#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace mbgl; LineBucket::LineBucket(LineVertexBuffer& vertexBuffer_, TriangleElementsBuffer& triangleElementsBuffer_) : vertexBuffer(vertexBuffer_), triangleElementsBuffer(triangleElementsBuffer_), vertex_start(vertexBuffer_.index()), triangle_elements_start(triangleElementsBuffer_.index()){}; LineBucket::~LineBucket() { // Do not remove. header file only contains forward definitions to unique pointers. } void LineBucket::addGeometry(const GeometryCollection& geometryCollection) { for (auto& line : geometryCollection) { addGeometry(line); } } void LineBucket::addGeometry(const std::vector& vertices) { const auto len = [&vertices] { auto l = vertices.size(); // If the line has duplicate vertices at the end, adjust length to remove them. while (l > 2 && vertices[l - 1] == vertices[l - 2]) { l--; } return l; }(); if (len < 2) { // fprintf(stderr, "a line must have at least two vertices\n"); return; } const float miterLimit = layout.join == JoinType::Bevel ? 1.05f : layout.miter_limit; const Coordinate firstVertex = vertices.front(); const Coordinate lastVertex = vertices[len - 1]; const bool closed = firstVertex == lastVertex; if (len == 2 && closed) { // fprintf(stderr, "a line may not have coincident points\n"); return; } const CapType beginCap = layout.cap; const CapType endCap = closed ? CapType::Butt : layout.cap; int8_t flip = 1; double distance = 0; bool startOfLine = true; Coordinate currentVertex = Coordinate::null(), prevVertex = Coordinate::null(), nextVertex = Coordinate::null(); vec2 prevNormal = vec2::null(), nextNormal = vec2::null(); // the last three vertices added e1 = e2 = e3 = -1; if (closed) { currentVertex = vertices[len - 2]; nextNormal = util::perp(util::unit(vec2(firstVertex - currentVertex))); } const int32_t startVertex = (int32_t)vertexBuffer.index(); std::vector triangleStore; for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (closed && i == len - 1) { // if the line is closed, we treat the last vertex like the first nextVertex = vertices[1]; } else if (i + 1 < len) { // just the next vertex nextVertex = vertices[i + 1]; } else { // there is no next vertex nextVertex = Coordinate::null(); } // if two consecutive vertices exist, skip the current one if (nextVertex && vertices[i] == nextVertex) { continue; } if (nextNormal) { prevNormal = nextNormal; } if (currentVertex) { prevVertex = currentVertex; } currentVertex = vertices[i]; // Calculate how far along the line the currentVertex is if (prevVertex) distance += util::dist(currentVertex, prevVertex); // Calculate the normal towards the next vertex in this line. In case // there is no next vertex, pretend that the line is continuing straight, // meaning that we are just using the previous normal. nextNormal = nextVertex ? util::perp(util::unit(vec2(nextVertex - currentVertex))) : prevNormal; // If we still don't have a previous normal, this is the beginning of a // non-closed line, so we're doing a straight "join". if (!prevNormal) { prevNormal = nextNormal; } // Determine the normal of the join extrusion. It is the angle bisector // of the segments between the previous line and the next line. vec2 joinNormal = util::unit(prevNormal + nextNormal); /* joinNormal prevNormal * ↖ ↑ * .________. prevVertex * | * nextNormal ← | currentVertex * | * nextVertex ! * */ // Calculate the length of the miter (the ratio of the miter to the width). // Find the cosine of the angle between the next and join normals // using dot product. The inverse of that is the miter length. const float cosHalfAngle = joinNormal.x * nextNormal.x + joinNormal.y * nextNormal.y; const float miterLength = cosHalfAngle != 0 ? 1 / cosHalfAngle: 1; // The join if a middle vertex, otherwise the cap const bool middleVertex = prevVertex && nextVertex; JoinType currentJoin = layout.join; const CapType currentCap = nextVertex ? beginCap : endCap; if (middleVertex) { if (currentJoin == JoinType::Round) { if (miterLength < layout.round_limit) { currentJoin = JoinType::Miter; } else if (miterLength <= 2) { currentJoin = JoinType::FakeRound; } } if (currentJoin == JoinType::Miter && miterLength > miterLimit) { currentJoin = JoinType::Bevel; } if (currentJoin == JoinType::Bevel) { // The maximum extrude length is 128 / 63 = 2 times the width of the line // so if miterLength >= 2 we need to draw a different type of bevel where. if (miterLength > 2) { currentJoin = JoinType::FlipBevel; } // If the miterLength is really small and the line