#include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace mbgl; #pragma mark - Matrix void TransformState::matrixFor(mat4& matrix, const TileID& id, const int8_t z) const { const double tile_scale = std::pow(2, z); double s = util::tileSize * scale / tile_scale; matrix::identity(matrix); matrix::translate(matrix, matrix, id.x * s, id.y * s, 0); matrix::scale(matrix, matrix, s / 4096.0f, s / 4096.0f, 1); } void TransformState::getProjMatrix(mat4& projMatrix) const { double halfFov = std::atan(0.5 / getAltitude()); double topHalfSurfaceDistance = std::sin(halfFov) * getAltitude() / std::sin(M_PI / 2.0f - getPitch() - halfFov); // Calculate z value of the farthest fragment that should be rendered. double farZ = std::cos(M_PI / 2.0f - getPitch()) * topHalfSurfaceDistance + getAltitude(); matrix::perspective(projMatrix, 2.0f * std::atan((getHeight() / 2.0f) / getAltitude()), double(getWidth()) / getHeight(), 0.1, farZ); matrix::translate(projMatrix, projMatrix, 0, 0, -getAltitude()); // After the rotateX, z values are in pixel units. Convert them to // altitude unites. 1 altitude unit = the screen height. matrix::scale(projMatrix, projMatrix, 1, -1, 1.0f / getHeight()); matrix::rotate_x(projMatrix, projMatrix, getPitch()); matrix::rotate_z(projMatrix, projMatrix, getAngle()); matrix::translate(projMatrix, projMatrix, pixel_x() - getWidth() / 2.0f, pixel_y() - getHeight() / 2.0f, 0); } box TransformState::cornersToBox(uint32_t z) const { double w = width; double h = height; box b( pointToCoordinate({ 0, 0 }).zoomTo(z), pointToCoordinate({ w, 0 }).zoomTo(z), pointToCoordinate({ w, h }).zoomTo(z), pointToCoordinate({ 0, h }).zoomTo(z)); return b; } #pragma mark - Dimensions bool TransformState::hasSize() const { return width && height; } uint16_t TransformState::getWidth() const { return width; } uint16_t TransformState::getHeight() const { return height; } #pragma mark - Position LatLng TransformState::getLatLng() const { LatLng ll; ll.longitude = -x / Bc; ll.latitude = util::RAD2DEG * (2 * std::atan(std::exp(y / Cc)) - 0.5 * M_PI); // adjust for world wrap while (ll.longitude > 180) ll.longitude -= 180; while (ll.longitude < -180) ll.longitude += 180; // adjust for date line double w = util::tileSize * scale / 2; double x_ = x; if (x_ > w) { while (x_ > w) { x_ -= w; if (ll.longitude < 0) { ll.longitude += 180; } else if (ll.longitude > 0) { ll.longitude -= 180; } } } else if (x_ < -w) { while (x_ < -w) { x_ += w; if (ll.longitude < 0) { ll.longitude -= 180; } else if (ll.longitude > 0) { ll.longitude -= 180; } } } return ll; } double TransformState::pixel_x() const { const double center = (width - scale * util::tileSize) / 2; return center + x; } double TransformState::pixel_y() const { const double center = (height - scale * util::tileSize) / 2; return center + y; } #pragma mark - Zoom float TransformState::getNormalizedZoom() const { return std::log(scale * util::tileSize / 512.0f) / M_LN2; } double TransformState::getZoom() const { return std::log(scale) / M_LN2; } int32_t TransformState::getIntegerZoom() const { return std::floor(getZoom()); } double TransformState::getZoomFraction() const { return getZoom() - getIntegerZoom(); } double TransformState::getScale() const { return scale; } double TransformState::getMinZoom() const { double test_scale = scale; double test_y = y; constrain(test_scale, test_y); return ::log2(::fmin(min_scale, test_scale)); } double TransformState::getMaxZoom() const { return ::log2(max_scale); } #pragma mark - Rotation float TransformState::getAngle() const { return angle; } float TransformState::getAltitude() const { return altitude; } float TransformState::getPitch() const { return pitch; } #pragma mark - State bool TransformState::isChanging() const { return rotating || scaling || panning || gestureInProgress; } bool TransformState::isRotating() const { return rotating; } bool TransformState::isScaling() const { return scaling; } bool TransformState::isPanning() const { return panning; } bool TransformState::isGestureInProgress() const { return gestureInProgress; } #pragma mark - Projection double TransformState::lngX(double lng) const { return (180.0f + lng) * worldSize() / 360.0f; } double TransformState::latY(double lat) const { double y_ = 180.0f / M_PI * std::log(std::tan(M_PI / 4 + lat * M_PI / 360.0f)); return (180.0f - y_) * worldSize() / 360.0f; } double TransformState::xLng(double x_, double worldSize_) const { return x_ * 360.0f / worldSize_ - 180.0f; } double TransformState::yLat(double y_, double worldSize_) const { double y2 = 180.0f - y_ * 360.0f / worldSize_; return 360.0f / M_PI * std::atan(std::exp(y2 * M_PI / 180.0f)) - 90.0f; } double TransformState::zoomScale(double zoom) const { return std::pow(2.0f, zoom); } float TransformState::worldSize() const { return util::tileSize * scale; } PrecisionPoint TransformState::latLngToPoint(const LatLng& latLng) const { return coordinateToPoint(latLngToCoordinate(latLng)); } LatLng TransformState::pointToLatLng(const PrecisionPoint& point) const { return coordinateToLatLng(pointToCoordinate(point)); } TileCoordinate TransformState::latLngToCoordinate(const LatLng& latLng) const { const double tileZoom = getZoom(); const double k = zoomScale(tileZoom) / worldSize(); return { lngX(latLng.longitude) * k, latY(latLng.latitude) * k, tileZoom }; } LatLng TransformState::coordinateToLatLng(const TileCoordinate& coord) const { const double worldSize_ = zoomScale(coord.zoom); LatLng latLng = { yLat(coord.row, worldSize_), xLng(coord.column, worldSize_) }; while (latLng.longitude < -180.0f) latLng.longitude += 360.0f; while (latLng.longitude > 180.0f) latLng.longitude -= 360.0f; return latLng; } PrecisionPoint TransformState::coordinateToPoint(const TileCoordinate& coord) const { mat4 mat = coordinatePointMatrix(coord.zoom); matrix::vec4 p; matrix::vec4 c = {{ coord.column, coord.row, 0, 1 }}; matrix::transformMat4(p, c, mat); return { p[0] / p[3], height - p[1] / p[3] }; } TileCoordinate TransformState::pointToCoordinate(const PrecisionPoint& point) const { float targetZ = 0; const double tileZoom = getZoom(); mat4 mat = coordinatePointMatrix(tileZoom); mat4 inverted; bool err = matrix::invert(inverted, mat); if (err) throw std::runtime_error("failed to invert coordinatePointMatrix"); double flippedY = height - point.y; // since we don't know the correct projected z value for the point, // unproject two points to get a line and then find the point on that // line with z=0 matrix::vec4 coord0; matrix::vec4 coord1; matrix::vec4 point0 = {{ point.x, flippedY, 0, 1 }}; matrix::vec4 point1 = {{ point.x, flippedY, 1, 1 }}; matrix::transformMat4(coord0, point0, inverted); matrix::transformMat4(coord1, point1, inverted); double w0 = coord0[3]; double w1 = coord1[3]; double x0 = coord0[0] / w0; double x1 = coord1[0] / w1; double y0 = coord0[1] / w0; double y1 = coord1[1] / w1; double z0 = coord0[2] / w0; double z1 = coord1[2] / w1; double t = z0 == z1 ? 0 : (targetZ - z0) / (z1 - z0); return { util::interpolate(x0, x1, t), util::interpolate(y0, y1, t), tileZoom }; } mat4 TransformState::coordinatePointMatrix(double z) const { mat4 proj; getProjMatrix(proj); float s = util::tileSize * scale / std::pow(2, z); matrix::scale(proj, proj, s, s, 1); matrix::multiply(proj, getPixelMatrix(), proj); return proj; } mat4 TransformState::getPixelMatrix() const { mat4 m; matrix::identity(m); matrix::scale(m, m, width / 2.0f, -height / 2.0f, 1); matrix::translate(m, m, 1, -1, 0); return m; } #pragma mark - (private helper functions) void TransformState::constrain(double& scale_, double& y_) const { // Constrain minimum zoom to avoid zooming out far enough to show off-world areas. if (scale_ < height / util::tileSize) { scale_ = height / util::tileSize; } // Constrain min/max vertical pan to avoid showing off-world areas. double max_y = ((scale_ * util::tileSize) - height) / 2; if (y_ > max_y) y_ = max_y; if (y_ < -max_y) y_ = -max_y; }