u_image; varying vec2 v_pos; uniform vec2 u_dimension; uniform float u_zoom; uniform float u_maxzoom; float getElevation(vec2 coord, float bias) { // Convert encoded elevation value to meters vec4 data = texture2D(u_image, coord) * 255.0; return (data.r + data.g * 256.0 + data.b * 256.0 * 256.0) / 4.0; } void main() { vec2 epsilon = 1.0 / u_dimension; // queried pixels: // +-----------+ // | | | | // | a | b | c | // | | | | // +-----------+ // | | | | // | d | e | f | // | | | | // +-----------+ // | | | | // | g | h | i | // | | | | // +-----------+ float a = getElevation(v_pos + vec2(-epsilon.x, -epsilon.y), 0.0); float b = getElevation(v_pos + vec2(0, -epsilon.y), 0.0); float c = getElevation(v_pos + vec2(epsilon.x, -epsilon.y), 0.0); float d = getElevation(v_pos + vec2(-epsilon.x, 0), 0.0); float e = getElevation(v_pos, 0.0); float f = getElevation(v_pos + vec2(epsilon.x, 0), 0.0); float g = getElevation(v_pos + vec2(-epsilon.x, epsilon.y), 0.0); float h = getElevation(v_pos + vec2(0, epsilon.y), 0.0); float i = getElevation(v_pos + vec2(epsilon.x, epsilon.y), 0.0); // here we divide the x and y slopes by 8 * pixel size // where pixel size (aka meters/pixel) is: // circumference of the world / (pixels per tile * number of tiles) // which is equivalent to: 8 * 40075016.6855785 / (512 * pow(2, u_zoom)) // which can be reduced to: pow(2, 19.25619978527 - u_zoom) // we want to vertically exaggerate the hillshading though, because otherwise // it is barely noticeable at low zooms. to do this, we multiply this by some // scale factor pow(2, (u_zoom - u_maxzoom) * a) where a is an arbitrary value // Here we use a=0.3 which works out to the expression below. see // nickidlugash's awesome breakdown for more info // https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-js/pull/5286#discussion_r148419556 float exaggeration = u_zoom < 2.0 ? 0.4 : u_zoom < 4.5 ? 0.35 : 0.3; vec2 deriv = vec2( (c + f + f + i) - (a + d + d + g), (g + h + h + i) - (a + b + b + c) ) / pow(2.0, (u_zoom - u_maxzoom) * exaggeration + 19.2562 - u_zoom); gl_FragColor = clamp(vec4( deriv.x / 2.0 + 0.5, deriv.y / 2.0 + 0.5, 1.0, 1.0), 0.0, 1.0); #ifdef OVERDRAW_INSPECTOR gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0); #endif } */ } // namespace shaders } // namespace mbgl