#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace mbgl { Map::Map(View& view_, FileSource& fileSource, MapMode mode) : view(view_), transform(std::make_unique(view)), data(std::make_unique(mode, view.getPixelRatio())), context(std::make_unique>(util::ThreadContext{"Map", util::ThreadType::Map, util::ThreadPriority::Regular}, view, fileSource, *data)) { view.initialize(this); update(Update::Dimensions); } Map::~Map() { resume(); context->invoke(&MapContext::cleanup); } void Map::pause() { assert(data->mode == MapMode::Continuous); if (!paused) { std::unique_lock lockPause(data->mutexPause); context->invoke(&MapContext::pause); data->condPaused.wait(lockPause); paused = true; } } bool Map::isPaused() { return paused; } void Map::resume() { data->condResume.notify_all(); paused = false; } void Map::renderStill(StillImageCallback callback) { context->invoke(&MapContext::renderStill, transform->getState(), FrameData{ view.getFramebufferSize() }, callback); } void Map::renderSync() { if (renderState == RenderState::never) { view.notifyMapChange(MapChangeWillStartRenderingMap); } view.notifyMapChange(MapChangeWillStartRenderingFrame); const Update flags = transform->updateTransitions(Clock::now()); const bool fullyLoaded = context->invokeSync( &MapContext::renderSync, transform->getState(), FrameData { view.getFramebufferSize() }); view.notifyMapChange(fullyLoaded ? MapChangeDidFinishRenderingFrameFullyRendered : MapChangeDidFinishRenderingFrame); if (!fullyLoaded) { renderState = RenderState::partial; } else if (renderState != RenderState::fully) { renderState = RenderState::fully; view.notifyMapChange(MapChangeDidFinishRenderingMapFullyRendered); } // Triggers an asynchronous update, that eventually triggers a view // invalidation, causing renderSync to be called again if in transition. if (transform->inTransition()) { update(flags); } } void Map::update(Update flags) { if (flags & Update::Dimensions) { transform->resize(view.getSize()); } context->invoke(&MapContext::triggerUpdate, transform->getState(), flags); } #pragma mark - Style void Map::setStyleURL(const std::string &url) { context->invoke(&MapContext::setStyleURL, url); } void Map::setStyleJSON(const std::string& json, const std::string& base) { context->invoke(&MapContext::setStyleJSON, json, base); } std::string Map::getStyleURL() const { return context->invokeSync(&MapContext::getStyleURL); } std::string Map::getStyleJSON() const { return context->invokeSync(&MapContext::getStyleJSON); } #pragma mark - Transitions void Map::cancelTransitions() { transform->cancelTransitions(); update(Update::Repaint); } void Map::setGestureInProgress(bool inProgress) { transform->setGestureInProgress(inProgress); update(Update::Repaint); } #pragma mark - void Map::jumpTo(CameraOptions options) { transform->jumpTo(options); update(Update::Repaint); } void Map::easeTo(CameraOptions options) { transform->easeTo(options); update(options.zoom ? Update::Zoom : Update::Repaint); } #pragma mark - Position void Map::moveBy(double dx, double dy, const Duration& duration) { transform->moveBy(dx, dy, duration); update(Update::Repaint); } void Map::setLatLng(LatLng latLng, const Duration& duration) { transform->setLatLng(latLng, duration); update(Update::Repaint); } LatLng Map::getLatLng() const { return transform->getLatLng(); } void Map::resetPosition() { CameraOptions options; options.angle = 0; options.center = LatLng(0, 0); options.zoom = 0; transform->jumpTo(options); update(Update::Zoom); } #pragma mark - Scale void Map::scaleBy(double ds, double cx, double cy, const Duration& duration) { transform->scaleBy(ds, cx, cy, duration); update(Update::Zoom); } void Map::setScale(double scale, double cx, double cy, const Duration& duration) { transform->setScale(scale, cx, cy, duration); update(Update::Zoom); } double Map::getScale() const { return transform->getScale(); } void Map::setZoom(double zoom, const