#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(DEBUG) #include #endif #include #include #include using namespace mbgl; Painter::Painter(MapData& data_) : data(data_) { setup(); } Painter::~Painter() { } bool Painter::needsAnimation() const { return frameHistory.needsAnimation(data.getDefaultFadeDuration()); } void Painter::setup() { gl::debugging::enable(); setupShaders(); assert(iconShader); assert(plainShader); assert(outlineShader); assert(lineShader); assert(linepatternShader); assert(patternShader); assert(rasterShader); assert(sdfGlyphShader); assert(sdfIconShader); assert(dotShader); assert(circleShader); // Reset GL values config.reset(); } void Painter::setupShaders() { if (!plainShader) plainShader = std::make_unique(); if (!outlineShader) outlineShader = std::make_unique(); if (!lineShader) lineShader = std::make_unique(); if (!linesdfShader) linesdfShader = std::make_unique(); if (!linepatternShader) linepatternShader = std::make_unique(); if (!patternShader) patternShader = std::make_unique(); if (!iconShader) iconShader = std::make_unique(); if (!rasterShader) rasterShader = std::make_unique(); if (!sdfGlyphShader) sdfGlyphShader = std::make_unique(); if (!sdfIconShader) sdfIconShader = std::make_unique(); if (!dotShader) dotShader = std::make_unique(); if (!collisionBoxShader) collisionBoxShader = std::make_unique(); if (!circleShader) circleShader = std::make_unique(); } void Painter::resize() { config.viewport = { 0, 0, frame.framebufferSize[0], frame.framebufferSize[1] }; } void Painter::changeMatrix() { state.getProjMatrix(projMatrix); // The extrusion matrix. matrix::ortho(extrudeMatrix, 0, state.getWidth(), state.getHeight(), 0, 0, -1); // The native matrix is a 1:1 matrix that paints the coordinates at the // same screen position as the vertex specifies. matrix::identity(nativeMatrix); matrix::multiply(nativeMatrix, projMatrix, nativeMatrix); } void Painter::clear() { MBGL_DEBUG_GROUP("clear"); config.stencilFunc.reset(); config.stencilTest = GL_TRUE; config.stencilMask = 0xFF; config.depthTest = GL_FALSE; config.depthMask = GL_TRUE; config.clearColor = { background[0], background[1], background[2], background[3] }; config.clearStencil = 0; config.clearDepth = 1; MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)); } void Painter::prepareTile(const Tile& tile) { const GLint ref = (GLint)tile.clip.reference.to_ulong(); const GLuint mask = (GLuint)tile.clip.mask.to_ulong(); config.stencilFunc = { GL_EQUAL, ref, mask }; } void Painter::render(const Style& style, TransformState state_, const FrameData& frame_) { state = state_; frame = frame_; glyphAtlas = style.glyphAtlas.get(); spriteAtlas = style.spriteAtlas.get(); lineAtlas = style.lineAtlas.get(); std::set sources; for (const auto& source : style.sources) { if (source->enabled) { sources.insert(source.get()); } } resize(); changeMatrix(); // Figure out what buckets we have to draw and what order we have to draw them in. const auto order = determineRenderOrder(style); // - UPLOAD PASS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Uploads all required buffers and images before we do any actual rendering. { MBGL_DEBUG_GROUP("upload"); tileStencilBuffer.upload(); tileBorderBuffer.upload(); spriteAtlas->upload(); lineAtlas->upload(); glyphAtlas->upload(); for (const auto& item : order) { if (item.bucket && item.bucket->needsUpload()) { item.bucket->upload(); } } } // - CLIPPING MASKS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Draws the clipping masks to the stencil buffer. { MBGL_DEBUG_GROUP("clip"); // Update all clipping IDs. ClipIDGenerator generator; for (const auto& source : sources) { generator.update(source->getLoadedTiles()); source->updateMatrices(projMatrix, state); } clear(); drawClippingMasks(sources); } frameHistory.record(data.getAnimationTime(), state.getNormalizedZoom()); // Actually render the layers if (debug::renderTree) { Log::Info(Event::Render, "{"); indent++; } // TODO: Correctly compute the number of layers recursively beforehand. depthRangeSize = 1 - (order.size() + 2) * numSublayers * depthEpsilon; // - OPAQUE