#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace mbgl { void parse(const rapidjson::Value& value, std::vector& target, const char *name) { if (!value.HasMember(name)) return; const rapidjson::Value& property = value[name]; if (!property.IsArray()) return; for (rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < property.Size(); i++) if (!property[i].IsString()) return; for (rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < property.Size(); i++) target.emplace_back(std::string(property[i].GetString(), property[i].GetStringLength())); } void parse(const rapidjson::Value& value, std::string& target, const char* name) { if (!value.HasMember(name)) return; const rapidjson::Value& property = value[name]; if (!property.IsString()) return; target = { property.GetString(), property.GetStringLength() }; } void parse(const rapidjson::Value& value, uint16_t& target, const char* name) { if (!value.HasMember(name)) return; const rapidjson::Value& property = value[name]; if (!property.IsUint()) return; unsigned int uint = property.GetUint(); if (uint > std::numeric_limits::max()) return; target = uint; } template void parse(const rapidjson::Value& value, std::array& target, const char* name) { if (!value.HasMember(name)) return; const rapidjson::Value& property = value[name]; if (!property.IsArray() || property.Size() != N) return; for (rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < property.Size(); i++) if (!property[i].IsNumber()) return; for (rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < property.Size(); i++) target[i] = property[i].GetDouble(); } void SourceInfo::parseTileJSONProperties(const rapidjson::Value& value) { parse(value, tiles, "tiles"); parse(value, min_zoom, "minzoom"); parse(value, max_zoom, "maxzoom"); parse(value, attribution, "attribution"); parse(value, center, "center"); parse(value, bounds, "bounds"); } std::string SourceInfo::tileURL(const TileID& id, float pixelRatio) const { std::string result = tiles.at(0); result = util::mapbox::normalizeTileURL(result, url, type); result = util::replaceTokens(result, [&](const std::string &token) -> std::string { if (token == "z") return util::toString(std::min(id.z, static_cast(max_zoom))); if (token == "x") return util::toString(id.x); if (token == "y") return util::toString(id.y); if (token == "prefix") { std::string prefix { 2 }; prefix[0] = "0123456789abcdef"[id.x % 16]; prefix[1] = "0123456789abcdef"[id.y % 16]; return prefix; } if (token == "ratio") return pixelRatio > 1.0 ? "@2x" : ""; return ""; }); return result; } Source::Source() {} Source::~Source() = default; bool Source::isLoaded() const { if (!loaded) { return false; } for (const auto& tile : tiles) { if (tile.second->data->getState() != TileData::State::parsed) { return false; } } return true; } // Note: This is a separate function that must be called exactly once after creation // The reason this isn't part of the constructor is that calling shared_from_this() in // the constructor fails. void Source::load() { if (info.url.empty()) { loaded = true; return; } FileSource* fs = util::ThreadContext::getFileSource(); req = fs->request({ Resource::Kind::Source, info.url }, util::RunLoop::getLoop(), [this](const Response &res) { if (res.stale) { // Only handle fresh responses. return; } req = nullptr; if (res.status != Response::Successful) { std::stringstream message; message << "Failed to load [" << info.url << "]: " << res.message; emitSourceLoadingFailed(message.str()); return; } rapidjson::Document d; d.Parse<0>(res.data->c_str()); if (d.HasParseError()) { std::stringstream message; message << "Failed to parse [" << info.url << "]: " << d.GetErrorOffset() << " - " << rapidjson::GetParseError_En(d.GetParseError()); emitSourceLoadingFailed(message.str()); return; } info.parseTileJSONProperties(d); loaded = true; emitSourceLoaded(); }); } void Source::updateMatrices(const mat4 &projMatrix, const TransformState &transform) { for (const auto& pair : tiles) { Tile &tile = *pair.second; transform.matrixFor(tile.matrix, tile.id, std::min(static_cast(info.max_zoom), tile.id.z)); matrix::multiply(tile.matrix, projMatrix, tile.matrix); } } void Source::drawClippingMasks(Painter &painter) { for (const auto& pair : tiles) { Tile &tile = *pair.second; MBGL_DEBUG_GROUP(std::string { "mask: " } + std::string(tile.id)); painter.drawClippingMask(tile.matrix, tile.clip); } } void Source::finishRender(Painter &painter) { for (const auto& pair : tiles) { Tile &tile = *pair.second; painter.renderTileDebug(tile); } } std::forward_list Source::getLoadedTiles() const { std::forward_list ptrs; auto it = ptrs.before_begin(); for (const auto& pair : tiles) { if (pair.second->data->isReady()) { it = ptrs.insert_after(it, pair.second.get()); } } return ptrs; } const std::vector& Source::getTiles() const { return tilePtrs; } TileData::State Source::hasTile(const TileID& id) { auto it = tiles.find(id); if (it != tiles.end()) { Tile& tile = *it->second; if (tile.id == id && tile.data) { return tile.data->getState(); } } return