#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace mbgl; Transform::Transform(View &view_) : view(view_) { } #pragma mark - Map View bool Transform::resize(const uint16_t w, const uint16_t h, const float ratio, const uint16_t fb_w, const uint16_t fb_h) { std::lock_guard lock(mtx); if (final.width != w || final.height != h || final.pixelRatio != ratio || final.framebuffer[0] != fb_w || final.framebuffer[1] != fb_h) { view.notifyMapChange(MapChangeRegionWillChange); current.width = final.width = w; current.height = final.height = h; current.pixelRatio = final.pixelRatio = ratio; current.framebuffer[0] = final.framebuffer[0] = fb_w; current.framebuffer[1] = final.framebuffer[1] = fb_h; constrain(current.scale, current.y); view.notifyMapChange(MapChangeRegionDidChange); return true; } else { return false; } } #pragma mark - Position void Transform::moveBy(const double dx, const double dy, const Duration duration) { std::lock_guard lock(mtx); _moveBy(dx, dy, duration); } void Transform::_moveBy(const double dx, const double dy, const Duration duration) { // This is only called internally, so we don't need a lock here. view.notifyMapChange(duration != Duration::zero() ? MapChangeRegionWillChangeAnimated : MapChangeRegionWillChange); final.x = current.x + std::cos(current.angle) * dx + std::sin(current.angle) * dy; final.y = current.y + std::cos(current.angle) * dy + std::sin(-current.angle) * dx; constrain(final.scale, final.y); if (duration == Duration::zero()) { current.x = final.x; current.y = final.y; } else { // Use a common start time for all of the transitions to avoid divergent transitions. TimePoint start = Clock::now(); transitions.emplace_front( std::make_shared>(current.x, final.x, current.x, start, duration)); transitions.emplace_front( std::make_shared>(current.y, final.y, current.y, start, duration)); } view.notifyMapChange(duration != Duration::zero() ? MapChangeRegionDidChangeAnimated : MapChangeRegionDidChange, duration); } void Transform::setLatLng(const LatLng latLng, const Duration duration) { std::lock_guard lock(mtx); const double m = 1 - 1e-15; const double f = std::fmin(std::fmax(std::sin(util::DEG2RAD * latLng.latitude), -m), m); double xn = -latLng.longitude * current.Bc; double yn = 0.5 * current.Cc * std::log((1 + f) / (1 - f)); _setScaleXY(current.scale, xn, yn, duration); } void Transform::setLatLngZoom(const LatLng latLng, const double zoom, const Duration duration) { std::lock_guard lock(mtx); double new_scale = std::pow(2.0, zoom); const double s = new_scale * util::tileSize; current.Bc = s / 360; current.Cc = s / util::M2PI; const double m = 1 - 1e-15; const double f = std::fmin(std::fmax(std::sin(util::DEG2RAD * latLng.latitude), -m), m); double xn = -latLng.longitude * current.Bc; double yn = 0.5 * current.Cc * std::log((1 + f) / (1 - f)); _setScaleXY(new_scale, xn, yn, duration); } void Transform::startPanning() { std::lock_guard lock(mtx); _clearPanning(); // Add a 200ms timeout for resetting this to false current.panning = true; TimePoint start = Clock::now(); pan_timeout = std::make_shared>(false, current.panning, start, std::chrono::milliseconds(200)); transitions.emplace_front(pan_timeout); } void Transform::stopPanning() { std::lock_guard lock(mtx); _clearPanning(); } void Transform::_clearPanning() { current.panning = false; if (pan_timeout) { transitions.remove(pan_timeout); pan_timeout.reset(); } } #pragma mark - Zoom void Transform::scaleBy(const double ds, const double cx, const double cy, const Duration duration) { std::lock_guard lock(mtx); // clamp scale to min/max values double new_scale = current.scale * ds; if (new_scale < min_scale) { new_scale = min_scale; } else if (new_scale > max_scale) { new_scale = max_scale; } _setScale(new_scale, cx, cy, duration); } void Transform::setScale(const double scale, const double cx, const double cy, const Duration duration) { std::lock_guard