#include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace mbgl { TransformState::TransformState(ConstrainMode constrainMode_, ViewportMode viewportMode_) : bounds(LatLngBounds::unbounded()) , constrainMode(constrainMode_) , viewportMode(viewportMode_) { } #pragma mark - Matrix void TransformState::matrixFor(mat4& matrix, const UnwrappedTileID& tileID) const { const uint64_t tileScale = 1ull << tileID.canonical.z; const double s = Projection::worldSize(scale) / tileScale; matrix::identity(matrix); matrix::translate(matrix, matrix, int64_t(tileID.canonical.x + tileID.wrap * tileScale) * s, int64_t(tileID.canonical.y) * s, 0); matrix::scale(matrix, matrix, s / util::EXTENT, s / util::EXTENT, 1); } void TransformState::getProjMatrix(mat4& projMatrix, uint16_t nearZ, bool aligned) const { if (size.isEmpty()) { return; } // Find the distance from the center point [width/2, height/2] to the // center top point [width/2, 0] in Z units, using the law of sines. // 1 Z unit is equivalent to 1 horizontal px at the center of the map // (the distance between[width/2, height/2] and [width/2 + 1, height/2]) const double halfFov = getFieldOfView() / 2.0; const double groundAngle = M_PI / 2.0 + getPitch(); const double topHalfSurfaceDistance = std::sin(halfFov) * getCameraToCenterDistance() / std::sin(M_PI - groundAngle - halfFov); // Calculate z distance of the farthest fragment that should be rendered. const double furthestDistance = std::cos(M_PI / 2 - getPitch()) * topHalfSurfaceDistance + getCameraToCenterDistance(); // Add a bit extra to avoid precision problems when a fragment's distance is exactly `furthestDistance` const double farZ = furthestDistance * 1.01; matrix::perspective(projMatrix, getFieldOfView(), double(size.width) / size.height, nearZ, farZ); const bool flippedY = viewportMode == ViewportMode::FlippedY; matrix::scale(projMatrix, projMatrix, 1, flippedY ? 1 : -1, 1); matrix::translate(projMatrix, projMatrix, 0, 0, -getCameraToCenterDistance()); using NO = NorthOrientation; switch (getNorthOrientation()) { case NO::Rightwards: matrix::rotate_y(projMatrix, projMatrix, getPitch()); break; case NO::Downwards: matrix::rotate_x(projMatrix, projMatrix, -getPitch()); break; case NO::Leftwards: matrix::rotate_y(projMatrix, projMatrix, -getPitch()); break; default: matrix::rotate_x(projMatrix, projMatrix, getPitch()); break; } matrix::rotate_z(projMatrix, projMatrix, getBearing() + getNorthOrientationAngle()); const double dx = pixel_x() - size.width / 2.0f, dy = pixel_y() - size.height / 2.0f; matrix::translate(projMatrix, projMatrix, dx, dy, 0); if (axonometric) { // mat[11] controls perspective projMatrix[11] = 0; // mat[8], mat[9] control x-skew, y-skew projMatrix[8] = xSkew; projMatrix[9] = ySkew; } matrix::scale(projMatrix, projMatrix, 1, 1, 1.0 / Projection::getMetersPerPixelAtLatitude(getLatLng(LatLng::Unwrapped).latitude(), getZoom())); // Make a second projection matrix that is aligned to a pixel grid for rendering raster tiles. // We're rounding the (floating point) x/y values to achieve to avoid rendering raster images to fractional // coordinates. Additionally, we adjust by half a pixel in either direction in case that viewport dimension // is an odd integer to preserve rendering to the pixel grid. We're rotating this shift based on the angle // of the transformation so that 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270° rasters are crisp, and adjust the shift so that // it is always <= 0.5 pixels. if (aligned) { const float xShift = float(size.width % 2) / 2, yShift = float(size.height % 2) / 2; const double bearingCos = std::cos(bearing), bearingSin = std::sin(bearing); double devNull; const float dxa = -std::modf(dx, &devNull) + bearingCos * xShift + bearingSin * yShift; const float dya = -std::modf(dy, &devNull) + bearingCos * yShift + bearingSin * xShift; matrix::translate(projMatrix, projMatrix, dxa > 0.5 ? dxa - 1 : dxa, dya > 0.5 ? dya - 1 : dya, 0); } } #pragma mark - Dimensions Size TransformState::getSize() const { return size; } #pragma mark - North Orientation NorthOrientation TransformState::getNorthOrientation() const { return orientation; } double TransformState::getNorthOrientationAngle() const { double angleOrientation = 0; if (orientation == NorthOrientation::Rightwards) { angleOrientation += M_PI / 2.0f; } else if (orientation == NorthOrientation::Downwards) { angleOrientation += M_PI; } else if (orientation == NorthOrientation::Leftwards) { angleOrientation -= M_PI / 2.0f; } return angleOrientation; } #pragma mark - Constrain mode ConstrainMode TransformState::getConstrainMode() const { return constrainMode; } #pragma mark - ViewportMode ViewportMode TransformState::getViewportMode() const { return viewportMode; } #pragma mark - Camera options CameraOptions TransformState::getCameraOptions(const EdgeInsets& padding) const { LatLng center; if (padding.isFlush()) { center = getLatLng(); } else { ScreenCoordinate point = padding.getCenter(size.width, size.height); point.y = size.height - point.y; center = screenCoordinateToLatLng(point).wrapped(); } return CameraOptions() .withCenter(center) .withPadding(padding) .withZoom(getZoom()) .withBearing(-bearing * util::RAD2DEG) .withPitch(pitch * util::RAD2DEG); } #pragma mark - Position LatLng TransformState::getLatLng(LatLng::WrapMode wrapMode) const { return { util::RAD2DEG * (2 * std::atan(std::exp(y / Cc)) - 0.5 * M_PI), -x / Bc, wrapMode }; } double TransformState::pixel_x() const { const double center = (size.width - Projection::worldSize(scale)) / 2; return center + x; } double TransformState::pixel_y() const { const double center = (size.height - Projection::worldSize(scale)) / 2; return center + y; } #pragma mark - Zoom double TransformState::getZoom() const { return scaleZoom(scale); } uint8_t TransformState::getIntegerZoom() const { return getZoom(); } double TransformState::getZoomFraction() const { return getZoom() - getIntegerZoom(); } #pragma mark - Bounds void TransformState::setLatLngBounds(LatLngBounds bounds_) { if (bounds_ != bounds) { bounds = bounds_; setLatLngZoom(getLatLng(LatLng::Unwrapped), getZoom()); } } LatLngBounds TransformState::getLatLngBounds() const { return bounds; } void TransformState::setMinZoom(const double minZoom) { if (minZoom <= getMaxZoom()) { min_scale = zoomScale(util::clamp(minZoom, util::MIN_ZOOM, util::MAX_ZOOM)); } } double TransformState::getMinZoom() const { double test_scale = min_scale; double unused_x = x; double unused_y = y; constrain(test_scale, unused_x, unused_y); return scaleZoom(test_scale); } void TransformState::setMaxZoom(const double maxZoom) { if (maxZoom >= getMinZoom()) { max_scale = zoomScale(util::clamp(maxZoom, util::MIN_ZOOM, util::MAX_ZOOM)); } } double TransformState::getMaxZoom() const { return scaleZoom(max_scale); } #pragma mark - Rotation float TransformState::getBearing() const { return bearing; } float TransformState::getFieldOfView() const { return fov; } float TransformState::getCameraToCenterDistance() const { return 0.5 * size.height / std::tan(fov / 2.0); } float TransformState::getPitch() const { return pitch; } #pragma mark - State bool TransformState::isChanging() const { return rotating || scaling || panning || gestureInProgress; } bool TransformState::isRotating() const { return rotating; } bool TransformState::isScaling() const { return scaling; } bool TransformState::isPanning() const { return panning; } bool TransformState::isGestureInProgress() const { return gestureInProgress; } #pragma mark - Projection double TransformState::zoomScale(double zoom) const { return std::pow(2.0, zoom); } double TransformState::scaleZoom(double s) const { return util::log2(s); } ScreenCoordinate TransformState::latLngToScreenCoordinate(const LatLng& latLng) const { if (size.isEmpty()) { return {}; } mat4 mat = coordinatePointMatrix(getZoom()); vec4 p; Point pt = Projection::project(latLng, scale) / util::tileSize; vec4 c = {{ pt.x, pt.y, 0, 1 }}; matrix::transformMat4(p, c, mat); return { p[0] / p[3], size.height - p[1] / p[3] }; } LatLng TransformState::screenCoordinateToLatLng(const ScreenCoordinate& point, LatLng::WrapMode wrapMode) const { if (size.isEmpty()) { return {}; } float targetZ = 0; mat4 mat = coordinatePointMatrix(getZoom()); mat4 inverted; bool err = matrix::invert(inverted, mat); if (err) throw std::runtime_error("failed to invert coordinatePointMatrix"); double flippedY = size.height - point.y; // since we don't know the correct projected z value for the point, // unproject two points to get a line and then find the point on that // line with z=0 vec4 coord0; vec4 coord1; vec4 point0 = {{ point.x, flippedY, 0, 1 }}; vec4 point1 = {{ point.x, flippedY, 1, 1 }}; matrix::transformMat4(coord0, point0, inverted); matrix::transformMat4(coord1, point1, inverted); double w0 = coord0[3]; double w1 = coord1[3]; Point p0 = Point(coord0[0], coord0[1]) / w0; Point p1 = Point(coord1[0], coord1[1]) / w1; double z0 = coord0[2] / w0; double z1 = coord1[2] / w1; double t = z0 == z1 ? 