#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace mbgl { using namespace style; template static bool has(const style::SymbolLayoutProperties::PossiblyEvaluated& layout) { return layout.get().match( [] (const typename Property::Type& t) { return !t.empty(); }, [] (const auto&) { return true; } ); } namespace { expression::Value sectionOptionsToValue(const SectionOptions& options) { std::unordered_map result; // TODO: Data driven properties that can be overridden on per section basis. // TextOpacity // TextHaloColor // TextHaloWidth // TextHaloBlur if (options.textColor) { result.emplace(expression::kFormattedSectionTextColor, *options.textColor); } return result; } inline const SymbolLayerProperties& toSymbolLayerProperties(const Immutable& layer) { return static_cast(*layer); } inline Immutable createLayout(const SymbolLayoutProperties::Unevaluated& unevaluated, float zoom) { auto layout = makeMutable(unevaluated.evaluate(PropertyEvaluationParameters(zoom))); if (layout->get() == AlignmentType::Auto) { if (layout->get() != SymbolPlacementType::Point) { layout->get() = AlignmentType::Map; } else { layout->get() = AlignmentType::Viewport; } } if (layout->get() == AlignmentType::Auto) { if (layout->get() != SymbolPlacementType::Point) { layout->get() = AlignmentType::Map; } else { layout->get() = AlignmentType::Viewport; } } // If unspecified `*-pitch-alignment` inherits `*-rotation-alignment` if (layout->get() == AlignmentType::Auto) { layout->get() = layout->get(); } if (layout->get() == AlignmentType::Auto) { layout->get() = layout->get(); } return std::move(layout); } } // namespace SymbolLayout::SymbolLayout(const BucketParameters& parameters, const std::vector>& layers, std::unique_ptr sourceLayer_, ImageDependencies& imageDependencies, GlyphDependencies& glyphDependencies) : bucketLeaderID(layers.front()->baseImpl->id), sourceLayer(std::move(sourceLayer_)), overscaling(parameters.tileID.overscaleFactor()), zoom(parameters.tileID.overscaledZ), mode(parameters.mode), pixelRatio(parameters.pixelRatio), tileSize(util::tileSize * overscaling), tilePixelRatio(float(util::EXTENT) / tileSize), textSize(toSymbolLayerProperties(layers.at(0)).layerImpl().layout.get()), iconSize(toSymbolLayerProperties(layers.at(0)).layerImpl().layout.get()), layout(createLayout(toSymbolLayerProperties(layers.at(0)).layerImpl().layout, zoom)) { const SymbolLayer::Impl& leader = toSymbolLayerProperties(layers.at(0)).layerImpl(); const bool hasText = has(*layout) && has(*layout); const bool hasIcon = has(*layout); if (!hasText && !hasIcon) { return; } const bool hasSymbolSortKey = !leader.layout.get().isUndefined(); const auto symbolZOrder = layout->get(); const bool sortFeaturesByKey = symbolZOrder != SymbolZOrderType::ViewportY && hasSymbolSortKey; const bool zOrderByViewportY = symbolZOrder == SymbolZOrderType::ViewportY || (symbolZOrder == SymbolZOrderType::Auto && !sortFeaturesByKey); sortFeaturesByY = zOrderByViewportY && (layout->get() || layout->get() || layout->get() || layout->get()); if (layout->get() == SymbolPlacementType::Point) { auto modes = layout->get(); // Remove duplicates and preserve order. std::set seen; auto end = std::remove_if(modes.begin(), modes.end(), [&seen, this](const auto& placementMode) { allowVerticalPlacement = allowVerticalPlacement || placementMode == style::TextWritingModeType::Vertical; return !seen.insert(placementMode).second; }); modes.erase(end, modes.end()); placementModes = std::move(modes); } for (const auto& layer : layers) { layerPaintProperties.emplace(layer->baseImpl->id, layer); } // Determine glyph dependencies const size_t featureCount = sourceLayer->featureCount(); for (size_t i = 0; i < featureCount; ++i) { auto feature = sourceLayer->getFeature(i); if (!leader.filter(expression::EvaluationContext { this->zoom, feature.get() })) continue; SymbolFeature ft(std::move(feature)); ft.index = i; if (hasText) { auto