#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace mbgl { namespace style { class SymbolPropertyValues; } // namespace style class RenderTile; class TransformState; namespace uniforms { MBGL_DEFINE_UNIFORM_SCALAR(bool, u_rotate_with_map); MBGL_DEFINE_UNIFORM_SCALAR(bool, u_pitch_with_map); MBGL_DEFINE_UNIFORM_SCALAR(gl::TextureUnit, u_texture); MBGL_DEFINE_UNIFORM_SCALAR(gl::TextureUnit, u_fadetexture); MBGL_DEFINE_UNIFORM_SCALAR(float, u_aspect_ratio); MBGL_DEFINE_UNIFORM_SCALAR(bool, u_is_halo); MBGL_DEFINE_UNIFORM_SCALAR(float, u_gamma_scale); MBGL_DEFINE_UNIFORM_SCALAR(bool, u_is_text); MBGL_DEFINE_UNIFORM_SCALAR(bool, u_is_size_zoom_constant); MBGL_DEFINE_UNIFORM_SCALAR(bool, u_is_size_feature_constant); MBGL_DEFINE_UNIFORM_SCALAR(float, u_size_t); MBGL_DEFINE_UNIFORM_SCALAR(float, u_size); MBGL_DEFINE_UNIFORM_SCALAR(float, u_layout_size); } // namespace uniforms struct SymbolLayoutAttributes : gl::Attributes< attributes::a_pos_offset, attributes::a_data> { static Vertex vertex(Point a, Point o, uint16_t tx, uint16_t ty, float minzoom, float maxzoom, float labelminzoom, uint8_t labelangle) { return Vertex { // combining pos and offset to reduce number of vertex attributes passed to shader (8 max for some devices) {{ static_cast(a.x), static_cast(a.y), static_cast(::round(o.x * 64)), // use 1/64 pixels for placement static_cast(::round(o.y * 64)) }}, {{ tx, ty, mbgl::attributes::packUint8Pair( static_cast(labelminzoom * 10), // 1/10 zoom levels: z16 == 160 static_cast(labelangle) ), mbgl::attributes::packUint8Pair( static_cast(minzoom * 10), static_cast(::fmin(maxzoom, 25) * 10) ) }} }; } }; class SymbolSizeAttributes : public gl::Attributes { public: using Attribute = attributes::a_size::Type; }; // Mimic the PaintPropertyBinder technique specifically for the {text,icon}-size layout properties // in order to provide a 'custom' scheme for encoding the necessary attribute data. As with // PaintPropertyBinder, SymbolSizeBinder is an abstract class whose implementations handle the // particular attribute & uniform logic needed by each possible type of the {Text,Icon}Size properties. class SymbolSizeBinder { public: virtual ~SymbolSizeBinder() = default; using Uniforms = gl::Uniforms< uniforms::u_is_size_zoom_constant, uniforms::u_is_size_feature_constant, uniforms::u_size_t, uniforms::u_size, uniforms::u_layout_size>; using UniformValues = Uniforms::Values; static std::unique_ptr create(const float tileZoom, const style::DataDrivenPropertyValue& sizeProperty, const float defaultValue); virtual SymbolSizeAttributes::Bindings attributeBindings() const = 0; virtual void populateVertexVector(const GeometryTileFeature& feature) = 0; virtual UniformValues uniformValues(float currentZoom) const = 0; virtual void upload(gl::Context&) = 0; }; // Return the smallest range of stops that covers the interval [lowerZoom, upperZoom] template Range getCoveringStops(Stops s, float lowerZoom, float upperZoom) { assert(!s.stops.empty()); auto minIt = s.stops.lower_bound(lowerZoom); auto maxIt = s.stops.lower_bound(upperZoom); // lower_bound yields first element >= lowerZoom, but we want the *last* // element <= lowerZoom, so if we found a stop > lowerZoom, back up by one. if (minIt != s.stops.begin() && minIt != s.stops.end() && minIt->first > lowerZoom) { minIt--; } return Range { minIt == s.stops.end() ? s.stops.rbegin()->first : minIt->first, maxIt == s.stops.end() ? s.stops.rbegin()->first : maxIt->first }; } class ConstantSymbolSizeBinder final : public SymbolSizeBinder { public: ConstantSymbolSizeBinder(const float /*tileZoom*/, const float& size, const float /*defaultValue*/) : layoutSize(size) {} ConstantSymbolSizeBinder(const float /*tileZoom*/, const style::Undefined&, const float defaultValue) : layoutSize(defaultValue) {} ConstantSymbolSizeBinder(const float tileZoom, const style::CameraFunction& function_, const float /*defaultValue*/) : layoutSize(function_.evaluate(tileZoom + 1)) { function_.stops.match( [&] (const style::ExponentialStops& stops) { const auto& zoomLevels = getCoveringStops(stops, tileZoom, tileZoom + 1); coveringRanges = std::make_tuple( zoomLevels, Range { function_.evaluate(zoomLevels.min), function_.evaluate(zoomLevels.max) } ); functionInterpolationBase = stops.base; }, [&] (const style::IntervalStops&) { function = function_; } ); } SymbolSizeAttributes::Bindings attributeBindings() const override { return SymbolSizeAttributes::Bindings { SymbolSizeAttributes::Attribute::ConstantBinding {{{0, 0, 0}}} }; } void upload(gl::Context&) override {} void populateVertexVector(const GeometryTileFeature&) override {}; UniformValues uniformValues(float currentZoom) const override { float size = layoutSize; bool isZoomConstant = !