lock(mtx); _setScale(scale, cx, cy, duration); } void Transform::setZoom(const double zoom, const Duration duration) { std::lock_guard lock(mtx); _setScale(std::pow(2.0, zoom), -1, -1, duration); } double Transform::getZoom() const { std::lock_guard lock(mtx); return final.getZoom(); } double Transform::getScale() const { std::lock_guard lock(mtx); return final.scale; } void Transform::startScaling() { std::lock_guard lock(mtx); _clearScaling(); // Add a 200ms timeout for resetting this to false current.scaling = true; TimePoint start = Clock::now(); scale_timeout = std::make_shared>(false, current.scaling, start, std::chrono::milliseconds(200)); transitions.emplace_front(scale_timeout); } void Transform::stopScaling() { std::lock_guard lock(mtx); _clearScaling(); } double Transform::getMinZoom() const { double test_scale = current.scale; double test_y = current.y; constrain(test_scale, test_y); return std::log2(std::fmin(min_scale, test_scale)); } double Transform::getMaxZoom() const { return std::log2(max_scale); } void Transform::_clearScaling() { // This is only called internally, so we don't need a lock here. current.scaling = false; if (scale_timeout) { transitions.remove(scale_timeout); scale_timeout.reset(); } } void Transform::_setScale(double new_scale, double cx, double cy, const Duration duration) { // This is only called internally, so we don't need a lock here. // Ensure that we don't zoom in further than the maximum allowed. if (new_scale < min_scale) { new_scale = min_scale; } else if (new_scale > max_scale) { new_scale = max_scale; } // Zoom in on the center if we don't have click or gesture anchor coordinates. if (cx < 0 || cy < 0) { cx = current.width / 2; cy = current.height / 2; } // Account for the x/y offset from the center (= where the user clicked or pinched) const double factor = new_scale / current.scale; const double dx = (cx - current.width / 2) * (1.0 - factor); const double dy = (cy - current.height / 2) * (1.0 - factor); // Account for angle const double angle_sin = std::sin(-current.angle); const double angle_cos = std::cos(-current.angle); const double ax = angle_cos * dx - angle_sin * dy; const double ay = angle_sin * dx + angle_cos * dy; const double xn = current.x * factor + ax; const double yn = current.y * factor + ay; _setScaleXY(new_scale, xn, yn, duration); } void Transform::_setScaleXY(const double new_scale, const double xn, const double yn, const Duration duration) { // This is only called internally, so we don't need a lock here. view.notifyMapChange(duration != Duration::zero() ? MapChangeRegionWillChangeAnimated : MapChangeRegionWillChange); final.scale = new_scale; final.x = xn; final.y = yn; constrain(final.scale, final.y); if (duration == Duration::zero()) { current.scale = final.scale; current.x = final.x; current.y = final.y; } else { // Use a common start time for all of the transitions to avoid divergent transitions. TimePoint start = Clock::now(); transitions.emplace_front(std::make_shared>( current.scale, final.scale, current.scale, start, duration)); transitions.emplace_front( std::make_shared>(current.x, final.x, current.x, start, duration)); transitions.emplace_front( std::make_shared>(current.y, final.y, current.y, start, duration)); } const double s = final.scale * util::tileSize; current.Bc = s / 360; current.Cc = s / util::M2PI; view.notifyMapChange(duration != Duration::zero() ? MapChangeRegionDidChangeAnimated : MapChangeRegionDidChange, duration); } #pragma mark - Constraints void Transform::constrain(double& scale, double& y) const { // Constrain minimum zoom to avoid zooming out far enough to show off-world areas. if (scale < (current.height / util::tileSize)) scale = (current.height / util::tileSize); // Constrain min/max vertical pan to avoid showing off-world areas. double max_y = ((scale * util::tileSize) - current.height) / 2; if (y > max_y) y = max_y; if (y < -max_y) y = -max_y; } #pragma mark - Angle void Transform::rotateBy(const double start_x, const double start_y, const double end_x, const double end_y, const Duration duration) { std::lock_guard lock(mtx); double center_x = current.width / 2, center_y = current.height / 2; const double begin_center_x = start_x - center_x; const double begin_center_y = start_y - center_y; const double beginning_center_dist = std::sqrt(begin_center_x * begin_center_x + begin_center_y * begin_center_y); // If the first click was too close to the center, move the center of rotation by 200 pixels // in the direction of the click. if (beginning_center_dist < 200) { const double offset_x = -200, offset_y = 0; const double rotate_angle = std::atan2(begin_center_y, begin_center_x); const double rotate_angle_sin = std::sin(rotate_angle); const double rotate_angle_cos = std::cos(rotate_angle); center_x = start_x + rotate_angle_cos * offset_x - rotate_angle_sin * offset_y; center_y = start_y + rotate_angle_sin * offset_x + rotate_angle_cos * offset_y; } const double first_x = start_x - center_x, first_y = start_y - center_y; const double second_x = end_x - center_x, second_y = end_y - center_y; const double ang = current.angle + util::angle_between(first_x, first_y, second_x, second_y); _setAngle(ang, duration); } void Transform::setAngle(const double new_angle, const Duration duration) { std::lock_guard lock(mtx); _setAngle(new_angle, duration); } void Transform::setAngle(const double new_angle, const double cx, const double cy) { std::lock_guard lock(mtx); double dx = 0, dy = 0; if (cx >= 0 && cy >= 0) { dx = (final.width / 2) - cx; dy = (final.height / 2) - cy; _moveBy(dx, dy, Duration::zero()); } _setAngle(new_angle, Duration::zero()); if (cx >= 0 && cy >= 0) { _moveBy(-dx, -dy, Duration::zero()); } } void Transform::_setAngle(double new_angle, const Duration duration) { // This is only called internally, so we don't need a lock here. view.notifyMapChange(duration != Duration::zero() ? MapChangeRegionWillChangeAnimated : MapChangeRegionWillChange); while (new_angle > M_PI) new_angle -= util::M2PI; while (new_angle <= -M_PI) new_angle += util::M2PI; final.angle = new_angle; if (duration == Duration::zero()) { current.angle = final.angle; } else { TimePoint start = Clock::now(); transitions.emplace_front(std::make_shared>( current.angle, final.angle, current.angle, start, duration)); } view.notifyMapChange(duration != Duration::zero() ? MapChangeRegionDidChangeAnimated : MapChangeRegionDidChange, duration); } double Transform::getAngle() const { std::lock_guard lock(mtx); return final.angle; } void Transform::startRotating() { std::lock_guard lock(mtx); _clearRotating(); // Add a 200ms timeout for resetting this to false current.rotating = true; TimePoint start = Clock::now(); rotate_timeout = std::make_shared>(false, current.rotating, start, std::chrono::milliseconds(200)); transitions.emplace_front(rotate_timeout); } void Transform::stopRotating() { std::lock_guard lock(mtx); _clearRotating(); } void Transform::_clearRotating() { // This is only called internally, so we don't need a lock here. current.rotating = false; if (rotate_timeout) { transitions.remove(rotate_timeout); rotate_timeout.reset(); } } #pragma mark - Transition bool Transform::needsTransition() const { std::lock_guard lock(mtx); return !transitions.empty(); } void Transform::updateTransitions(const TimePoint now) { std::lock_guard lock(mtx); transitions.remove_if([now](const util::ptr &transition) { return transition->update(now) == util::transition::complete; }); } void Transform::cancelTransitions() { std::lock_guard lock(mtx); transitions.clear(); } #pragma mark - Transform state const TransformState Transform::currentState() const { std::lock_guard lock(mtx); return current; } const TransformState Transform::finalState() const { std::lock_guard lock(mtx); return final; }