formatted = layout->evaluate(zoom, ft); auto textTransform = layout->evaluate(zoom, ft); FontStack baseFontStack = layout->evaluate(zoom, ft); ft.formattedText = TaggedString(); for (const auto & section : formatted.sections) { std::string u8string = section.text; if (textTransform == TextTransformType::Uppercase) { u8string = platform::uppercase(u8string); } else if (textTransform == TextTransformType::Lowercase) { u8string = platform::lowercase(u8string); } ft.formattedText->addSection(applyArabicShaping(util::convertUTF8ToUTF16(u8string)), section.fontScale ? *section.fontScale : 1.0, section.fontStack ? *section.fontStack : baseFontStack, section.textColor); } const bool canVerticalizeText = layout->get() == AlignmentType::Map && layout->get() != SymbolPlacementType::Point && ft.formattedText->allowsVerticalWritingMode(); // Loop through all characters of this text and collect unique codepoints. for (std::size_t j = 0; j < ft.formattedText->length(); j++) { const auto& sectionFontStack = formatted.sections[ft.formattedText->getSectionIndex(j)].fontStack; GlyphIDs& dependencies = glyphDependencies[sectionFontStack ? *sectionFontStack : baseFontStack]; char16_t codePoint = ft.formattedText->getCharCodeAt(j); dependencies.insert(codePoint); if (canVerticalizeText || (allowVerticalPlacement && ft.formattedText->allowsVerticalWritingMode())) { if (char16_t verticalChr = util::i18n::verticalizePunctuation(codePoint)) { dependencies.insert(verticalChr); } } } } if (hasIcon) { ft.icon = layout->evaluate(zoom, ft); imageDependencies.emplace(*ft.icon, ImageType::Icon); } if (ft.formattedText || ft.icon) { if (sortFeaturesByKey) { ft.sortKey = layout->evaluate(zoom, ft); const auto lowerBound = std::lower_bound(features.begin(), features.end(), ft); features.insert(lowerBound, std::move(ft)); } else { features.push_back(std::move(ft)); } } } if (layout->get() == SymbolPlacementType::Line) { util::mergeLines(features); } } bool SymbolLayout::hasDependencies() const { return features.size() != 0; } bool SymbolLayout::hasSymbolInstances() const { return !symbolInstances.empty(); } namespace { // The radial offset is to the edge of the text box // In the horizontal direction, the edge of the text box is where glyphs start // But in the vertical direction, the glyphs appear to "start" at the baseline // We don't actually load baseline data, but we assume an offset of ONE_EM - 17 // (see "yOffset" in shaping.js) const float baselineOffset = 7.0f; // We don't care which shaping we get because this is used for collision purposes // and all the justifications have the same collision box. const Shaping& getDefaultHorizontalShaping(const ShapedTextOrientations& shapedTextOrientations) { if (shapedTextOrientations.right) return shapedTextOrientations.right; if (shapedTextOrientations.center) return shapedTextOrientations.center; if (shapedTextOrientations.left) return shapedTextOrientations.left; return shapedTextOrientations.horizontal; } Shaping& shapingForTextJustifyType(ShapedTextOrientations& shapedTextOrientations, style::TextJustifyType type) { switch(type) { case style::TextJustifyType::Right: return shapedTextOrientations.right; case style::TextJustifyType::Left: return shapedTextOrientations.left; case style::TextJustifyType::Center: return shapedTextOrientations.center; default: assert(false); return shapedTextOrientations.horizontal; } } } // namespace // static Point SymbolLayout::evaluateRadialOffset(SymbolAnchorType anchor, float radialOffset) { Point result{}; // solve for r where r^2 + r^2 = radialOffset^2 const float sqrt2 = 1.41421356237f; const float hypotenuse = radialOffset / sqrt2; switch (anchor) { case SymbolAnchorType::TopRight: case SymbolAnchorType::TopLeft: result.y = hypotenuse - baselineOffset; break; case SymbolAnchorType::BottomRight: case SymbolAnchorType::BottomLeft: result.y = -hypotenuse + baselineOffset; break; case