Duration& duration) { transform->setZoom(zoom, duration); update(Update::Zoom); } double Map::getZoom() const { return transform->getZoom(); } void Map::setLatLngZoom(LatLng latLng, double zoom, const Duration& duration) { transform->setLatLngZoom(latLng, zoom, duration); update(Update::Zoom); } CameraOptions Map::cameraForLatLngBounds(LatLngBounds bounds, EdgeInsets padding) { AnnotationSegment segment = { {bounds.ne.latitude, bounds.sw.longitude}, bounds.sw, {bounds.sw.latitude, bounds.ne.longitude}, bounds.ne, }; return cameraForLatLngs(segment, padding); } CameraOptions Map::cameraForLatLngs(std::vector latLngs, EdgeInsets padding) { CameraOptions options; if (latLngs.empty()) { return options; } // Calculate the bounds of the possibly rotated shape with respect to the viewport. vec2<> nePixel = {-INFINITY, -INFINITY}; vec2<> swPixel = {INFINITY, INFINITY}; for (LatLng latLng : latLngs) { vec2<> pixel = pixelForLatLng(latLng); swPixel.x = std::min(swPixel.x, pixel.x); nePixel.x = std::max(nePixel.x, pixel.x); swPixel.y = std::min(swPixel.y, pixel.y); nePixel.y = std::max(nePixel.y, pixel.y); } vec2<> size = nePixel - swPixel; // Calculate the zoom level. double scaleX = (getWidth() - padding.left - padding.right) / size.x; double scaleY = (getHeight() - padding.top - padding.bottom) / size.y; double minScale = ::fmin(scaleX, scaleY); double zoom = ::log2(getScale() * minScale); zoom = ::fmax(::fmin(zoom, getMaxZoom()), getMinZoom()); // Calculate the center point of a virtual bounds that is extended in all directions by padding. vec2<> paddedNEPixel = { nePixel.x + padding.right / minScale, nePixel.y + padding.top / minScale, }; vec2<> paddedSWPixel = { swPixel.x - padding.left / minScale, swPixel.y - padding.bottom / minScale, }; vec2<> centerPixel = (paddedNEPixel + paddedSWPixel) * 0.5; LatLng centerLatLng = latLngForPixel(centerPixel); options.center = centerLatLng; options.zoom = zoom; return options; } void Map::resetZoom() { setZoom(0); } double Map::getMinZoom() const { return transform->getState().getMinZoom(); } double Map::getMaxZoom() const { return transform->getState().getMaxZoom(); } #pragma mark - Size uint16_t Map::getWidth() const { return transform->getState().getWidth(); } uint16_t Map::getHeight() const { return transform->getState().getHeight(); } #pragma mark - Rotation void Map::rotateBy(double sx, double sy, double ex, double ey, const Duration& duration) { transform->rotateBy(sx, sy, ex, ey, duration); update(Update::Repaint); } void Map::setBearing(double degrees, const Duration& duration) { transform->setAngle(-degrees * M_PI / 180, duration); update(Update::Repaint); } void Map::setBearing(double degrees, double cx, double cy) { transform->setAngle(-degrees * M_PI / 180, cx, cy); update(Update::Repaint); } double Map::getBearing() const { return -transform->getAngle() / M_PI * 180; } void Map::resetNorth() { transform->setAngle(0, std::chrono::milliseconds(500)); update(Update::Repaint); } #pragma mark - Pitch void Map::setPitch(double pitch, const Duration& duration) { transform->setPitch(util::clamp(pitch, 0., 60.) * M_PI / 180, duration); update(Update::Repaint); } double Map::getPitch() const { return transform->getPitch() / M_PI * 180; } #pragma mark - Projection void Map::getWorldBoundsMeters(ProjectedMeters& sw, ProjectedMeters& ne) const { Projection::getWorldBoundsMeters(sw, ne); } void Map::getWorldBoundsLatLng(LatLng& sw, LatLng& ne) const { Projection::getWorldBoundsLatLng(sw, ne); } double Map::getMetersPerPixelAtLatitude(const double lat, const double zoom) const { return Projection::getMetersPerPixelAtLatitude(lat, zoom); } const ProjectedMeters Map::projectedMetersForLatLng(const LatLng latLng) const { return Projection::projectedMetersForLatLng(latLng); } const LatLng Map::latLngForProjectedMeters(const ProjectedMeters projectedMeters) const { return Projection::latLngForProjectedMeters(projectedMeters); } const