#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace mbgl { /** Converts the given angle (in radians) to be numerically close to the anchor angle, allowing it to be interpolated properly without sudden jumps. */ static double _normalizeAngle(double angle, double anchorAngle) { if (std::isnan(angle) || std::isnan(anchorAngle)) { return 0; } angle = util::wrap(angle, -M_PI, M_PI); if (angle == -M_PI) angle = M_PI; double diff = std::abs(angle - anchorAngle); if (std::abs(angle - util::M2PI - anchorAngle) < diff) { angle -= util::M2PI; } if (std::abs(angle + util::M2PI - anchorAngle) < diff) { angle += util::M2PI; } return angle; } Transform::Transform(MapObserver& observer_, ConstrainMode constrainMode, ViewportMode viewportMode) : observer(observer_), state(constrainMode, viewportMode) { } #pragma mark - Map View void Transform::resize(const Size size) { if (size.isEmpty()) { throw std::runtime_error("failed to resize: size is empty"); } if (state.size == size) { return; } observer.onCameraWillChange(MapObserver::CameraChangeMode::Immediate); state.size = size; state.constrain(state.scale, state.x, state.y); observer.onCameraDidChange(MapObserver::CameraChangeMode::Immediate); } #pragma mark - Camera CameraOptions Transform::getCameraOptions(const EdgeInsets& padding) const { return state.getCameraOptions(padding); } /** * Change any combination of center, zoom, bearing, and pitch, without * a transition. The map will retain the current values for any options * not included in `options`. */ void Transform::jumpTo(const CameraOptions& camera) { easeTo(camera); } /** * Change any combination of center, zoom, bearing, pitch and edgeInsets, with a * smooth animation between old and new values. The map will retain the current * values for any options not included in `options`. */ void Transform::easeTo(const CameraOptions& camera, const AnimationOptions& animation) { const EdgeInsets& padding = camera.padding.value_or(state.edgeInsets); LatLng startLatLng = getLatLng(LatLng::Unwrapped); const LatLng& unwrappedLatLng = camera.center.value_or(startLatLng); const LatLng& latLng = state.bounds != LatLngBounds::unbounded() ? unwrappedLatLng : unwrappedLatLng.wrapped(); double zoom = camera.zoom.value_or(getZoom()); double bearing = camera.bearing ? -*camera.bearing * util::DEG2RAD : getBearing(); double pitch = camera.pitch ? *camera.pitch * util::DEG2RAD : getPitch(); if (std::isnan(zoom) || std::isnan(bearing) || std::isnan(pitch)) { return; } if (state.bounds == LatLngBounds::unbounded()) { if (isGestureInProgress()) { // If gesture in progress, we transfer the wrap rounds from the end longitude into // start, so the "scroll effect" of rounding the world is the same while assuring the // end longitude remains wrapped. const double wrap = unwrappedLatLng.longitude() - latLng.longitude(); startLatLng = LatLng(startLatLng.latitude(), startLatLng.longitude() - wrap); } else { // Find the shortest path otherwise. startLatLng.unwrapForShortestPath(latLng); } } const Point startPoint = Projection::project(startLatLng, state.scale); const Point endPoint = Projection::project(latLng, state.scale); // Constrain camera options. zoom = util::clamp(zoom, state.getMinZoom(), state.getMaxZoom()); const double scale = state.zoomScale(zoom); pitch = util::clamp(pitch, util::PITCH_MIN, util::PITCH_MAX); // Minimize rotation by taking the shorter path around the circle. bearing = _normalizeAngle(bearing, state.bearing); state.bearing = _normalizeAngle(state.bearing, bearing); Duration duration = animation.duration ? *animation.duration : Duration::zero(); const double startScale = state.scale; const double startBearing = state.bearing; const double startPitch = state.pitch; state.panning = unwrappedLatLng != startLatLng; state.scaling = scale != startScale; state.rotating = bearing != startBearing; const EdgeInsets startEdgeInsets = state.edgeInsets; startTransition(camera, animation, [=](double t) { Point framePoint = util::interpolate(startPoint, endPoint, t); LatLng frameLatLng = Projection::unproject(framePoint, startScale); double frameScale = util::interpolate(startScale, scale, t); state.setLatLngZoom(frameLatLng, state.scaleZoom(frameScale)); if (bearing != startBearing) { state.bearing = util::wrap(util::interpolate(startBearing, bearing, t), -M_PI, M_PI); } if (padding != startEdgeInsets) { // Interpolate edge insets state.edgeInsets = { util::interpolate(startEdgeInsets.top(), padding.top(), t), util::interpolate(startEdgeInsets.left(), padding.left(), t), util::interpolate(startEdgeInsets.bottom(), padding.bottom(), t), util::interpolate(startEdgeInsets.right(), padding.right(), t) }; } auto maxPitch = getMaxPitchForEdgeInsets(state.edgeInsets); if (pitch != startPitch || maxPitch < startPitch) { state.pitch = std::min(maxPitch, util::interpolate(startPitch, pitch, t)); } }, duration); } /** This method implements an “optimal path” animation, as detailed in: Van Wijk, Jarke J.; Nuij, Wim A. A. “Smooth and efficient zooming and panning.” INFOVIS ’03. pp. 15–22. . Where applicable, local variable documentation begins with the associated variable or function in van Wijk (2003). */ void Transform::flyTo(const CameraOptions &camera, const AnimationOptions &animation) { const EdgeInsets& padding = camera.padding.value_or(state.edgeInsets); const LatLng& latLng = camera.center.value_or(getLatLng(LatLng::Unwrapped)).wrapped(); double zoom = camera.zoom.value_or(getZoom()); double bearing = camera.bearing ? -*camera.bearing * util::DEG2RAD : getBearing(); double pitch = camera.pitch ? *camera.pitch * util::DEG2RAD : getPitch(); if (std::isnan(zoom) || std::isnan(bearing) || std::isnan(pitch) || state.size.isEmpty()) { return; } // Determine endpoints. LatLng startLatLng = getLatLng(LatLng::Unwrapped).wrapped(); startLatLng.unwrapForShortestPath(latLng); const Point startPoint = Projection::project(startLatLng, state.scale); const Point endPoint = Projection::project(latLng, state.scale); // Constrain camera options. zoom = util::clamp(zoom, state.getMinZoom(), state.getMaxZoom()); pitch = util::clamp(pitch, util::PITCH_MIN, util::PITCH_MAX); // Minimize rotation by taking the shorter path around the circle. bearing = _normalizeAngle(bearing, state.bearing); state.bearing = _normalizeAngle(state.bearing, bearing); const double startZoom = state.scaleZoom(state.scale); const double startBearing = state.bearing; const double startPitch = state.pitch; /// w₀: Initial visible span, measured in pixels at the initial scale. /// Known henceforth as a screenful. double w0 = std::max(state.size.width - padding.left() - padding.right(), state.size.height - padding.top() - padding.bottom()); /// w₁: Final visible span, measured in pixels with respect to the initial /// scale. double w1 = w0 / state.zoomScale(zoom - startZoom); /// Length of the flight path as projected onto the ground plane, measured /// in pixels from the world image origin at the initial scale. double u1 = ::hypot((endPoint - startPoint).x, (endPoint - startPoint).y); /** ρ: The relative amount of zooming that takes place along the flight path. A high value maximizes zooming for an exaggerated animation, while a low value minimizes zooming for something closer to easeTo(). 1.42 is the average value selected by participants in the user study in van Wijk (2003). A value of 6¼ would be equivalent to the root mean squared average velocity, VRMS. A value of 1 would produce a circular motion. */ double rho = 1.42; if (animation.minZoom) { double minZoom = util::min(*animation.minZoom, startZoom, zoom); minZoom = util::clamp(minZoom, state.getMinZoom(), state.getMaxZoom()); /// wm: Maximum visible span, measured in pixels with respect /// to the initial scale. double wMax = w0 / state.zoomScale(minZoom - startZoom); rho = std::sqrt(wMax / u1 * 2); } /// ρ² double rho2 = rho * rho; /** rᵢ: Returns the zoom-out factor at one end of the animation. @param i 0 for the