bevel wouldn't be visible, // just draw a miter join to save a triangle. if (miterLength < miterLimit) { currentJoin = JoinType::Miter; } } } if (middleVertex && currentJoin == JoinType::Miter) { joinNormal = joinNormal * miterLength; addCurrentVertex(currentVertex, flip, distance, joinNormal, 0, 0, false, startVertex, triangleStore); } else if (middleVertex && currentJoin == JoinType::FlipBevel) { // miter is too big, flip the direction to make a beveled join if (miterLength > 100) { // Almost parallel lines joinNormal = nextNormal; } else { const float direction = prevNormal.x * nextNormal.y - prevNormal.y * nextNormal.x > 0 ? -1 : 1; const float bevelLength = miterLength * util::mag(prevNormal + nextNormal) / util::mag(prevNormal - nextNormal); joinNormal = util::perp(joinNormal) * bevelLength * direction; } addCurrentVertex(currentVertex, flip, distance, joinNormal, 0, 0, false, startVertex, triangleStore); flip = -flip; } else if (middleVertex && (currentJoin == JoinType::Bevel || currentJoin == JoinType::FakeRound)) { const bool lineTurnsLeft = flip * (prevNormal.x * nextNormal.y - prevNormal.y * nextNormal.x) > 0; const float offset = -std::sqrt(miterLength * miterLength - 1); float offsetA; float offsetB; if (lineTurnsLeft) { offsetB = 0; offsetA = offset; } else { offsetA = 0; offsetB = offset; } // Close previous segement with bevel if (!startOfLine) { addCurrentVertex(currentVertex, flip, distance, prevNormal, offsetA, offsetB, false, startVertex, triangleStore); } if (currentJoin == JoinType::FakeRound) { // The join angle is sharp enough that a round join would be visible. // Bevel joins fill the gap between segments with a single pie slice triangle. // Create a round join by adding multiple pie slices. The join isn't actually round, but // it looks like it is at the sizes we render lines at. // Add more triangles for sharper angles. // This math is just a good enough approximation. It isn't "correct". const int n = std::floor((0.5 - (cosHalfAngle - 0.5)) * 8); for (int m = 0; m < n; m++) { auto approxFractionalJoinNormal = util::unit(nextNormal * ((m + 1.0f) / (n + 1.0f)) + prevNormal); addPieSliceVertex(currentVertex, flip, distance, approxFractionalJoinNormal, lineTurnsLeft, startVertex, triangleStore); } addPieSliceVertex(currentVertex, flip, distance, joinNormal, lineTurnsLeft, startVertex, triangleStore); for (int k = n - 1; k >= 0; k--) { auto approxFractionalJoinNormal = util::unit(prevNormal * ((k + 1.0f) / (n + 1.0f)) + nextNormal); addPieSliceVertex(currentVertex, flip, distance, approxFractionalJoinNormal, lineTurnsLeft, startVertex, triangleStore); } } // Start next segment if (nextVertex) { addCurrentVertex(currentVertex, flip, distance, nextNormal, -offsetA, -offsetB, false, startVertex, triangleStore); } } else if (!middleVertex && currentCap == CapType::Butt) { if (!startOfLine) { // Close previous segment with a butt addCurrentVertex(currentVertex, flip, distance, prevNormal, 0, 0, false, startVertex, triangleStore); } // Start next segment with a butt if (nextVertex) { addCurrentVertex(currentVertex, flip, distance, nextNormal, 0, 0, false, startVertex, triangleStore); } } else if (!middleVertex && currentCap == CapType::Square) { if (!startOfLine) { // Close previous segment with a square cap addCurrentVertex(currentVertex, flip, distance, prevNormal, 1, 1, false, startVertex, triangleStore); // The segment is done. Unset vertices to disconnect segments. e1 = e2 = -1; flip = 1; } // Start next segment if (nextVertex) { addCurrentVertex(currentVertex, flip, distance, nextNormal, -1, -1, false, startVertex, triangleStore); } } else if (middleVertex ? currentJoin == JoinType::Round : currentCap == CapType::Round) { if (!startOfLine) { // Close previous segment with a butt addCurrentVertex(currentVertex, flip, distance, prevNormal, 0, 0, false, startVertex, triangleStore); // Add round cap or linejoin at end of segment addCurrentVertex(currentVertex, flip, distance, prevNormal, 1, 1, true, startVertex, triangleStore); // The segment is done. Unset vertices to disconnect segments. e1 = e2 = -1; flip = 1; } // Start next segment with a butt if (nextVertex) { // Add round cap before first segment addCurrentVertex(currentVertex, flip, distance, nextNormal, -1, -1, true, startVertex, triangleStore); addCurrentVertex(currentVertex, flip, distance, nextNormal, 0, 0, false, startVertex, triangleStore); } } startOfLine = false; } const size_t endVertex = vertexBuffer.index(); const size_t vertexCount = endVertex - startVertex; // Store the triangle/line groups. { if (triangleGroups.empty() || (triangleGroups.back()->vertex_length + vertexCount > 65535)) { // Move to a new group because the old one can't hold the geometry. triangleGroups.emplace_back(std::make_unique()); } assert(triangleGroups.back()); auto& group = *triangleGroups.back(); for (const auto& triangle : triangleStore) { triangleElementsBuffer.add(group.vertex_length + triangle.a, group.vertex_length + triangle.b, group.vertex_length + triangle.c); } group.vertex_length += vertexCount; group.elements_length += triangleStore.size(); } } void LineBucket::addCurrentVertex(const Coordinate& currentVertex, float flip, double distance, const vec2& normal, float endLeft, float endRight, bool round, int32_t startVertex, std::vector& triangleStore) { int8_t tx = round ? 1 : 0; vec2 extrude = normal * flip; if (endLeft) extrude = extrude - (util::perp(normal) * endLeft); e3 = (int32_t)vertexBuffer.add(currentVertex.x, currentVertex.y, extrude.x, extrude.y, tx, 0, distance) - startVertex; if (e1 >= 0 && e2 >= 0) { triangleStore.emplace_back(e1, e2, e3); } e1 = e2; e2 = e3; extrude = normal * (-flip); if (endRight) extrude = extrude - (util::perp(normal) * endRight); e3 = (int32_t)vertexBuffer.add(currentVertex.x, currentVertex.y, extrude.x, extrude.y, tx, 1, distance) - startVertex; if (e1 >= 0 && e2 >= 0) { triangleStore.emplace_back(e1, e2, e3); } e1 = e2; e2 = e3; } void LineBucket::addPieSliceVertex(const Coordinate& currentVertex, float flip, double distance, const vec2& extrude, bool lineTurnsLeft, int32_t startVertex, std::vector& triangleStore) { int8_t ty = lineTurnsLeft; auto flippedExtrude = extrude * (flip * (lineTurnsLeft ? -1 : 1)); e3 = (int32_t)vertexBuffer.add(currentVertex.x, currentVertex.y, flippedExtrude.x, flippedExtrude.y, 0, ty, distance) - startVertex; if (e1 >= 0 && e2 >= 0) { triangleStore.emplace_back(e1, e2, e3); } if (lineTurnsLeft) { e2 = e3; } else { e1 = e3; } } void LineBucket::upload() { vertexBuffer.upload(); triangleElementsBuffer.upload(); // From now on, we're only going to render during the translucent pass. uploaded = true; } void LineBucket::render(Painter& painter, const StyleLayer& layer_desc, const TileID& id, const mat4& matrix) { painter.renderLine(*this, layer_desc, id, matrix); } bool LineBucket::hasData() const { return !triangleGroups.empty(); } void LineBucket::drawLines(LineShader& shader) { char* vertex_index = BUFFER_OFFSET(vertex_start * vertexBuffer.itemSize); char* elements_index = BUFFER_OFFSET(triangle_elements_start * triangleElementsBuffer.itemSize); for (auto& group : triangleGroups) { assert(group); if (!group->elements_length) { continue; } group->array[0].bind(shader, vertexBuffer, triangleElementsBuffer, vertex_index); MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, group->elements_length * 3, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, elements_index)); vertex_index += group->vertex_length * vertexBuffer.itemSize; elements_index += group->elements_length * triangleElementsBuffer.itemSize; } } void LineBucket::drawLineSDF(LineSDFShader& shader) { char* vertex_index = BUFFER_OFFSET(vertex_start * vertexBuffer.itemSize); char* elements_index = BUFFER_OFFSET(triangle_elements_start * triangleElementsBuffer.itemSize); for (auto& group : triangleGroups) { assert(group); if (!group->elements_length) { continue; } group->array[2].bind(shader, vertexBuffer, triangleElementsBuffer, vertex_index); MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, group->elements_length * 3, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, elements_index)); vertex_index += group->vertex_length * vertexBuffer.itemSize; elements_index += group->elements_length * triangleElementsBuffer.itemSize; } } void LineBucket::drawLinePatterns(LinepatternShader& shader) { char* vertex_index = BUFFER_OFFSET(vertex_start * vertexBuffer.itemSize); char* elements_index = BUFFER_OFFSET(triangle_elements_start * triangleElementsBuffer.itemSize); for (auto& group : triangleGroups) { assert(group); if (!group->elements_length) { continue; } group->array[1].bind(shader, vertexBuffer, triangleElementsBuffer, vertex_index); MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, group->elements_length * 3, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, elements_index)); vertex_index += group->vertex_length * vertexBuffer.itemSize; elements_index += group->elements_length * triangleElementsBuffer.itemSize; } }