#include #include #include #include #include #include namespace mbgl { using namespace style; LineBucket::LineBucket(const style::LineLayoutProperties::PossiblyEvaluated layout_, const std::map& layerPaintProperties, const float zoom_, const uint32_t overscaling_) : layout(std::move(layout_)), zoom(zoom_), overscaling(overscaling_) { for (const auto& pair : layerPaintProperties) { paintPropertyBinders.emplace( std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(pair.first), std::forward_as_tuple( pair.second, zoom)); } } LineBucket::~LineBucket() = default; void LineBucket::addFeature(const GeometryTileFeature& feature, const GeometryCollection& geometryCollection, const ImagePositions& patternPositions, const PatternLayerMap& patternDependencies) { for (auto& line : geometryCollection) { addGeometry(line, feature); } for (auto& pair : paintPropertyBinders) { const auto it = patternDependencies.find(pair.first); if (it != patternDependencies.end()){ pair.second.populateVertexVectors(feature, vertices.elements(), patternPositions, it->second); } else { pair.second.populateVertexVectors(feature, vertices.elements(), patternPositions, {}); } } } /* * Sharp corners cause dashed lines to tilt because the distance along the line * is the same at both the inner and outer corners. To improve the appearance of * dashed lines we add extra points near sharp corners so that a smaller part * of the line is tilted. * * COS_HALF_SHARP_CORNER controls how sharp a corner has to be for us to add an * extra vertex. The default is 75 degrees. * * The newly created vertices are placed SHARP_CORNER_OFFSET pixels from the corner. */ const float COS_HALF_SHARP_CORNER = std::cos(75.0 / 2.0 * (M_PI / 180.0)); const float SHARP_CORNER_OFFSET = 15.0f; // The number of bits that is used to store the line distance in the buffer. const int LINE_DISTANCE_BUFFER_BITS = 14; // We don't have enough bits for the line distance as we'd like to have, so // use this value to scale the line distance (in tile units) down to a smaller // value. This lets us store longer distances while sacrificing precision. const float LINE_DISTANCE_SCALE = 1.0 / 2.0; // The maximum line distance, in tile units, that fits in the buffer. const float MAX_LINE_DISTANCE = std::pow(2, LINE_DISTANCE_BUFFER_BITS) / LINE_DISTANCE_SCALE; class LineBucket::Distances { public: Distances(double clipStart_, double clipEnd_, double total_) : clipStart(clipStart_), clipEnd(clipEnd_), total(total_) {} // Scale line distance from tile units to [0, 2^15). double scaleToMaxLineDistance(double tileDistance) const { double relativeTileDistance = tileDistance / total; if (std::isinf(relativeTileDistance) || std::isnan(relativeTileDistance)) { assert(false); relativeTileDistance = 0.0; } return (relativeTileDistance * (clipEnd - clipStart) + clipStart) * (MAX_LINE_DISTANCE - 1); } private: double clipStart; double clipEnd; double total; }; void LineBucket::addGeometry(const GeometryCoordinates& coordinates, const GeometryTileFeature& feature) { const FeatureType type = feature.getType(); const std::size_t len = [&coordinates] { std::size_t l = coordinates.size(); // If the line has duplicate vertices at the end, adjust length to remove them. while (l >= 2 && coordinates[l - 1] == coordinates[l - 2]) { l--; } return l; }(); const std::size_t first = [&coordinates, &len] { std::size_t i = 0; // If the line has duplicate vertices at the start, adjust index to remove them. while (i < len - 1 && coordinates[i] == coordinates[i + 1]) { i++; } return i; }(); // Ignore invalid geometry. if (len < (type == FeatureType::Polygon ? 