TileData::State::invalid; } bool Source::handlePartialTile(const TileID& id, Worker&) { const TileID normalized_id = id.normalized(); auto it = tile_data.find(normalized_id); if (it == tile_data.end()) { return true; } auto data = it->second.lock(); if (!data) { return true; } return data->reparse([this]() { emitTileLoaded(false); }); } TileData::State Source::addTile(MapData& data, const TransformState& transformState, Style& style, TexturePool& texturePool, const TileID& id) { const TileData::State state = hasTile(id); if (state != TileData::State::invalid) { return state; } auto pos = tiles.emplace(id, std::make_unique(id)); Tile& new_tile = *pos.first->second; // We couldn't find the tile in the list. Create a new one. // Try to find the associated TileData object. const TileID normalized_id = id.normalized(); auto it = tile_data.find(normalized_id); if (it != tile_data.end()) { // Create a shared_ptr handle. Note that this might be empty! new_tile.data = it->second.lock(); } if (new_tile.data && new_tile.data->getState() == TileData::State::obsolete) { // Do not consider the tile if it's already obsolete. new_tile.data.reset(); } if (!new_tile.data) { new_tile.data = cache.get(normalized_id.to_uint64()); } if (!new_tile.data) { auto callback = std::bind(&Source::tileLoadingCompleteCallback, this, normalized_id, transformState, data.getCollisionDebug()); // If we don't find working tile data, we're just going to load it. if (info.type == SourceType::Vector) { auto tileData = std::make_shared(normalized_id, style, info, transformState.getAngle(), transformState.getPitch(), data.getCollisionDebug()); tileData->request(data.pixelRatio, callback); new_tile.data = tileData; } else if (info.type == SourceType::Raster) { auto tileData = std::make_shared(normalized_id, texturePool, info, style.workers); tileData->request(data.pixelRatio, callback); new_tile.data = tileData; } else if (info.type == SourceType::Annotations) { new_tile.data = std::make_shared(normalized_id, data.getAnnotationManager()->getTile(normalized_id), style, info, callback); } else { throw std::runtime_error("source type not implemented"); } tile_data.emplace(new_tile.data->id, new_tile.data); } return new_tile.data->getState(); } double Source::getZoom(const TransformState& state) const { double offset = std::log(util::tileSize / info.tile_size) / std::log(2); return state.getZoom() + offset; } int32_t Source::coveringZoomLevel(const TransformState& state) const { double zoom = getZoom(state); if (info.type == SourceType::Raster || info.type == SourceType::Video) { zoom = ::round(zoom); } else { zoom = std::floor(zoom); } return zoom; } std::forward_list Source::coveringTiles(const TransformState& state) const { int32_t z = coveringZoomLevel(state); auto actualZ = z; const bool reparseOverscaled = info.type == SourceType::Vector || info.type == SourceType::Annotations; if (z < info.min_zoom) return {{}}; if (z > info.max_zoom) z = info.max_zoom; // Map four viewport corners to pixel coordinates box points = state.cornersToBox(z); const TileCoordinate center = state.pointToCoordinate({ state.getWidth() / 2.0f, state.getHeight()/ 2.0f }).zoomTo(z); std::forward_list covering_tiles = tileCover(z, points, reparseOverscaled ? actualZ : z); covering_tiles.sort([¢er](const TileID& a, const TileID& b) { // Sorts by distance from the box center return std::fabs(a.x - center.column) + std::fabs(a.y - center.row) < std::fabs(b.x - center.column) + std::fabs(b.y - center.row); }); return covering_tiles; } /** * Recursively find children of the given tile that are already loaded. * * @param id The tile ID that we should find children for. * @param maxCoveringZoom The maximum zoom level of children to look for. * @param retain An object that we add the found tiles to. * * @return boolean Whether the children found completely cover the tile. */ bool Source::findLoadedChildren(const TileID& id, int32_t maxCoveringZoom, std::forward_list& retain) { bool complete = true; int32_t z = id.z; auto ids = id.children(info.max_zoom); for (const auto& child_id : ids) { const TileData::State state = hasTile(child_id); if (TileData::isReadyState(state)) { retain.emplace_front(child_id); } else { complete = false; if (z < maxCoveringZoom) { // Go further down the hierarchy to find more unloaded children. findLoadedChildren(child_id, maxCoveringZoom, retain); } } } return complete; } /** * Find a loaded parent of the given tile. * * @param id The tile ID that we should find children for. * @param minCoveringZoom The minimum zoom level of parents to look for. * @param retain An object that we add the found tiles to. * * @return boolean Whether a parent was found. */ bool Source::findLoadedParent(const TileID& id, int32_t minCoveringZoom, std::forward_list& retain) { for (int32_t z = id.z - 1; z >= minCoveringZoom; --z) { const TileID parent_id = id.parent(z, info.max_zoom); const TileData::State state = hasTile(parent_id); if (TileData::isReadyState(state)) { retain.emplace_front(parent_id); return true; } } return false; } bool