(coveringRanges || function); if (coveringRanges) { // Even though we could get the exact value of the camera function // at z = currentZoom, we intentionally do not: instead, we interpolate // between the camera function values at a pair of zoom stops covering // [tileZoom, tileZoom + 1] in order to be consistent with this // restriction on composite functions. const Range& zoomLevels = std::get<0>(*coveringRanges); const Range& sizeLevels = std::get<1>(*coveringRanges); float t = util::clamp( util::interpolationFactor(*functionInterpolationBase, zoomLevels, currentZoom), 0.0f, 1.0f ); size = sizeLevels.min + t * (sizeLevels.max - sizeLevels.min); } else if (function) { size = function->evaluate(currentZoom); } return UniformValues { uniforms::u_is_size_zoom_constant::Value{ isZoomConstant }, uniforms::u_is_size_feature_constant::Value{ true }, uniforms::u_size_t::Value{ 0.0f }, // unused uniforms::u_size::Value{ size }, uniforms::u_layout_size::Value{ layoutSize } }; } float layoutSize; // used for exponential functions optional, Range>> coveringRanges; optional functionInterpolationBase; // used for interval functions optional> function; }; class SourceFunctionSymbolSizeBinder final : public SymbolSizeBinder { public: using Vertex = gl::detail::Vertex>; using VertexVector = gl::VertexVector; using VertexBuffer = gl::VertexBuffer; SourceFunctionSymbolSizeBinder(const float /*tileZoom*/, const style::SourceFunction& function_, const float defaultValue_) : function(function_), defaultValue(defaultValue_) { } SymbolSizeAttributes::Bindings attributeBindings() const override { return SymbolSizeAttributes::Bindings { SymbolSizeAttributes::Attribute::variableBinding(*buffer, 0, 1) }; } void populateVertexVector(const GeometryTileFeature& feature) override { const auto sizeVertex = Vertex { {{ static_cast(function.evaluate(feature, defaultValue) * 10) }} }; vertices.emplace_back(sizeVertex); vertices.emplace_back(sizeVertex); vertices.emplace_back(sizeVertex); vertices.emplace_back(sizeVertex); }; UniformValues uniformValues(float) const override { return UniformValues { uniforms::u_is_size_zoom_constant::Value{ true }, uniforms::u_is_size_feature_constant::Value{ false }, uniforms::u_size_t::Value{ 0.0f }, // unused uniforms::u_size::Value{ 0.0f }, // unused uniforms::u_layout_size::Value{ 0.0f } // unused }; } void upload(gl::Context& context) override { buffer = VertexBuffer { context.createVertexBuffer(std::move(vertices)) }; } const style::SourceFunction& function; const float defaultValue; VertexVector vertices; optional buffer; }; class CompositeFunctionSymbolSizeBinder final : public SymbolSizeBinder { public: using Vertex = SymbolSizeAttributes::Vertex; using VertexVector = gl::VertexVector; using VertexBuffer = gl::VertexBuffer; CompositeFunctionSymbolSizeBinder(const float tileZoom, const style::CompositeFunction& function_, const float defaultValue_) : function(function_), defaultValue(defaultValue_), layoutZoom(tileZoom + 1), coveringZoomStops(function.stops.match( [&] (const auto& stops) { return getCoveringStops(stops, tileZoom, tileZoom + 1); })) {} SymbolSizeAttributes::Bindings attributeBindings() const override { return SymbolSizeAttributes::Bindings { SymbolSizeAttributes::Attribute::variableBinding(*buffer, 0) }; } void populateVertexVector(const GeometryTileFeature& feature) override { const auto sizeVertex = Vertex { {{ static_cast(function.evaluate(coveringZoomStops.min, feature, defaultValue) * 10), static_cast(function.evaluate(coveringZoomStops.max, feature, defaultValue) * 10), static_cast(function.evaluate(layoutZoom, feature, defaultValue) * 10) }} }; vertices.emplace_back(sizeVertex); vertices.emplace_back(sizeVertex); vertices.emplace_back(sizeVertex); vertices.emplace_back(sizeVertex); }; UniformValues uniformValues(float