SymbolAnchorType::Bottom: result.y = -radialOffset + baselineOffset; break; case SymbolAnchorType::Top: result.y = radialOffset - baselineOffset; break; default: break; } switch (anchor) { case SymbolAnchorType::TopRight: case SymbolAnchorType::BottomRight: result.x = -hypotenuse; break; case SymbolAnchorType::TopLeft: case SymbolAnchorType::BottomLeft: result.x = hypotenuse; break; case SymbolAnchorType::Left: result.x = radialOffset; break; case SymbolAnchorType::Right: result.x = -radialOffset; break; default: break; } return result; } void SymbolLayout::prepareSymbols(const GlyphMap& glyphMap, const GlyphPositions& glyphPositions, const ImageMap& imageMap, const ImagePositions& imagePositions) { const bool isPointPlacement = layout->get() == SymbolPlacementType::Point; const bool textAlongLine = layout->get() == AlignmentType::Map && !isPointPlacement; for (auto it = features.begin(); it != features.end(); ++it) { auto& feature = *it; if (feature.geometry.empty()) continue; ShapedTextOrientations shapedTextOrientations; optional shapedIcon; Point textOffset; // if feature has text, shape the text if (feature.formattedText) { const float lineHeight = layout->get() * util::ONE_EM; const float spacing = util::i18n::allowsLetterSpacing(feature.formattedText->rawText()) ? layout->evaluate(zoom, feature) * util::ONE_EM : 0.0f; auto applyShaping = [&] (const TaggedString& formattedText, WritingModeType writingMode, SymbolAnchorType textAnchor, TextJustifyType textJustify) { const Shaping result = getShaping( /* string */ formattedText, /* maxWidth: ems */ isPointPlacement ? layout->evaluate(zoom, feature) * util::ONE_EM : 0.0f, /* ems */ lineHeight, textAnchor, textJustify, /* ems */ spacing, /* translate */ textOffset, /* writingMode */ writingMode, /* bidirectional algorithm object */ bidi, /* glyphs */ glyphMap, allowVerticalPlacement); return result; }; const std::vector variableTextAnchor = layout->evaluate(zoom, feature); const float radialOffset = layout->evaluate(zoom, feature); const SymbolAnchorType textAnchor = layout->evaluate(zoom, feature); if (variableTextAnchor.empty()) { // Layers with variable anchors use the `text-radial-offset` property and the [x, y] offset vector // is calculated at placement time instead of layout time if (radialOffset > 0.0f) { // The style spec says don't use `text-offset` and `text-radial-offset` together // but doesn't actually specify what happens if you use both. We go with the radial offset. textOffset = evaluateRadialOffset(textAnchor, radialOffset * util::ONE_EM); } else { textOffset = { layout->evaluate(zoom, feature)[0] * util::ONE_EM, layout->evaluate(zoom, feature)[1] * util::ONE_EM}; } } TextJustifyType textJustify = textAlongLine ? TextJustifyType::Center : layout->evaluate(zoom, feature); const auto addVerticalShapingForPointLabelIfNeeded = [&] { if (allowVerticalPlacement && feature.formattedText->allowsVerticalWritingMode()) { feature.formattedText->verticalizePunctuation(); // Vertical POI label placement is meant to be used for scripts that support vertical // writing mode, thus, default style::TextJustifyType::Left justification is used. If Latin // scripts would need to be supported, this should take into account other justifications. shapedTextOrientations.vertical = applyShaping(*feature.formattedText, WritingModeType::Vertical, textAnchor, style::TextJustifyType::Left); } }; // If this layer uses text-variable-anchor, generate shapings for all justification possibilities. if (!textAlongLine && !variableTextAnchor.empty()) { std::vector justifications; if (textJustify != TextJustifyType::Auto) { justifications.push_back(textJustify); } else { for (auto anchor : variableTextAnchor) { justifications.push_back(getAnchorJustification(anchor)); } } for (TextJustifyType justification: justifications) { Shaping& shapingForJustification = shapingForTextJustifyType(shapedTextOrientations, justification); if (shapingForJustification) { continue; } // If using text-variable-anchor for the layer, we use a center anchor for all shapings and apply // the offsets for the anchor in the placement step. Shaping shaping = applyShaping(*feature.formattedText, WritingModeType::Horizontal, SymbolAnchorType::Center, justification); if (shaping) { shapingForJustification = std::move(shaping); if (shapingForJustification.lineCount == 1u) { shapedTextOrientations.singleLine = true; break; } } } // Vertical point label shaping if allowVerticalPlacement is enabled. addVerticalShapingForPointLabelIfNeeded(); } else { if (textJustify == TextJustifyType::Auto) { textJustify = getAnchorJustification(textAnchor); } // Horizontal point or line label. Shaping shaping = applyShaping(*feature.formattedText, WritingModeType::Horizontal, textAnchor, textJustify); if (shaping) { shapedTextOrientations.horizontal = std::move(shaping); } // Vertical point label shaping if allowVerticalPlacement is enabled. addVerticalShapingForPointLabelIfNeeded(); // Verticalized line label. if (textAlongLine && feature.formattedText->allowsVerticalWritingMode()) { feature.formattedText->verticalizePunctuation(); shapedTextOrientations.vertical = applyShaping(*feature.formattedText, WritingModeType::Vertical, textAnchor, textJustify); } } } // if feature has icon, get sprite atlas position if (feature.icon) { auto image = imageMap.find(*feature.icon); if (image != imageMap.end()) { shapedIcon = PositionedIcon::shapeIcon( imagePositions.at(*feature.icon), layout->evaluate(zoom, feature), layout->evaluate(zoom, feature), layout->evaluate(zoom, feature) * util::DEG2RAD); if (image->second->sdf) { sdfIcons = true; } if (image->second->pixelRatio != pixelRatio) { iconsNeedLinear = true; } else if (layout->get().constantOr(1) != 0) { iconsNeedLinear = true; } } } // if either shapedText or icon position is present, add the feature if (getDefaultHorizontalShaping(shapedTextOrientations) || shapedIcon) { addFeature(std::distance(features.begin(), it), feature, shapedTextOrientations, shapedIcon, glyphPositions, textOffset); } feature.geometry.clear(); } compareText.clear(); } void SymbolLayout::addFeature(const std::size_t layoutFeatureIndex, const SymbolFeature& feature, const ShapedTextOrientations& shapedTextOrientations, const optional& shapedIcon, const GlyphPositions& glyphPositions, Point offset) { const float minScale = 0.5f; const float glyphSize = 24.0f; const float layoutTextSize = layout->evaluate(zoom + 1, feature); const float layoutIconSize = layout->evaluate(zoom + 1, feature); const std::array textOffset = {{ offset.x, offset.y }}; const std::array iconOffset = layout->evaluate(zoom, feature); // To reduce the number of labels that jump around when zooming we need // to use a text-size value that is the same for all zoom levels. // This calculates text-size at a high zoom level so that all tiles can // use the same value when calculating anchor positions. const float textMaxSize = layout->evaluate(18, feature); const float fontScale = layoutTextSize / glyphSize; const float textBoxScale = tilePixelRatio * fontScale; const float textMaxBoxScale = tilePixelRatio * textMaxSize / glyphSize; const float iconBoxScale = tilePixelRatio * layoutIconSize; const float symbolSpacing = tilePixelRatio * layout->get(); const float textPadding = layout->get() * tilePixelRatio; const float iconPadding = layout->get() * tilePixelRatio; const float textMaxAngle = layout->get() * util::DEG2RAD; const float iconRotation = layout->evaluate(zoom, feature); const float textRotation = layout->evaluate(zoom, feature); const float radialTextOffset = layout->evaluate(zoom, feature) * util::ONE_EM; const SymbolPlacementType textPlacement = layout->get() != AlignmentType::Map ? SymbolPlacementType::Point : layout->get(); const float textRepeatDistance = symbolSpacing / 2; const auto evaluatedLayoutProperties = layout->evaluate(zoom, feature); IndexedSubfeature indexedFeature(feature.index, sourceLayer->getName(), bucketLeaderID, symbolInstances.size()); auto addSymbolInstance = [&] (Anchor& anchor, std::shared_ptr sharedData) { assert(sharedData); const bool anchorInsideTile = anchor.point.x >= 0 && anchor.point.x < util::EXTENT && anchor.point.y >= 0 && anchor.point.y < util::EXTENT; if (mode == MapMode::Tile || anchorInsideTile) { // For static/continuous rendering, only add symbols anchored within this tile: // neighboring symbols will be added as part of the neighboring tiles. // In tiled rendering mode, add all symbols in the buffers so that we can: // (1) render symbols that overlap into this tile // (2) approximate collision detection effects from neighboring symbols symbolInstances.emplace_back(anchor, std::move(sharedData), shapedTextOrientations, shapedIcon, textBoxScale, textPadding, textPlacement, textOffset, iconBoxScale, iconPadding, iconOffset, indexedFeature, layoutFeatureIndex, feature.index, feature.formattedText ? feature.formattedText->rawText() : std::u16string(), overscaling, iconRotation, textRotation, radialTextOffset, allowVerticalPlacement); } }; const auto createSymbolInstanceSharedData = [&] (GeometryCoordinates line) { return std::make_shared(std::move(line), shapedTextOrientations, shapedIcon, evaluatedLayoutProperties, layoutTextSize, textPlacement, textOffset, glyphPositions, allowVerticalPlacement); }; const auto& type = feature.getType(); if (layout->get() == SymbolPlacementType::Line) { auto clippedLines = util::clipLines(feature.geometry, 0, 0, util::EXTENT, util::EXTENT); for (auto& line : clippedLines) { Anchors anchors = getAnchors(line, symbolSpacing, textMaxAngle, (shapedTextOrientations.vertical ?: getDefaultHorizontalShaping(shapedTextOrientations)).left, (shapedTextOrientations.vertical ?: getDefaultHorizontalShaping(shapedTextOrientations)).right, (shapedIcon ? shapedIcon->left() : 0), (shapedIcon ? shapedIcon->right() : 0), glyphSize, textMaxBoxScale, overscaling); auto sharedData = createSymbolInstanceSharedData(std::move(line)); for (auto& anchor : anchors) { if (!feature.formattedText || !anchorIsTooClose(feature.formattedText->rawText(), textRepeatDistance, anchor)) { addSymbolInstance(anchor, sharedData); } } } } else if (layout->get() == SymbolPlacementType::LineCenter) { // No clipping, multiple lines per feature are allowed // "lines" with only one point are ignored as in clipLines for (const auto& line : feature.geometry) { if (line.size() > 1) { optional anchor = getCenterAnchor(line, textMaxAngle, (shapedTextOrientations.vertical ?: getDefaultHorizontalShaping(shapedTextOrientations)).left, (shapedTextOrientations.vertical ?: getDefaultHorizontalShaping(shapedTextOrientations)).right, (shapedIcon ? shapedIcon->left() : 0), (shapedIcon ? shapedIcon->right() : 0), glyphSize, textMaxBoxScale); if (anchor) { addSymbolInstance(*anchor, createSymbolInstanceSharedData(line)); } } } } else if (type == FeatureType::Polygon) { for (const auto& polygon : classifyRings(feature.geometry)) { Polygon poly; for (const auto& ring : polygon) { LinearRing r; for (const auto& p : ring) { r.push_back(convertPoint(p)); } poly.push_back(r); } // 1 pixel worth of precision, in tile coordinates auto poi = mapbox::polylabel(poly, double(util::EXTENT / util::tileSize)); Anchor anchor(poi.x, poi.y, 0, minScale); addSymbolInstance(anchor, createSymbolInstanceSharedData(polygon[0])); } } else if (type == FeatureType::LineString) { for (const auto& line : feature.geometry) { Anchor anchor(line[0].x, line[0].y, 0, minScale); addSymbolInstance(anchor, createSymbolInstanceSharedData(line)); } } else if (type == FeatureType::Point) { for (const auto& points : feature.geometry) { for (const auto& point : points) { Anchor anchor(point.x, point.y, 0, minScale); addSymbolInstance(anchor, createSymbolInstanceSharedData({point})); } } } } bool