0 : (targetZ - z0) / (z1 - z0); return Projection::unproject(util::interpolate(p0, p1, t), scale / util::tileSize, wrapMode); } mat4 TransformState::coordinatePointMatrix(double z) const { mat4 proj; getProjMatrix(proj); float s = Projection::worldSize(scale) / std::pow(2, z); matrix::scale(proj, proj, s, s, 1); matrix::multiply(proj, getPixelMatrix(), proj); return proj; } mat4 TransformState::getPixelMatrix() const { mat4 m; matrix::identity(m); matrix::scale(m, m, static_cast(size.width) / 2, -static_cast(size.height) / 2, 1); matrix::translate(m, m, 1, -1, 0); return m; } #pragma mark - (private helper functions) bool TransformState::rotatedNorth() const { using NO = NorthOrientation; return (orientation == NO::Leftwards || orientation == NO::Rightwards); } void TransformState::constrain(double& scale_, double& x_, double& y_) const { if (constrainMode == ConstrainMode::None) { return; } // Constrain scale to avoid zooming out far enough to show off-world areas on the Y axis. const double ratioY = (rotatedNorth() ? size.width : size.height) / util::tileSize; scale_ = util::max(scale_, ratioY); // Constrain min/max pan to avoid showing off-world areas on the Y axis. double max_y = (scale_ * util::tileSize - (rotatedNorth() ? size.width : size.height)) / 2; y_ = std::max(-max_y, std::min(y_, max_y)); if (constrainMode == ConstrainMode::WidthAndHeight) { // Constrain min/max pan to avoid showing off-world areas on the X axis. double max_x = (scale_ * util::tileSize - (rotatedNorth() ? size.height : size.width)) / 2; x_ = std::max(-max_x, std::min(x_, max_x)); } } void TransformState::moveLatLng(const LatLng& latLng, const ScreenCoordinate& anchor) { auto centerCoord = Projection::project(getLatLng(LatLng::Unwrapped), scale); auto latLngCoord = Projection::project(latLng, scale); auto anchorCoord = Projection::project(screenCoordinateToLatLng(anchor), scale); setLatLngZoom(Projection::unproject(centerCoord + latLngCoord - anchorCoord, scale), getZoom()); } void TransformState::setLatLngZoom(const LatLng& latLng, double zoom) { LatLng constrained = latLng; constrained = bounds.constrain(latLng); double newScale = util::clamp(zoomScale(zoom), min_scale, max_scale); const double newWorldSize = newScale * util::tileSize; Bc = newWorldSize / util::DEGREES_MAX; Cc = newWorldSize / util::M2PI; const double m = 1 - 1e-15; const double f = util::clamp(std::sin(util::DEG2RAD * constrained.latitude()), -m, m); ScreenCoordinate point = { -constrained.longitude() * Bc, 0.5 * Cc * std::log((1 + f) / (1 - f)), }; setScalePoint(newScale, point); } void TransformState::setScalePoint(const double newScale, const ScreenCoordinate &point) { double constrainedScale = newScale; ScreenCoordinate constrainedPoint = point; constrain(constrainedScale, constrainedPoint.x, constrainedPoint.y); scale = constrainedScale; x = constrainedPoint.x; y = constrainedPoint.y; Bc = Projection::worldSize(scale) / util::DEGREES_MAX; Cc = Projection::worldSize(scale) / util::M2PI; } float TransformState::getCameraToTileDistance(const UnwrappedTileID& tileID) const { mat4 projectionMatrix; getProjMatrix(projectionMatrix); mat4 tileProjectionMatrix; matrixFor(tileProjectionMatrix, tileID); matrix::multiply(tileProjectionMatrix, projectionMatrix, tileProjectionMatrix); vec4 tileCenter = {{util::tileSize / 2, util::tileSize / 2, 0, 1}}; vec4 projectedCenter; matrix::transformMat4(projectedCenter, tileCenter, tileProjectionMatrix); return projectedCenter[3]; } float TransformState::maxPitchScaleFactor() const { if (size.isEmpty()) { return {}; } auto latLng = screenCoordinateToLatLng({ 0, static_cast(getSize().height) }); mat4 mat = coordinatePointMatrix(getZoom()); Point pt = Projection::project(latLng, scale) / util::tileSize; vec4 p = {{ pt.x, pt.y, 0, 1 }}; vec4 topPoint; matrix::transformMat4(topPoint, p, mat); return topPoint[3] / getCameraToCenterDistance(); } } // namespace mbgl