vec2 Map::pixelForLatLng(const LatLng latLng) const { return transform->getState().latLngToPoint(latLng); } const LatLng Map::latLngForPixel(const vec2 pixel) const { return transform->getState().pointToLatLng(pixel); } #pragma mark - Annotations void Map::setDefaultPointAnnotationSymbol(const std::string& symbol) { data->getAnnotationManager()->setDefaultPointAnnotationSymbol(symbol); } double Map::getTopOffsetPixelsForAnnotationSymbol(const std::string& symbol) { return context->invokeSync(&MapContext::getTopOffsetPixelsForAnnotationSymbol, symbol); } uint32_t Map::addPointAnnotation(const PointAnnotation& annotation) { return addPointAnnotations({ annotation }).front(); } AnnotationIDs Map::addPointAnnotations(const std::vector& annotations) { auto result = data->getAnnotationManager()->addPointAnnotations(annotations, getMaxZoom()); context->invoke(&MapContext::updateAnnotationTiles, result.first); return result.second; } uint32_t Map::addShapeAnnotation(const ShapeAnnotation& annotation) { return addShapeAnnotations({ annotation }).front(); } AnnotationIDs Map::addShapeAnnotations(const std::vector& annotations) { auto result = data->getAnnotationManager()->addShapeAnnotations(annotations, getMaxZoom()); context->invoke(&MapContext::updateAnnotationTiles, result.first); return result.second; } void Map::removeAnnotation(uint32_t annotation) { removeAnnotations({ annotation }); } void Map::removeAnnotations(const std::vector& annotations) { auto result = data->getAnnotationManager()->removeAnnotations(annotations, getMaxZoom()); context->invoke(&MapContext::updateAnnotationTiles, result); } std::vector Map::getAnnotationsInBounds(const LatLngBounds& bounds, const AnnotationType& type) { return data->getAnnotationManager()->getAnnotationsInBounds(bounds, getMaxZoom(), type); } LatLngBounds Map::getBoundsForAnnotations(const std::vector& annotations) { return data->getAnnotationManager()->getBoundsForAnnotations(annotations); } #pragma mark - Sprites void Map::setSprite(const std::string& name, std::shared_ptr sprite) { context->invoke(&MapContext::setSprite, name, sprite); } void Map::removeSprite(const std::string& name) { setSprite(name, nullptr); } #pragma mark - Toggles void Map::setDebug(bool value) { data->setDebug(value); update(Update::Repaint); } void Map::toggleDebug() { data->toggleDebug(); update(Update::Repaint); } bool Map::getDebug() const { return data->getDebug(); } void Map::setCollisionDebug(bool value) { data->setCollisionDebug(value); update(Update::Repaint); } void Map::toggleCollisionDebug() { data->toggleCollisionDebug(); update(Update::Repaint); } bool Map::getCollisionDebug() const { return data->getCollisionDebug(); } bool Map::isFullyLoaded() const { return context->invokeSync(&MapContext::isLoaded); } void Map::addClass(const std::string& klass) { if (data->addClass(klass)) { update(Update::Classes); } } void Map::removeClass(const std::string& klass) { if (data->removeClass(klass)) { update(Update::Classes); } } void Map::setClasses(const std::vector& classes) { data->setClasses(classes); update(Update::Classes); } bool Map::hasClass(const std::string& klass) const { return data->hasClass(klass); } std::vector Map::getClasses() const { return data->getClasses(); } void Map::setDefaultTransitionDuration(const Duration& duration) { data->setDefaultTransitionDuration(duration); update(Update::DefaultTransition); } Duration Map::getDefaultTransitionDuration() const { return data->getDefaultTransitionDuration(); } void Map::setDefaultTransitionDelay(const Duration& delay) { data->setDefaultTransitionDelay(delay); update(Update::DefaultTransition); } Duration Map::getDefaultTransitionDelay() const { return data->getDefaultTransitionDelay(); } void Map::setSourceTileCacheSize(size_t size) { context->invoke(&MapContext::setSourceTileCacheSize, size); } void Map::onLowMemory() { context->invoke(&MapContext::onLowMemory); } }