attribute vec2 a_pos; attribute vec2 a_offset; attribute vec4 a_data1; attribute vec4 a_data2; // matrix is for the vertex position, exmatrix is for rotating and projecting // the extrusion vector. uniform mat4 u_matrix; uniform mat4 u_exmatrix; uniform float u_angle; uniform float u_zoom; uniform float u_flip; uniform float u_fadedist; uniform float u_minfadezoom; uniform float u_maxfadezoom; uniform float u_fadezoom; uniform vec2 u_texsize; varying vec2 v_tex; varying float v_alpha; void main() { vec2 a_tex = a_data1.xy; float a_labelminzoom = a_data1[2]; float a_angle = a_data1[3]; vec2 a_zoom =; float a_minzoom = a_zoom[0]; float a_maxzoom = a_zoom[1]; vec2 a_range = a_data2.pq; float a_rangeend = a_range[0]; float a_rangestart = a_range[1]; float rev = 0.0; // u_angle is angle of the map, -128..128 representing 0..2PI // a_angle is angle of the label, 0..256 representing 0..2PI, where 0 is horizontal text float rotated = mod(a_angle + u_angle, 256.0); // if the label rotates with the map, and if the rotated label is upside down, hide it if (u_flip > 0.0 && rotated >= 64.0 && rotated < 192.0) rev = 1.0; // If the label should be invisible, we move the vertex outside // of the view plane so that the triangle gets clipped. This makes it easier // for us to create degenerate triangle strips. // u_zoom is the current zoom level adjusted for the change in font size float z = 2.0 - step(a_minzoom, u_zoom) - (1.0 - step(a_maxzoom, u_zoom)) + rev; // fade out labels float alpha = clamp((u_fadezoom - a_labelminzoom) / u_fadedist, 0.0, 1.0); if (u_fadedist >= 0.0) { v_alpha = alpha; } else { v_alpha = 1.0 - alpha; } if (u_maxfadezoom < a_labelminzoom) { v_alpha = 0.0; } if (u_minfadezoom >= a_labelminzoom) { v_alpha = 1.0; } // if label has been faded out, clip it z += step(v_alpha, 0.0); // all the angles are 0..256 representing 0..2PI // hide if (angle >= a_rangeend && angle < rangestart) z += step(a_rangeend, u_angle) * (1.0 - step(a_rangestart, u_angle)); gl_Position = u_matrix * vec4(a_pos, 0, 1) + u_exmatrix * vec4(a_offset / 64.0, z, 0); v_tex = a_tex / u_texsize; }