ascent or 1 for the descent. */ auto r = [=](double i) { /// bᵢ double b = (w1 * w1 - w0 * w0 + (i ? -1 : 1) * rho2 * rho2 * u1 * u1) / (2 * (i ? w1 : w0) * rho2 * u1); return std::log(std::sqrt(b * b + 1) - b); }; /// r₀: Zoom-out factor during ascent. double r0 = r(0); double r1 = r(1); // When u₀ = u₁, the optimal path doesn’t require both ascent and descent. bool isClose = std::abs(u1) < 0.000001 || !std::isfinite(r0) || !std::isfinite(r1); /** w(s): Returns the visible span on the ground, measured in pixels with respect to the initial scale. Assumes an angular field of view of 2 arctan ½ ≈ 53°. */ auto w = [=](double s) { return (isClose ? std::exp((w1 < w0 ? -1 : 1) * rho * s) : (std::cosh(r0) / std::cosh(r0 + rho * s))); }; /// u(s): Returns the distance along the flight path as projected onto the /// ground plane, measured in pixels from the world image origin at the /// initial scale. auto u = [=](double s) { return (isClose ? 0. : (w0 * (std::cosh(r0) * std::tanh(r0 + rho * s) - std::sinh(r0)) / rho2 / u1)); }; /// S: Total length of the flight path, measured in ρ-screenfuls. double S = (isClose ? (std::abs(std::log(w1 / w0)) / rho) : ((r1 - r0) / rho)); Duration duration; if (animation.duration) { duration = *animation.duration; } else { /// V: Average velocity, measured in ρ-screenfuls per second. double velocity = 1.2; if (animation.velocity) { velocity = *animation.velocity / rho; } duration = std::chrono::duration_cast(std::chrono::duration(S / velocity)); } if (duration == Duration::zero()) { // Perform an instantaneous transition. jumpTo(camera); return; } const double startScale = state.scale; state.panning = true; state.scaling = true; state.rotating = bearing != startBearing; const EdgeInsets startEdgeInsets = state.edgeInsets; startTransition(camera, animation, [=](double k) { /// s: The distance traveled along the flight path, measured in /// ρ-screenfuls. double s = k * S; double us = k == 1.0 ? 1.0 : u(s); // Calculate the current point and zoom level along the flight path. Point framePoint = util::interpolate(startPoint, endPoint, us); double frameZoom = startZoom + state.scaleZoom(1 / w(s)); // Zoom can be NaN if size is empty. if (std::isnan(frameZoom)) { frameZoom = zoom; } // Convert to geographic coordinates and set the new viewpoint. LatLng frameLatLng = Projection::unproject(framePoint, startScale); state.setLatLngZoom(frameLatLng, frameZoom); if (bearing != startBearing) { state.bearing = util::wrap(util::interpolate(startBearing, bearing, k), -M_PI, M_PI); } if (padding != startEdgeInsets) { // Interpolate edge insets state.edgeInsets = { util::interpolate(startEdgeInsets.top(), padding.top(), us), util::interpolate(startEdgeInsets.left(), padding.left(), us), util::interpolate(startEdgeInsets.bottom(), padding.bottom(), us), util::interpolate(startEdgeInsets.right(), padding.right(), us) }; } auto maxPitch = getMaxPitchForEdgeInsets(state.edgeInsets); if (pitch != startPitch || maxPitch < startPitch) { state.pitch = std::min(maxPitch, util::interpolate(startPitch, pitch, k)); } }, duration); } #pragma mark - Position void Transform::moveBy(const ScreenCoordinate& offset, const AnimationOptions& animation) { ScreenCoordinate centerOffset = { offset.x, offset.y }; ScreenCoordinate pointOnScreen = state.edgeInsets.getCenter(state.size.width, state.size.height) - centerOffset; // Use unwrapped LatLng to carry information about moveBy direction. easeTo(CameraOptions().withCenter(screenCoordinateToLatLng(pointOnScreen, LatLng::Unwrapped)), animation); } LatLng Transform::getLatLng(LatLng::WrapMode wrap) const { return state.getLatLng(wrap); } #pragma mark - Zoom double Transform::getZoom() const { return state.getZoom(); } #pragma mark - Bounds void Transform::setLatLngBounds(LatLngBounds bounds) { if (!bounds.valid()) { throw std::runtime_error("failed to set bounds: bounds are invalid"); } state.setLatLngBounds(std::move(bounds)); } void Transform::setMinZoom(const double