3 : 2)) { return; } optional lineDistances; const auto &props = feature.getProperties(); auto clip_start_it = props.find("mapbox_clip_start"); auto clip_end_it = props.find("mapbox_clip_end"); if (clip_start_it != props.end() && clip_end_it != props.end()) { double total_length = 0.0; for (std::size_t i = first; i < len - 1; ++i) { total_length += util::dist(coordinates[i], coordinates[i + 1]); } lineDistances = Distances{*numericValue(clip_start_it->second), *numericValue(clip_end_it->second), total_length}; } const LineJoinType joinType = layout.evaluate(zoom, feature); const float miterLimit = joinType == LineJoinType::Bevel ? 1.05f : float(layout.get()); const double sharpCornerOffset = overscaling == 0 ? SHARP_CORNER_OFFSET * (float(util::EXTENT) / util::tileSize) : SHARP_CORNER_OFFSET * (float(util::EXTENT) / (util::tileSize * overscaling)); const GeometryCoordinate firstCoordinate = coordinates[first]; const LineCapType beginCap = layout.get(); const LineCapType endCap = type == FeatureType::Polygon ? LineCapType::Butt : LineCapType(layout.get()); double distance = 0.0; bool startOfLine = true; optional currentCoordinate; optional prevCoordinate; optional nextCoordinate; optional> prevNormal; optional> nextNormal; // the last three vertices added e1 = e2 = e3 = -1; if (type == FeatureType::Polygon) { currentCoordinate = coordinates[len - 2]; nextNormal = util::perp(util::unit(convertPoint(firstCoordinate - *currentCoordinate))); } const std::size_t startVertex = vertices.elements(); std::vector triangleStore; for (std::size_t i = first; i < len; ++i) { if (type == FeatureType::Polygon && i == len - 1) { // if the line is closed, we treat the last vertex like the first nextCoordinate = coordinates[first + 1]; } else if (i + 1 < len) { // just the next vertex nextCoordinate = coordinates[i + 1]; } else { // there is no next vertex nextCoordinate = {}; } // if two consecutive vertices exist, skip the current one if (nextCoordinate && coordinates[i] == *nextCoordinate) { continue; } if (nextNormal) { prevNormal = *nextNormal; } if (currentCoordinate) { prevCoordinate = *currentCoordinate; } currentCoordinate = coordinates[i]; // Calculate the normal towards the next vertex in this line. In case // there is no next vertex, pretend that the line is continuing straight, // meaning that we are just using the previous normal. nextNormal = nextCoordinate ? util::perp(util::unit(convertPoint(*nextCoordinate - *currentCoordinate))) : prevNormal; // If we still don't have a previous normal, this is the beginning of a // non-closed line, so we're doing a straight "join". if (!prevNormal) { prevNormal = *nextNormal; } // Determine the normal of the join extrusion. It is the angle bisector // of the segments between the previous line and the next line. // In the case of 180° angles, the prev and next normals cancel each other out: // prevNormal + nextNormal = (0, 0), its magnitude is 0, so the unit vector would be // undefined. In that case, we're keeping the joinNormal at (0, 0), so that the cosHalfAngle // below will also become 0 and miterLength will become Infinity. Point joinNormal = *prevNormal + *nextNormal; if (joinNormal.x != 0 || joinNormal.y != 0) { joinNormal = util::unit(joinNormal); } /* joinNormal prevNormal * ↖ ↑ * .________. prevVertex * | * nextNormal ← | currentVertex * | * nextVertex ! * */ // Calculate the length of the miter (the ratio of the miter to the width). // Find the cosine of the angle between the next and join normals // using dot product. The inverse of that is the miter length. const double cosHalfAngle = joinNormal.x * nextNormal->x + joinNormal.y * nextNormal->y; const double miterLength = cosHalfAngle != 0 ? 