Source::update(MapData& data, const TransformState& transformState, Style& style, TexturePool& texturePool, bool shouldReparsePartialTiles) { bool allTilesUpdated = true; if (!loaded || data.getAnimationTime() <= updated) { return allTilesUpdated; } double zoom = getZoom(transformState); if (info.type == SourceType::Raster || info.type == SourceType::Video) { zoom = ::round(zoom); } else { zoom = std::floor(zoom); } std::forward_list required = coveringTiles(transformState); // Determine the overzooming/underzooming amounts. int32_t minCoveringZoom = util::clamp(zoom - 10, info.min_zoom, info.max_zoom); int32_t maxCoveringZoom = util::clamp(zoom + 1, info.min_zoom, info.max_zoom); // Retain is a list of tiles that we shouldn't delete, even if they are not // the most ideal tile for the current viewport. This may include tiles like // parent or child tiles that are *already* loaded. std::forward_list retain(required); // Add existing child/parent tiles if the actual tile is not yet loaded for (const auto& id : required) { TileData::State state = hasTile(id); switch (state) { case TileData::State::partial: if (shouldReparsePartialTiles) { if (!handlePartialTile(id, style.workers)) { allTilesUpdated = false; } } break; case TileData::State::invalid: state = addTile(data, transformState, style, texturePool, id); break; default: break; } if (!TileData::isReadyState(state)) { // The tile we require is not yet loaded. Try to find a parent or // child tile that we already have. // First, try to find existing child tiles that completely cover the // missing tile. bool complete = findLoadedChildren(id, maxCoveringZoom, retain); // Then, if there are no complete child tiles, try to find existing // parent tiles that completely cover the missing tile. if (!complete) { findLoadedParent(id, minCoveringZoom, retain); } } } if (info.type != SourceType::Raster && cache.getSize() == 0) { size_t conservativeCacheSize = ((float)transformState.getWidth() / util::tileSize) * ((float)transformState.getHeight() / util::tileSize) * (transformState.getMaxZoom() - transformState.getMinZoom() + 1) * 0.5; cache.setSize(conservativeCacheSize); } auto& tileCache = cache; auto& type = info.type; // Remove tiles that we definitely don't need, i.e. tiles that are not on // the required list. std::set retain_data; util::erase_if(tiles, [&retain, &retain_data, &tileCache, &type](std::pair> &pair) { Tile &tile = *pair.second; bool obsolete = std::find(retain.begin(), retain.end(), tile.id) == retain.end(); if (!obsolete) { retain_data.insert(tile.data->id); } else if (type != SourceType::Raster && tile.data->getState() == TileData::State::parsed) { // Partially parsed tiles are never added to the cache because otherwise // they never get updated if the go out from the viewport and the pending // resources arrive. tileCache.add(tile.id.normalized().to_uint64(), tile.data); } return obsolete; }); // Remove all the expired pointers from the set. util::erase_if(tile_data, [&retain_data, &tileCache](std::pair> &pair) { const util::ptr tile = pair.second.lock(); if (!tile) { return true; } bool obsolete = retain_data.find(tile->id) == retain_data.end(); if (obsolete) { if (!tileCache.has(tile->id.normalized().to_uint64())) { tile->cancel(); } return true; } else { return false; } }); updateTilePtrs(); for (auto& tilePtr : tilePtrs) { tilePtr->data->redoPlacement(transformState.getAngle(), transformState.getPitch(), data.getCollisionDebug()); } updated = data.getAnimationTime(); return allTilesUpdated; } void Source::invalidateTiles() { cache.clear(); tiles.clear(); tile_data.clear(); updateTilePtrs(); } void Source::updateTilePtrs() { tilePtrs.clear(); for (const auto& pair : tiles) { tilePtrs.push_back(pair.second.get()); } } void Source::setCacheSize(size_t size) { cache.setSize(size); } void Source::onLowMemory() { cache.clear(); } void Source::setObserver(Observer* observer) { observer_ = observer; } void Source::tileLoadingCompleteCallback(const TileID& normalized_id, const TransformState& transformState, bool collisionDebug) { auto it = tile_data.find(normalized_id); if (it == tile_data.end()) { return; } util::ptr data = it->second.lock(); if (!data) { return; } if (data->getState() == TileData::State::obsolete && !data->getError().empty()) { emitTileLoadingFailed(data->getError()); return; } data->redoPlacement(transformState.getAngle(), transformState.getPitch(), collisionDebug); emitTileLoaded(true); } void Source::emitSourceLoaded() { if (observer_) { observer_->onSourceLoaded(); } } void Source::emitSourceLoadingFailed(const std::string& message) { if (!observer_) { return; } auto error = std::make_exception_ptr(util::SourceLoadingException(message)); observer_->onSourceLoadingFailed(error); } void Source::emitTileLoaded(bool isNewTile) { if (observer_) { observer_->onTileLoaded(isNewTile); } } void Source::emitTileLoadingFailed(const std::string& message) { if (!observer_) { return; } auto error = std::make_exception_ptr(util::TileLoadingException(message)); observer_->onTileLoadingFailed(error); } }