minZoom) { if (std::isnan(minZoom)) return; state.setMinZoom(minZoom); } void Transform::setMaxZoom(const double maxZoom) { if (std::isnan(maxZoom)) return; state.setMaxZoom(maxZoom); } #pragma mark - Bearing void Transform::rotateBy(const ScreenCoordinate& first, const ScreenCoordinate& second, const AnimationOptions& animation) { ScreenCoordinate center = state.edgeInsets.getCenter(state.size.width, state.size.height); const ScreenCoordinate offset = first - center; const double distance = std::sqrt(std::pow(2, offset.x) + std::pow(2, offset.y)); // If the first click was too close to the center, move the center of rotation by 200 pixels // in the direction of the click. if (distance < 200) { const double heightOffset = -200; const double rotateBearing = std::atan2(offset.y, offset.x); center.x = first.x + std::cos(rotateBearing) * heightOffset; center.y = first.y + std::sin(rotateBearing) * heightOffset; } const double bearing = -(state.bearing + util::angle_between(first - center, second - center)) * util::RAD2DEG; easeTo(CameraOptions().withBearing(bearing), animation); } double Transform::getBearing() const { return state.bearing; } #pragma mark - Pitch double Transform::getPitch() const { return state.pitch; } #pragma mark - North Orientation void Transform::setNorthOrientation(NorthOrientation orientation) { state.orientation = orientation; state.constrain(state.scale, state.x, state.y); } NorthOrientation Transform::getNorthOrientation() const { return state.getNorthOrientation(); } #pragma mark - Constrain mode void Transform::setConstrainMode(mbgl::ConstrainMode mode) { state.constrainMode = mode; state.constrain(state.scale, state.x, state.y); } ConstrainMode Transform::getConstrainMode() const { return state.getConstrainMode(); } #pragma mark - Viewport mode void Transform::setViewportMode(mbgl::ViewportMode mode) { state.viewportMode = mode; } ViewportMode Transform::getViewportMode() const { return state.getViewportMode(); } #pragma mark - Projection mode void Transform::setProjectionMode(const ProjectionMode& options) { state.axonometric = options.axonometric.value_or(state.axonometric); state.xSkew = options.xSkew.value_or(state.xSkew); state.ySkew = options.ySkew.value_or(state.ySkew); } ProjectionMode Transform::getProjectionMode() const { return ProjectionMode() .withAxonometric(state.axonometric) .withXSkew(state.xSkew) .withYSkew(state.ySkew); } #pragma mark - Transition void Transform::startTransition(const CameraOptions& camera, const AnimationOptions& animation, std::function frame, const Duration& duration) { if (transitionFinishFn) { transitionFinishFn(); } bool isAnimated = duration != Duration::zero(); observer.onCameraWillChange(isAnimated ? MapObserver::CameraChangeMode::Animated : MapObserver::CameraChangeMode::Immediate); // Associate the anchor, if given, with a coordinate. // Anchor and center points are mutually exclusive, with preference for the // center point when both are set. optional anchor = camera.center ? nullopt : camera.anchor; LatLng anchorLatLng; if (anchor) { anchor->y = state.size.height - anchor->y; anchorLatLng = state.screenCoordinateToLatLng(*anchor); } transitionStart = Clock::now(); transitionDuration = duration; transitionFrameFn = [isAnimated, animation, frame, anchor, anchorLatLng, this](const TimePoint now) { float t = isAnimated ? (std::chrono::duration(now - transitionStart) / transitionDuration) : 1.0; if (t >= 1.0) { frame(1.0); } else { util::UnitBezier ease = animation.easing ? *animation.easing : util::DEFAULT_TRANSITION_EASE; frame(ease.solve(t, 0.001)); } if (anchor) state.moveLatLng(anchorLatLng, *anchor); // At t = 1.0, a DidChangeAnimated notification should be sent from finish(). if (t < 1.0) { if (animation.transitionFrameFn) { animation.transitionFrameFn(t); } observer.onCameraIsChanging(); return false; } else { // Indicate that we need to terminate this transition return true; } }; transitionFinishFn = [isAnimated, animation, this] { state.panning = false; state.scaling = false; state.rotating = false; if (animation.transitionFinishFn) { animation.transitionFinishFn(); } observer.onCameraDidChange(isAnimated ? MapObserver::CameraChangeMode::Animated : MapObserver::CameraChangeMode::Immediate); }; if (!isAnimated) { auto update = std::move(transitionFrameFn); auto finish = std::move(transitionFinishFn); transitionFrameFn = nullptr; transitionFinishFn = nullptr; update(Clock::now()); finish(); } } bool Transform::inTransition() const { return transitionFrameFn != nullptr; } void Transform::updateTransitions(const TimePoint& now) { // Use a temporary function to ensure that the transitionFrameFn lambda is // called only once per update. // This addresses the symptoms of https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/issues/11180 // where setting a shape source to nil (or similar) in the `onCameraIsChanging` // observer function causes `Map::Impl::onUpdate()` to be called which // in turn calls this function (before the current iteration has completed), // leading to an infinite loop. See https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/issues/5833 // for a similar, related, issue. // // By temporarily nulling the `transitionFrameFn` (and then restoring it // after the temporary has been called) we stop this recursion. // // It's important to note that the scope of this change is stop the above // crashes. It doesn't address any potential deeper issue (for example // user error, how often and when transition callbacks are called). auto transition = std::move(transitionFrameFn); transitionFrameFn = nullptr; if (transition && transition(now)) { // If the transition indicates that it is complete, then we should call // the finish lambda (going via a temporary as above) auto finish = std::move(transitionFinishFn); transitionFinishFn = nullptr; transitionFrameFn = nullptr; if (finish) { finish(); } } else if (!transitionFrameFn) { // We have to check `transitionFrameFn` is nil here, since a new transition // may have been triggered in a user callback (from the transition call // above) transitionFrameFn = std::move(transition); } } void Transform::cancelTransitions() { if (transitionFinishFn) { transitionFinishFn(); } transitionFrameFn = nullptr; transitionFinishFn = nullptr; } void Transform::setGestureInProgress(bool inProgress) { state.gestureInProgress = inProgress; } #pragma mark Conversion and projection ScreenCoordinate Transform::latLngToScreenCoordinate(const LatLng& latLng) const { ScreenCoordinate point = state.latLngToScreenCoordinate(latLng); point.y = state.size.height - point.y; return point; } LatLng Transform::screenCoordinateToLatLng(const ScreenCoordinate& point, LatLng::WrapMode wrapMode) const { ScreenCoordinate flippedPoint = point; flippedPoint.y = state.size.height - flippedPoint.y; return state.screenCoordinateToLatLng(flippedPoint, wrapMode); } double Transform::getMaxPitchForEdgeInsets(const EdgeInsets &insets) const { double centerOffsetY = 0.5 * (insets.top() - insets.bottom()); // See TransformState::getCenterOffset. const auto height = state.size.height; assert(height); // For details, see description at https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/pull/15195 // The definition of half of TransformState::fov with no inset, is: fov = arctan((height / 2) / (height * 1.5)). // We use half of fov, as it is field of view above perspective center. // With inset, this angle changes and tangentOfFovAboveCenterAngle = (h/2 + centerOffsetY) / (height * 1.5). // 1.03 is a bit extra added to prevent parallel ground to viewport clipping plane. const double tangentOfFovAboveCenterAngle = 1.03 * (height / 2.0 + centerOffsetY) / (1.5 * height); const double fovAboveCenter = std::atan(tangentOfFovAboveCenterAngle); return M_PI * 0.5 - fovAboveCenter; // e.g. Maximum pitch of 60 degrees is when perspective center's offset from the top is 84% of screen height. } } // namespace mbgl