#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace mbgl { using namespace style; RenderImageSource::RenderImageSource(Immutable impl_) : RenderSource(impl_) { } RenderImageSource::~RenderImageSource() = default; const style::ImageSource::Impl& RenderImageSource::impl() const { return static_cast(*baseImpl); } bool RenderImageSource::isLoaded() const { return !!bucket; } void RenderImageSource::startRender(PaintParameters& parameters) { if (!isLoaded()) { return; } matrices.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < tileIds.size(); i++) { mat4 matrix; matrix::identity(matrix); parameters.state.matrixFor(matrix, tileIds[i]); matrix::multiply(matrix, parameters.alignedProjMatrix, matrix); matrices.push_back(matrix); } if (bucket->needsUpload()) { bucket->upload(parameters.context); } } void RenderImageSource::finishRender(PaintParameters& parameters) { if (!isLoaded() || !(parameters.debugOptions & MapDebugOptions::TileBorders)) { return; } static const style::Properties<>::PossiblyEvaluated properties {}; static const DebugProgram::Binders paintAttributeData(properties, 0); auto& programInstance = parameters.programs.debug; for (auto matrix : matrices) { programInstance.draw( parameters.context, *parameters.renderPass, gfx::LineStrip { 4.0f * parameters.pixelRatio }, gfx::DepthMode::disabled(), gfx::StencilMode::disabled(), gfx::ColorMode::unblended(), gfx::CullFaceMode::disabled(), parameters.staticData.tileBorderIndexBuffer, parameters.staticData.tileBorderSegments, programInstance.computeAllUniformValues( DebugProgram::LayoutUniformValues { uniforms::matrix::Value( matrix ), uniforms::color::Value( Color::red() ) }, paintAttributeData, properties, parameters.state.getZoom() ), programInstance.computeAllAttributeBindings( parameters.staticData.tileVertexBuffer, paintAttributeData, properties ), DebugProgram::TextureBindings{}, "image" ); } } std::unordered_map> RenderImageSource::queryRenderedFeatures(const ScreenLineString&, const TransformState&, const std::vector&, const RenderedQueryOptions&, const mat4&) const { return std::unordered_map> {}; } std::vector RenderImageSource::querySourceFeatures(const SourceQueryOptions&) const { return {}; } void RenderImageSource::update(Immutable baseImpl_, const std::vector>&, const bool needsRendering, const bool, const TileParameters& parameters) { enabled = needsRendering; if (!needsRendering) { return; } auto transformState = parameters.transformState; std::swap(baseImpl, baseImpl_); auto coords = impl().getCoordinates(); std::shared_ptr image = impl().getImage(); if (!image || !image->valid()) { enabled = false; return; } // Compute the z0 tile coordinates for the given LatLngs TileCoordinatePoint nePoint = { -INFINITY, -INFINITY }; TileCoordinatePoint swPoint = { INFINITY, INFINITY }; std::vector tileCoordinates; for (LatLng latLng : coords) { auto point = TileCoordinate::fromLatLng(0, latLng).p; tileCoordinates.push_back(point); swPoint.x = std::min(swPoint.x, point.x); nePoint.x = std::max(nePoint.x, point.x); swPoint.y = std::min(swPoint.y, point.y); nePoint.y = std::max(nePoint.y, point.y); } // Calculate the optimum zoom level to determine the tile ids to use for transforms auto dx = nePoint.x - swPoint.x; auto dy = nePoint.y - swPoint.y; auto dMax = std::max(dx, dy); double zoom = std::max(0.0, std::floor(-util::log2(dMax))); // Only enable if the long side of the image is > 2 pixels. Resulting in a // display of at least 2 x 1 px image // A tile coordinate unit represents the length of one tile (tileSize) at a given zoom. // To convert a tile coordinate to pixels, multiply by tileSize. // Here dMax is in z0 tile units, so we also scale by 2^z to match current zoom. enabled = dMax * std::pow(2.0, transformState.getZoom()) * util::tileSize > 2.0; if (!enabled) { return; } auto imageBounds = LatLngBounds::hull(coords[0], coords[1]); imageBounds.extend(coords[2]); imageBounds.extend(coords[3]); auto tileCover = util::tileCover(imageBounds, zoom); tileIds.clear(); tileIds.push_back(tileCover[0]); bool hasVisibleTile = false; // Add additional wrapped tile ids if neccessary auto idealTiles = util::tileCover(transformState, transformState.getZoom()); for (auto tile : idealTiles) { if (tile.wrap != 0 && tileCover[0].canonical.isChildOf(tile.canonical)) { tileIds.push_back({ tile.wrap, tileCover[0].canonical }); hasVisibleTile = true; } else if (!hasVisibleTile) { for (auto coveringTile: tileCover) { if(coveringTile.canonical == tile.canonical || coveringTile.canonical.isChildOf(tile.canonical) || tile.canonical.isChildOf(coveringTile.canonical)) { hasVisibleTile = true; } } } } enabled = hasVisibleTile; if (!enabled) { return; } // Calculate Geometry Coordinates based on tile cover at ideal zoom GeometryCoordinates geomCoords; for (auto tileCoords : tileCoordinates) { auto gc = TileCoordinate::toGeometryCoordinate(tileIds[0], tileCoords); geomCoords.push_back(gc); } if (!bucket) { bucket = std::make_unique(image); } else { bucket->clear(); if (image != bucket->image) { bucket->setImage(image); } } // Set Bucket Vertices, Indices, and segments bucket->vertices.emplace_back( RasterProgram::layoutVertex({ geomCoords[0].x, geomCoords[0].y }, { 0, 0 })); bucket->vertices.emplace_back( RasterProgram::layoutVertex({ geomCoords[1].x, geomCoords[1].y }, { util::EXTENT, 0 })); bucket->vertices.emplace_back( RasterProgram::layoutVertex({ geomCoords[3].x, geomCoords[3].y }, { 0, util::EXTENT })); bucket->vertices.emplace_back( RasterProgram::layoutVertex({ geomCoords[2].x, geomCoords[2].y }, { util::EXTENT, util::EXTENT })); bucket->indices.emplace_back(0, 1, 2); bucket->indices.emplace_back(1, 2, 3); bucket->segments.emplace_back(0, 0, 4, 6); } void RenderImageSource::dumpDebugLogs() const { Log::Info(Event::General, "RenderImageSource::id: %s", impl().id.c_str()); Log::Info(Event::General, "RenderImageSource::loaded: %s", isLoaded() ? "yes" : "no"); } } // namespace mbgl