#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace mbgl { using namespace style; void Painter::renderTileDebug(const RenderTile& renderTile) { if (frame.debugOptions == MapDebugOptions::NoDebug) return; MBGL_DEBUG_GROUP(context, std::string { "debug " } + util::toString(renderTile.id)); static const style::Properties<>::PossiblyEvaluated properties {}; static const DebugProgram::PaintPropertyBinders paintAttibuteData(properties, 0); auto draw = [&] (Color color, const auto& vertexBuffer, const auto& indexBuffer, const auto& segments, auto drawMode) { programs->debug.draw( context, drawMode, gl::DepthMode::disabled(), stencilModeForClipping(renderTile.clip), gl::ColorMode::unblended(), DebugProgram::UniformValues { uniforms::u_matrix::Value{ renderTile.matrix }, uniforms::u_color::Value{ color } }, vertexBuffer, indexBuffer, segments, paintAttibuteData, properties, state.getZoom() ); }; if (frame.debugOptions & (MapDebugOptions::Timestamps | MapDebugOptions::ParseStatus)) { Tile& tile = renderTile.tile; if (!tile.debugBucket || tile.debugBucket->renderable != tile.isRenderable() || tile.debugBucket->complete != tile.isComplete() || !(tile.debugBucket->modified == tile.modified) || !(tile.debugBucket->expires == tile.expires) || tile.debugBucket->debugMode != frame.debugOptions) { tile.debugBucket = std::make_unique( tile.id, tile.isRenderable(), tile.isComplete(), tile.modified, tile.expires, frame.debugOptions, context); } draw(Color::white(), *tile.debugBucket->vertexBuffer, *tile.debugBucket->indexBuffer, tile.debugBucket->segments, gl::Lines { 4.0f * frame.pixelRatio }); draw(Color::black(), *tile.debugBucket->vertexBuffer, *tile.debugBucket->indexBuffer, tile.debugBucket->segments, gl::Lines { 2.0f * frame.pixelRatio }); } if (frame.debugOptions & MapDebugOptions::TileBorders) { draw(Color::red(), tileVertexBuffer, tileBorderIndexBuffer, tileBorderSegments, gl::LineStrip { 4.0f * frame.pixelRatio }); } } #ifndef NDEBUG void Painter::renderClipMasks(PaintParameters&) { context.setStencilMode(gl::StencilMode::disabled()); context.setDepthMode(gl::DepthMode::disabled()); context.setColorMode(gl::ColorMode::unblended()); context.program = 0; #if not MBGL_USE_GLES2 // Reset the value in case someone else changed it, or it's dirty. context.pixelTransferStencil = gl::value::PixelTransferStencil::Default; // Read the stencil buffer const auto viewport = context.viewport.getCurrentValue(); auto image = context.readFramebuffer(viewport.size, false); // Scale the Stencil buffer to cover the entire color space. auto it = image.data.get(); auto end = it + viewport.size.width * viewport.size.height; const auto factor = 255.0f / *std::max_element(it, end); for (; it != end; ++it) { *it *= factor; } context.pixelZoom = { 1, 1 }; context.rasterPos = { -1, -1, 0, 1 }; context.drawPixels(image); #endif // MBGL_USE_GLES2 } void Painter::renderDepthBuffer(PaintParameters&) { context.setStencilMode(gl::StencilMode::disabled()); context.setDepthMode(gl::DepthMode::disabled()); context.setColorMode(gl::ColorMode::unblended()); context.program = 0; #if not MBGL_USE_GLES2 // Scales the values in the depth buffer so that they cover the entire grayscale range. This // makes it easier to spot tiny differences. const float base = 1.0f / (1.0f - depthRangeSize); context.pixelTransferDepth = { base, 1.0f - base }; // Read the stencil buffer auto viewport = context.viewport.getCurrentValue(); auto image = context.readFramebuffer(viewport.size, false); context.pixelZoom = { 1, 1 }; context.rasterPos = { -1, -1, 0, 1 }; context.drawPixels(image); #endif // MBGL_USE_GLES2 } #endif // NDEBUG } // namespace mbgl