PASS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Render everything top-to-bottom by using reverse iterators. Render opaque objects first. renderPass(RenderPass::Opaque, order.rbegin(), order.rend(), 0, 1); // - TRANSLUCENT PASS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Make a second pass, rendering translucent objects. This time, we render bottom-to-top. renderPass(RenderPass::Translucent, order.begin(), order.end(), static_cast(order.size()) - 1, -1); if (debug::renderTree) { Log::Info(Event::Render, "}"); indent--; } // - DEBUG PASS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Renders debug overlays. { MBGL_DEBUG_GROUP("debug"); // Finalize the rendering, e.g. by calling debug render calls per tile. // This guarantees that we have at least one function per tile called. // When only rendering layers via the stylesheet, it's possible that we don't // ever visit a tile during rendering. for (const auto& source : sources) { source->finishRender(*this); } } // TODO: Find a better way to unbind VAOs after we're done with them without introducing // unnecessary bind(0)/bind(N) sequences. { MBGL_DEBUG_GROUP("cleanup"); MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0)); MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(VertexArrayObject::Unbind()); } if (data.contextMode == GLContextMode::Shared) { config.setDirty(); } } template void Painter::renderPass(RenderPass pass_, Iterator it, Iterator end, GLsizei i, int8_t increment) { pass = pass_; MBGL_DEBUG_GROUP(pass == RenderPass::Opaque ? "opaque" : "translucent"); if (debug::renderTree) { Log::Info(Event::Render, "%*s%s {", indent++ * 4, "", pass == RenderPass::Opaque ? "opaque" : "translucent"); } if (pass == RenderPass::Translucent) { config.blendFunc.reset(); config.blend = GL_TRUE; } else { config.blend = GL_FALSE; } for (; it != end; ++it, i += increment) { currentLayer = i; const auto& item = *it; if (item.bucket && item.tile) { if (item.layer.hasRenderPass(pass)) { MBGL_DEBUG_GROUP(item.layer.id + " - " + std::string(item.tile->id)); prepareTile(*item.tile); item.bucket->render(*this, item.layer, item.tile->id, item.tile->matrix); } } else { MBGL_DEBUG_GROUP("background"); renderBackground(dynamic_cast(item.layer)); } } if (debug::renderTree) { Log::Info(Event::Render, "%*s%s", --indent * 4, "", "}"); } } std::vector Painter::determineRenderOrder(const Style& style) { std::vector order; for (const auto& layerPtr : style.layers) { const auto& layer = *layerPtr; if (layer.visibility == VisibilityType::None) continue; if (layer.type == StyleLayerType::Background) { // This layer defines a background color/image. auto& props = dynamic_cast(layer).paint; if (props.pattern.value.from.empty()) { // This is a solid background. We can use glClear(). background = props.color; background[0] *= props.opacity; background[1] *= props.opacity; background[2] *= props.opacity; background[3] *= props.opacity; } else { // This is a textured background. We need to render it with a quad. background = {{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }}; order.emplace_back(layer); } continue; } Source* source = style.getSource(layer.source); if (!source) { Log::Warning(Event::Render, "can't find source for layer '%s'", layer.id.c_str()); continue; } // Skip this layer if it's outside the range of min/maxzoom. // This may occur when there /is/ a bucket created for this layer, but the min/max-zoom // is set to a fractional value, or value that is larger than the source maxzoom. const double zoom = state.getZoom(); if (layer.minZoom > zoom || layer.maxZoom <= zoom) { continue; } const auto& tiles = source->getTiles(); for (auto tile : tiles) { assert(tile); if (!tile->data && !tile->data->isReady()) { continue; } // We're not clipping symbol layers, so when we have both parents and children of symbol // layers, we drop all children in favor of their parent to avoid duplicate labels. // See https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/issues/2482 if (layer.type == StyleLayerType::Symbol) { bool skip = false; // Look back through