#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace mbgl { class Transform : private util::noncopyable { public: Transform(MapObserver& = MapObserver::nullObserver(), ConstrainMode = ConstrainMode::HeightOnly, ViewportMode = ViewportMode::Default); Transform(const TransformState &state_) : observer(MapObserver::nullObserver()), state(state_) {} // Map view void resize(Size size); // Camera /** Returns the current camera options. */ CameraOptions getCameraOptions(const EdgeInsets&) const; /** Instantaneously, synchronously applies the given camera options. */ void jumpTo(const CameraOptions&); /** Asynchronously transitions all specified camera options linearly along an optional time curve. */ void easeTo(const CameraOptions&, const AnimationOptions& = {}); /** Asynchronously zooms out, pans, and zooms back into the given camera along a great circle, as though the viewer is riding a supersonic jetcopter. */ void flyTo(const CameraOptions&, const AnimationOptions& = {}); // Position /** Pans the map by the given amount. @param offset The distance to pan the map by, measured in pixels from top to bottom and from left to right. */ void moveBy(const ScreenCoordinate& offset, const AnimationOptions& = {}); void setLatLng(const LatLng&, const AnimationOptions& = {}); void setLatLng(const LatLng&, const EdgeInsets&, const AnimationOptions& = {}); void setLatLng(const LatLng&, optional, const AnimationOptions& = {}); void setLatLngZoom(const LatLng&, double zoom, const AnimationOptions& = {}); void setLatLngZoom(const LatLng&, double zoom, const EdgeInsets&, const AnimationOptions& = {}); LatLng getLatLng(const EdgeInsets& = {}) const; ScreenCoordinate getScreenCoordinate(const EdgeInsets& = {}) const; // Bounds void setLatLngBounds(const LatLngBounds&); void setMinZoom(double); void setMaxZoom(double); void setMinPitch(double); void setMaxPitch(double); // Zoom /** Sets the zoom level, keeping the given point fixed within the view. @param zoom The new zoom level. */ void setZoom(double zoom, const AnimationOptions& = {}); /** Sets the zoom level, keeping the given point fixed within the view. @param zoom The new zoom level. @param anchor A point relative to the top-left corner of the view. If unspecified, the center point is fixed within the view. */ void setZoom(double zoom, optional anchor, const AnimationOptions& = {}); /** Sets the zoom level, keeping the center point fixed within the inset view. @param zoom The new zoom level. @param padding The viewport padding that affects the fixed center point. */ void setZoom(double zoom, const EdgeInsets& padding, const AnimationOptions& = {}); /** Returns the zoom level. */ double getZoom() const; // Angle void rotateBy(const ScreenCoordinate& first, const ScreenCoordinate& second, const AnimationOptions& = {}); /** Sets the angle of rotation. @param angle The new angle of rotation, measured in radians counterclockwise from true north. */ void setAngle(double angle, const AnimationOptions& = {}); /** Sets the angle of rotation, keeping the given point fixed within the view. @param angle The new angle of rotation, measured in radians counterclockwise from true north. @param anchor A point relative to the top-left corner of the view. */ void setAngle(double angle, optional anchor, const AnimationOptions& = {}); /** Sets the angle of rotation, keeping the center point fixed within the inset view. @param angle The new angle of rotation, measured in radians counterclockwise from true north. @param padding The viewport padding that affects the fixed center point. */ void setAngle(double angle, const EdgeInsets& padding, const AnimationOptions& = {}); /** Returns the angle of rotation. @return The angle of rotation, measured in radians counterclockwise from true north. */ double getAngle() const; // Pitch /** Sets the pitch angle. @param angle The new pitch angle, measured in radians toward the horizon. */ void setPitch(double pitch, const AnimationOptions& = {}); /** Sets the pitch angle, keeping the given point fixed within the view. @param angle The new pitch angle, measured in radians toward the horizon. @param anchor A point relative to the top-left corner of the view. */ void setPitch(double pitch, optional anchor, const AnimationOptions& = {}); double getPitch() const; // North Orientation void setNorthOrientation(NorthOrientation); NorthOrientation getNorthOrientation() const; // Constrain mode void setConstrainMode(ConstrainMode); ConstrainMode getConstrainMode() const; // Viewport mode void setViewportMode(ViewportMode); ViewportMode getViewportMode() const; // Transitions bool inTransition() const; void updateTransitions(const TimePoint& now); TimePoint getTransitionStart() const { return transitionStart; } Duration getTransitionDuration() const { return transitionDuration; } void cancelTransitions(); // Gesture void setGestureInProgress(bool); bool isGestureInProgress() const { return state.isGestureInProgress(); } // Transform state const TransformState& getState() const { return state; } bool isRotating() const { return state.isRotating(); } bool isScaling() const { return state.isScaling(); } bool isPanning() const { return state.isPanning(); } // Conversion and projection ScreenCoordinate latLngToScreenCoordinate(const LatLng&) const; LatLng screenCoordinateToLatLng(const ScreenCoordinate&) const; private: MapObserver& observer; TransformState state; void startTransition(const CameraOptions&, const AnimationOptions&, std::function, const Duration&); TimePoint transitionStart; Duration transitionDuration; std::function transitionFrameFn; std::function transitionFinishFn; }; } // namespace mbgl