1 / cosHalfAngle : std::numeric_limits::infinity(); const bool isSharpCorner = cosHalfAngle < COS_HALF_SHARP_CORNER && prevCoordinate && nextCoordinate; if (isSharpCorner && i > first) { const auto prevSegmentLength = util::dist(*currentCoordinate, *prevCoordinate); if (prevSegmentLength > 2.0 * sharpCornerOffset) { GeometryCoordinate newPrevVertex = *currentCoordinate - convertPoint(util::round(convertPoint(*currentCoordinate - *prevCoordinate) * (sharpCornerOffset / prevSegmentLength))); distance += util::dist(newPrevVertex, *prevCoordinate); addCurrentVertex(newPrevVertex, distance, *prevNormal, 0, 0, false, startVertex, triangleStore, lineDistances); prevCoordinate = newPrevVertex; } } // The join if a middle vertex, otherwise the cap const bool middleVertex = prevCoordinate && nextCoordinate; LineJoinType currentJoin = joinType; const LineCapType currentCap = nextCoordinate ? beginCap : endCap; if (middleVertex) { if (currentJoin == LineJoinType::Round) { if (miterLength < layout.get()) { currentJoin = LineJoinType::Miter; } else if (miterLength <= 2) { currentJoin = LineJoinType::FakeRound; } } if (currentJoin == LineJoinType::Miter && miterLength > miterLimit) { currentJoin = LineJoinType::Bevel; } if (currentJoin == LineJoinType::Bevel) { // The maximum extrude length is 128 / 63 = 2 times the width of the line // so if miterLength >= 2 we need to draw a different type of bevel here. if (miterLength > 2) { currentJoin = LineJoinType::FlipBevel; } // If the miterLength is really small and the line bevel wouldn't be visible, // just draw a miter join to save a triangle. if (miterLength < miterLimit) { currentJoin = LineJoinType::Miter; } } } // Calculate how far along the line the currentVertex is if (prevCoordinate) distance += util::dist(*currentCoordinate, *prevCoordinate); if (middleVertex && currentJoin == LineJoinType::Miter) { joinNormal = joinNormal * miterLength; addCurrentVertex(*currentCoordinate, distance, joinNormal, 0, 0, false, startVertex, triangleStore, lineDistances); } else if (middleVertex && currentJoin == LineJoinType::FlipBevel) { // miter is too big, flip the direction to make a beveled join if (miterLength > 100) { // Almost parallel lines joinNormal = *nextNormal * -1.0; } else { const double direction = prevNormal->x * nextNormal->y - prevNormal->y * nextNormal->x > 0 ? -1 : 1; const double bevelLength = miterLength * util::mag(*prevNormal + *nextNormal) / util::mag(*prevNormal - *nextNormal); joinNormal = util::perp(joinNormal) * bevelLength * direction; } addCurrentVertex(*currentCoordinate, distance, joinNormal, 0, 0, false, startVertex, triangleStore, lineDistances); addCurrentVertex(*currentCoordinate, distance, joinNormal * -1.0, 0, 0, false, startVertex, triangleStore, lineDistances); } else if (middleVertex && (currentJoin == LineJoinType::Bevel || currentJoin == LineJoinType::FakeRound)) { const bool lineTurnsLeft = (prevNormal->x * nextNormal->y - prevNormal->y * nextNormal->x) > 0; const float offset = -std::sqrt(miterLength * miterLength - 1); float offsetA; float offsetB; if (lineTurnsLeft) { offsetB = 0; offsetA = offset; } else { offsetA = 0; offsetB = offset; } // Close previous segement with bevel if (!startOfLine) { addCurrentVertex(*currentCoordinate, distance, *prevNormal, offsetA, offsetB, false, startVertex, triangleStore, lineDistances); } if (currentJoin == LineJoinType::FakeRound) { // The join angle is sharp enough that a round join would be visible. // Bevel joins fill the gap between segments with a single pie slice triangle. // Create a round join by adding multiple pie slices. The join isn't actually round, but // it looks like it is at the sizes we render lines at. // Add more triangles for sharper angles. // This math is just a good enough approximation. It isn't "correct". const int n = std::floor((0.5 - (cosHalfAngle - 0.5)) * 8); for (int m = 0; m < n; m++) { auto approxFractionalJoinNormal = util::unit(*nextNormal * ((m + 1.0) / (n + 1.0)) + *prevNormal); addPieSliceVertex(*currentCoordinate, distance, approxFractionalJoinNormal, lineTurnsLeft, startVertex, triangleStore, lineDistances); } addPieSliceVertex(*currentCoordinate, distance, joinNormal, lineTurnsLeft, startVertex, triangleStore, lineDistances); for (int k = n - 1; k >= 0; k--) { auto approxFractionalJoinNormal = util::unit(*prevNormal * ((k + 1.0) / (n + 1.0)) + *nextNormal); addPieSliceVertex(*currentCoordinate, distance, approxFractionalJoinNormal, lineTurnsLeft, startVertex, triangleStore, lineDistances); } } // Start next segment if (nextCoordinate) { addCurrentVertex(*currentCoordinate, distance, *nextNormal, -offsetA, -offsetB, false, startVertex, triangleStore, lineDistances); } } else if (!middleVertex && currentCap == LineCapType::Butt) { if (!startOfLine) { // Close previous segment with a butt addCurrentVertex(*currentCoordinate, distance, *prevNormal, 0, 0, false, startVertex, triangleStore, lineDistances); } // Start next segment with a butt if (nextCoordinate) { addCurrentVertex(*currentCoordinate, distance, *nextNormal, 0, 0, false, startVertex, triangleStore, lineDistances); } } else if (!middleVertex && currentCap == LineCapType::Square) { if (!startOfLine) { // Close previous segment with a square cap addCurrentVertex(*currentCoordinate, distance, *prevNormal, 1, 1, false, startVertex, triangleStore, lineDistances); // The segment is done. Unset vertices to disconnect segments. e1 = e2 = -1; } // Start next segment if (nextCoordinate) { addCurrentVertex(*currentCoordinate, distance, *nextNormal, -1, -1, false, startVertex, triangleStore, lineDistances); } } else if (middleVertex ? currentJoin == LineJoinType::Round : currentCap == LineCapType::Round) { if (!startOfLine) { // Close previous segment with a butt addCurrentVertex(*currentCoordinate, distance, *prevNormal, 0, 0, false, startVertex, triangleStore, lineDistances); // Add round cap or linejoin at end of segment addCurrentVertex(*currentCoordinate, distance, *prevNormal, 1, 1, true, startVertex, triangleStore, lineDistances); // The segment is done. Unset vertices to disconnect segments. e1 = e2 = -1; } // Start next segment with a butt if (nextCoordinate) { // Add round cap before first segment addCurrentVertex(*currentCoordinate, distance, *nextNormal, -1, -1, true, startVertex, triangleStore, lineDistances); addCurrentVertex(*currentCoordinate, distance, *nextNormal, 0, 0, false, startVertex, triangleStore, lineDistances); } } if (isSharpCorner && i < len - 1) { const auto nextSegmentLength = util::dist(*currentCoordinate, *nextCoordinate); if (nextSegmentLength > 2 * sharpCornerOffset) { GeometryCoordinate newCurrentVertex = *currentCoordinate + convertPoint(util::round(convertPoint(*nextCoordinate - *currentCoordinate) * (sharpCornerOffset / nextSegmentLength))); distance += util::dist(newCurrentVertex, *currentCoordinate); addCurrentVertex(newCurrentVertex, distance, *nextNormal, 0, 0, false, startVertex, triangleStore, lineDistances); currentCoordinate = newCurrentVertex; } } startOfLine = false; } const std::size_t endVertex = vertices.elements(); const std::size_t vertexCount = endVertex - startVertex; if (segments.empty() || segments.back().vertexLength + vertexCount > std::numeric_limits::max()) { segments.emplace_back(startVertex, triangles.elements()); } auto& segment = segments.back(); assert(segment.vertexLength <= std::numeric_limits::max()); uint16_t index = segment.vertexLength; for (const auto& triangle : triangleStore) { triangles.emplace_back(index + triangle.a, index + triangle.b, index + triangle.c); } segment.vertexLength += vertexCount; segment.indexLength += triangleStore.size() * 3; } void LineBucket::addCurrentVertex(const GeometryCoordinate& currentCoordinate, double &distance, const Point& normal, double endLeft, double endRight, bool round, std::size_t startVertex, std::vector& triangleStore, optional lineDistances) { Point extrude = normal; double scaledDistance = lineDistances ? lineDistances->scaleToMaxLineDistance(distance) : distance; if (endLeft) extrude = extrude - (util::perp(normal) * endLeft); vertices.emplace_back(LineProgram::layoutVertex(currentCoordinate, extrude, round, false, endLeft, scaledDistance * LINE_DISTANCE_SCALE)); e3 = vertices.elements() - 1 - startVertex; if (e1 >= 0 && e2 >= 0) { triangleStore.emplace_back(e1, e2, e3); } e1 = e2; e2 = e3; extrude = normal * -1.0; if (endRight) extrude = extrude - (util::perp(normal) * endRight); vertices.emplace_back(LineProgram::layoutVertex(currentCoordinate, extrude, round, true, -endRight, scaledDistance * LINE_DISTANCE_SCALE)); e3 = vertices.elements() - 1 - startVertex; if (e1 >= 0 && e2 >= 0) { triangleStore.emplace_back(e1, e2, e3); } e1 = e2; e2 = e3; // There is a maximum "distance along the line" that we can store in the buffers. // When we get close to the distance, reset it to zero and add the vertex again with // a distance of zero. The max distance is determined by the number of bits we allocate // to `linesofar`. if (distance > MAX_LINE_DISTANCE / 2.0f && !lineDistances) { distance = 0.0; addCurrentVertex(currentCoordinate, distance, normal, endLeft, endRight, round, startVertex, triangleStore, lineDistances); } } void LineBucket::addPieSliceVertex(const GeometryCoordinate& currentVertex, double distance, const Point& extrude, bool lineTurnsLeft, std::size_t startVertex, std::vector& triangleStore, optional lineDistances) { Point flippedExtrude = extrude * (lineTurnsLeft ? -1.0 : 1.0); if (lineDistances) { distance = lineDistances->scaleToMaxLineDistance(distance); } vertices.emplace_back(LineProgram::layoutVertex(currentVertex, flippedExtrude, false, lineTurnsLeft, 0, distance * LINE_DISTANCE_SCALE)); e3 = vertices.elements() - 1 - startVertex; if (e1 >= 0 && e2 >= 0) { triangleStore.emplace_back(e1, e2, e3); } if (lineTurnsLeft) { e2 = e3; } else { e1 = e3; } } void LineBucket::upload(gfx::Context& context) { vertexBuffer = context.createVertexBuffer(std::move(vertices)); indexBuffer = context.createIndexBuffer(std::move(triangles)); for (auto& pair : paintPropertyBinders) { pair.second.upload(context); } uploaded = true; } bool LineBucket::hasData() const { return !segments.empty(); } bool LineBucket::supportsLayer(const style::Layer::Impl& impl) const { return style::LineLayer::Impl::staticTypeInfo() == impl.getTypeInfo(); } template static float get(const LinePaintProperties::PossiblyEvaluated& evaluated, const std::string& id, const std::map& paintPropertyBinders) { auto it = paintPropertyBinders.find(id); if (it == paintPropertyBinders.end() || !it->second.statistics().max()) { return evaluated.get().constantOr(Property::defaultValue()); } else { return *it->second.statistics().max(); } } float LineBucket::getQueryRadius(const RenderLayer& layer) const { const auto& evaluated = getEvaluated(layer.evaluatedProperties); const std::array& translate = evaluated.get(); float offset = get(evaluated, layer.getID(), paintPropertyBinders); float lineWidth = get(evaluated, layer.getID(), paintPropertyBinders); float gapWidth = get(evaluated, layer.getID(), paintPropertyBinders); if (gapWidth) { lineWidth = gapWidth + 2 * lineWidth; } return lineWidth / 2.0f + std::abs(offset) + util::length(translate[0], translate[1]); } } // namespace mbgl