the buckets we decided to render to find out whether there is // already a bucket from this layer that is a parent of this tile. Tiles are ordered // by zoom level when we obtain them from getTiles(). for (auto it = order.rbegin(); it != order.rend() && (&it->layer == &layer); ++it) { if (tile->id.isChildOf(it->tile->id)) { skip = true; break; } } if (skip) { continue; } } auto bucket = tile->data->getBucket(layer); if (bucket) { order.emplace_back(layer, tile, bucket); } } } return order; } void Painter::renderBackground(const BackgroundLayer& layer) { // Note: This function is only called for textured background. Otherwise, the background color // is created with glClear. const BackgroundPaintProperties& properties = layer.paint; if (!properties.pattern.value.to.empty()) { if ((properties.opacity >= 1.0f) != (pass == RenderPass::Opaque)) return; SpriteAtlasPosition imagePosA = spriteAtlas->getPosition(properties.pattern.value.from, true); SpriteAtlasPosition imagePosB = spriteAtlas->getPosition(properties.pattern.value.to, true); float zoomFraction = state.getZoomFraction(); config.program = patternShader->program; patternShader->u_matrix = identityMatrix; patternShader->u_pattern_tl_a = imagePosA.tl; patternShader->u_pattern_br_a = imagePosA.br; patternShader->u_pattern_tl_b = imagePosB.tl; patternShader->u_pattern_br_b = imagePosB.br; patternShader->u_mix = properties.pattern.value.t; patternShader->u_opacity = properties.opacity; LatLng latLng = state.getLatLng(); PrecisionPoint center = state.latLngToPoint(latLng); float scale = 1 / std::pow(2, zoomFraction); std::array sizeA = imagePosA.size; mat3 matrixA; matrix::identity(matrixA); matrix::scale(matrixA, matrixA, 1.0f / (sizeA[0] * properties.pattern.value.fromScale), 1.0f / (sizeA[1] * properties.pattern.value.fromScale)); matrix::translate(matrixA, matrixA, std::fmod(center.x * 512, sizeA[0] * properties.pattern.value.fromScale), std::fmod(center.y * 512, sizeA[1] * properties.pattern.value.fromScale)); matrix::rotate(matrixA, matrixA, -state.getAngle()); matrix::scale(matrixA, matrixA, scale * state.getWidth() / 2, -scale * state.getHeight() / 2); std::array sizeB = imagePosB.size; mat3 matrixB; matrix::identity(matrixB); matrix::scale(matrixB, matrixB, 1.0f / (sizeB[0] * properties.pattern.value.toScale), 1.0f / (sizeB[1] * properties.pattern.value.toScale)); matrix::translate(matrixB, matrixB, std::fmod(center.x * 512, sizeB[0] * properties.pattern.value.toScale), std::fmod(center.y * 512, sizeB[1] * properties.pattern.value.toScale)); matrix::rotate(matrixB, matrixB, -state.getAngle()); matrix::scale(matrixB, matrixB, scale * state.getWidth() / 2, -scale * state.getHeight() / 2); patternShader->u_patternmatrix_a = matrixA; patternShader->u_patternmatrix_b = matrixB; VertexArrayObject::Unbind(); backgroundBuffer.bind(); patternShader->bind(0); spriteAtlas->bind(true); } config.stencilTest = GL_FALSE; config.depthFunc.reset(); config.depthTest = GL_TRUE; config.depthRange = { 1.0f, 1.0f }; MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4)); } mat4 Painter::translatedMatrix(const mat4& matrix, const std::array &translation, const TileID &id, TranslateAnchorType anchor) { if (translation[0] == 0 && translation[1] == 0) { return matrix; } else { // TODO: Get rid of the 8 (scaling from 4096 to tile size) const double factor = ((double)(1 << id.z)) / state.getScale() * (4096.0 / util::tileSize / id.overscaling); mat4 vtxMatrix; if (anchor == TranslateAnchorType::Viewport) { const double sin_a = std::sin(-state.getAngle()); const double cos_a = std::cos(-state.getAngle()); matrix::translate(vtxMatrix, matrix, factor * (translation[0] * cos_a - translation[1] * sin_a), factor * (translation[0] * sin_a + translation[1] * cos_a), 0); } else { matrix::translate(vtxMatrix, matrix, factor * translation[0], factor * translation[1], 0); } return vtxMatrix; } } void Painter::setDepthSublayer(int n) { float nearDepth = ((1 + currentLayer) * numSublayers + n) * depthEpsilon; float farDepth = nearDepth + depthRangeSize; config.depthRange = { nearDepth, farDepth }; }