currentZoom) const override { float sizeInterpolationT = util::clamp( util::interpolationFactor(1.0f, coveringZoomStops, currentZoom), 0.0f, 1.0f ); return UniformValues { uniforms::u_is_size_zoom_constant::Value{ false }, uniforms::u_is_size_feature_constant::Value{ false }, uniforms::u_size_t::Value{ sizeInterpolationT }, uniforms::u_size::Value{ 0.0f }, // unused uniforms::u_layout_size::Value{ 0.0f } // unused }; } void upload(gl::Context& context) override { buffer = VertexBuffer { context.createVertexBuffer(std::move(vertices)) }; } const style::CompositeFunction& function; const float defaultValue; float layoutZoom; Range coveringZoomStops; VertexVector vertices; optional buffer; }; template class SymbolProgram { public: using LayoutAttributes = LayoutAttrs; using LayoutVertex = typename LayoutAttributes::Vertex; using LayoutAndSizeAttributes = gl::ConcatenateAttributes; using PaintProperties = PaintProps; using PaintPropertyBinders = typename PaintProperties::Binders; using PaintAttributes = typename PaintPropertyBinders::Attributes; using Attributes = gl::ConcatenateAttributes; using UniformValues = typename Uniforms::Values; using SizeUniforms = typename SymbolSizeBinder::Uniforms; using PaintUniforms = typename PaintPropertyBinders::Uniforms; using AllUniforms = gl::ConcatenateUniforms>; using ProgramType = gl::Program; ProgramType program; SymbolProgram(gl::Context& context, const ProgramParameters& programParameters) : program(ProgramType::createProgram( context, programParameters, Shaders::name, Shaders::vertexSource, Shaders::fragmentSource)) { } template void draw(gl::Context& context, DrawMode drawMode, gl::DepthMode depthMode, gl::StencilMode stencilMode, gl::ColorMode colorMode, UniformValues&& uniformValues, const gl::VertexBuffer& layoutVertexBuffer, const SymbolSizeBinder& symbolSizeBinder, const gl::IndexBuffer& indexBuffer, const gl::SegmentVector& segments, const PaintPropertyBinders& paintPropertyBinders, const typename PaintProperties::PossiblyEvaluated& currentProperties, float currentZoom) { program.draw( context, std::move(drawMode), std::move(depthMode), std::move(stencilMode), std::move(colorMode), uniformValues .concat(symbolSizeBinder.uniformValues(currentZoom)) .concat(paintPropertyBinders.uniformValues(currentZoom, currentProperties)), LayoutAttributes::allVariableBindings(layoutVertexBuffer) .concat(symbolSizeBinder.attributeBindings()) .concat(paintPropertyBinders.attributeBindings(currentProperties)), indexBuffer, segments ); } }; class SymbolIconProgram : public SymbolProgram< shaders::symbol_icon, gl::Triangle, SymbolLayoutAttributes, gl::Uniforms< uniforms::u_matrix, uniforms::u_extrude_scale, uniforms::u_texsize, uniforms::u_zoom, uniforms::u_rotate_with_map, uniforms::u_texture, uniforms::u_fadetexture, uniforms::u_is_text>, style::IconPaintProperties> { public: using SymbolProgram::SymbolProgram; static UniformValues uniformValues(const bool isText, const style::SymbolPropertyValues&, const Size& texsize, const std::array& pixelsToGLUnits, const RenderTile&, const TransformState&); }; enum class SymbolSDFPart { Fill = 1, Halo = 0 }; template class SymbolSDFProgram : public SymbolProgram< shaders::symbol_sdf, gl::Triangle, SymbolLayoutAttributes, gl::Uniforms< uniforms::u_matrix, uniforms::u_extrude_scale, uniforms::u_texsize, uniforms::u_zoom, uniforms::u_rotate_with_map, uniforms::u_texture, uniforms::u_fadetexture, uniforms::u_is_text, uniforms::u_gamma_scale, uniforms::u_pitch, uniforms::u_bearing, uniforms::u_aspect_ratio, uniforms::u_pitch_with_map, uniforms::u_is_halo>, PaintProperties> { public: using BaseProgram = SymbolProgram, PaintProperties>; using UniformValues = typename BaseProgram::UniformValues; using BaseProgram::BaseProgram; static UniformValues uniformValues(const bool isText, const style::SymbolPropertyValues&, const Size& texsize, const std::array& pixelsToGLUnits, const RenderTile&, const TransformState&, const SymbolSDFPart); }; using SymbolSDFIconProgram = SymbolSDFProgram; using SymbolSDFTextProgram = SymbolSDFProgram; using SymbolLayoutVertex = SymbolLayoutAttributes::Vertex; using SymbolIconAttributes = SymbolIconProgram::Attributes; using SymbolTextAttributes = SymbolSDFTextProgram::Attributes; } // namespace mbgl