SymbolLayout::anchorIsTooClose(const std::u16string& text, const float repeatDistance, const Anchor& anchor) { if (compareText.find(text) == compareText.end()) { compareText.emplace(text, Anchors()); } else { auto otherAnchors = compareText.find(text)->second; for (const Anchor& otherAnchor : otherAnchors) { if (util::dist(anchor.point, otherAnchor.point) < repeatDistance) { return true; } } } compareText[text].push_back(anchor); return false; } // Analog of `addToLineVertexArray` in JS. This version doesn't need to build up a line array like the // JS version does, but it uses the same logic to calculate tile distances. std::vector CalculateTileDistances(const GeometryCoordinates& line, const Anchor& anchor) { std::vector tileDistances(line.size()); if (anchor.segment != -1) { auto sumForwardLength = util::dist(anchor.point, line[anchor.segment + 1]); auto sumBackwardLength = util::dist(anchor.point, line[anchor.segment]); for (size_t i = anchor.segment + 1; i < line.size(); i++) { tileDistances[i] = sumForwardLength; if (i < line.size() - 1) { sumForwardLength += util::dist(line[i + 1], line[i]); } } for (auto i = anchor.segment; i >= 0; i--) { tileDistances[i] = sumBackwardLength; if (i > 0) { sumBackwardLength += util::dist(line[i - 1], line[i]); } } } return tileDistances; } void SymbolLayout::createBucket(const ImagePositions&, std::unique_ptr&, std::unordered_map& renderData, const bool firstLoad, const bool showCollisionBoxes) { auto bucket = std::make_shared(layout, layerPaintProperties, textSize, iconSize, zoom, sdfIcons, iconsNeedLinear, sortFeaturesByY, bucketLeaderID, std::move(symbolInstances), tilePixelRatio, allowVerticalPlacement, std::move(placementModes)); for (SymbolInstance &symbolInstance : bucket->symbolInstances) { const bool hasText = symbolInstance.hasText; const bool hasIcon = symbolInstance.hasIcon; const bool singleLine = symbolInstance.singleLine; const auto& feature = features.at(symbolInstance.layoutFeatureIndex); // Insert final placement into collision tree and add glyphs/icons to buffers if (hasText && feature.formattedText) { optional lastAddedSection; if (singleLine) { optional placedTextIndex; lastAddedSection = addSymbolGlyphQuads(*bucket, symbolInstance, feature, symbolInstance.writingModes, placedTextIndex, symbolInstance.rightJustifiedGlyphQuads(), lastAddedSection); symbolInstance.placedRightTextIndex = placedTextIndex; symbolInstance.placedCenterTextIndex = placedTextIndex; symbolInstance.placedLeftTextIndex = placedTextIndex; } else { if (symbolInstance.rightJustifiedGlyphQuadsSize) { lastAddedSection = addSymbolGlyphQuads(*bucket, symbolInstance, feature, symbolInstance.writingModes, symbolInstance.placedRightTextIndex, symbolInstance.rightJustifiedGlyphQuads(), lastAddedSection); } if (symbolInstance.centerJustifiedGlyphQuadsSize) { lastAddedSection = addSymbolGlyphQuads(*bucket, symbolInstance, feature, symbolInstance.writingModes, symbolInstance.placedCenterTextIndex, symbolInstance.centerJustifiedGlyphQuads(), lastAddedSection); } if (symbolInstance.leftJustifiedGlyphQuadsSize) { lastAddedSection = addSymbolGlyphQuads(*bucket, symbolInstance, feature, symbolInstance.writingModes, symbolInstance.placedLeftTextIndex, symbolInstance.leftJustifiedGlyphQuads(), lastAddedSection); } } if (symbolInstance.writingModes & WritingModeType::Vertical && symbolInstance.verticalGlyphQuadsSize) { lastAddedSection = addSymbolGlyphQuads(*bucket, symbolInstance, feature, WritingModeType::Vertical, symbolInstance.placedVerticalTextIndex, symbolInstance.verticalGlyphQuads(), lastAddedSection); } assert(lastAddedSection); // True, as hasText == true; updatePaintPropertiesForSection(*bucket, feature, *lastAddedSection); } if (hasIcon) { if (symbolInstance.hasIcon) { const Range sizeData = bucket->iconSizeBinder->getVertexSizeData(feature); bucket->icon.placedSymbols.emplace_back(symbolInstance.anchor.point, symbolInstance.anchor.segment, sizeData.min, sizeData.max, symbolInstance.iconOffset, WritingModeType::None, symbolInstance.line(), std::vector()); symbolInstance.placedIconIndex = bucket->icon.placedSymbols.size() - 1; PlacedSymbol& iconSymbol = bucket->icon.placedSymbols.back(); iconSymbol.vertexStartIndex = addSymbol(bucket->icon, sizeData, *symbolInstance.iconQuad(), symbolInstance.anchor, iconSymbol, feature.sortKey); for (auto& pair : bucket->paintProperties) { pair.second.iconBinders.populateVertexVectors(feature, bucket->icon.vertices.elements(), {}, {}); } } } symbolInstance.releaseSharedData(); } if (showCollisionBoxes) { addToDebugBuffers(*bucket); } if (bucket->hasData()){ for (const auto& pair : layerPaintProperties) { if (!firstLoad) { bucket->justReloaded = true; } renderData.emplace(pair.first, LayerRenderData{bucket, pair.second}); } } } void SymbolLayout::updatePaintPropertiesForSection(SymbolBucket& bucket, const SymbolFeature& feature, std::size_t sectionIndex) { const auto& formattedSection = sectionOptionsToValue((*feature.formattedText).sectionAt(sectionIndex)); for (auto& pair : bucket.paintProperties) { pair.second.textBinders.populateVertexVectors(feature, bucket.text.vertices.elements(), {}, {}, formattedSection); } } std::size_t SymbolLayout::addSymbolGlyphQuads(SymbolBucket& bucket, SymbolInstance& symbolInstance, const SymbolFeature& feature, WritingModeType writingMode, optional& placedIndex, const SymbolQuads& glyphQuads, optional lastAddedSection) { const Range sizeData = bucket.textSizeBinder->getVertexSizeData(feature); const bool hasFormatSectionOverrides = bucket.hasFormatSectionOverrides(); bucket.text.placedSymbols.emplace_back(symbolInstance.anchor.point, symbolInstance.anchor.segment, sizeData.min, sizeData.max, symbolInstance.textOffset, writingMode, symbolInstance.line(), CalculateTileDistances(symbolInstance.line(), symbolInstance.anchor)); placedIndex = bucket.text.placedSymbols.size() - 1; PlacedSymbol& placedSymbol = bucket.text.placedSymbols.back(); placedSymbol.angle = (allowVerticalPlacement && writingMode == WritingModeType::Vertical) ? M_PI_2 : 0; bool firstSymbol = true; for (const auto& symbolQuad : glyphQuads) { if (hasFormatSectionOverrides) { if (lastAddedSection && *lastAddedSection != symbolQuad.sectionIndex) { updatePaintPropertiesForSection(bucket, feature, *lastAddedSection); } lastAddedSection = symbolQuad.sectionIndex; } size_t index = addSymbol(bucket.text, sizeData, symbolQuad, symbolInstance.anchor, placedSymbol, feature.sortKey); if (firstSymbol) { placedSymbol.vertexStartIndex = index; firstSymbol = false; } } return lastAddedSection ? *lastAddedSection : 0u; } size_t SymbolLayout::addSymbol(SymbolBucket::Buffer& buffer, const Range sizeData, const SymbolQuad& symbol, const Anchor& labelAnchor, PlacedSymbol& placedSymbol, float sortKey) { constexpr const uint16_t vertexLength = 4; const auto &tl = symbol.tl; const auto &tr = symbol.tr; const auto &bl = symbol.bl; const auto &br = symbol.br; const auto &tex = symbol.tex; if (buffer.segments.empty() || buffer.segments.back().vertexLength + vertexLength > std::numeric_limits::max() || fabs(buffer.segments.back().sortKey - sortKey) > std::numeric_limits::epsilon()) { buffer.segments.emplace_back(buffer.vertices.elements(), buffer.triangles.elements(), 0ul, 0ul, sortKey); } // We're generating triangle fans, so we always start with the first // coordinate in this polygon. auto& segment = buffer.segments.back(); assert(segment.vertexLength <= std::numeric_limits::max()); uint16_t index = segment.vertexLength; // coordinates (2 triangles) buffer.vertices.emplace_back(SymbolSDFIconProgram::layoutVertex(labelAnchor.point, tl, symbol.glyphOffset.y, tex.x, tex.y, sizeData)); buffer.vertices.emplace_back(SymbolSDFIconProgram::layoutVertex(labelAnchor.point, tr, symbol.glyphOffset.y, tex.x + tex.w, tex.y, sizeData)); buffer.vertices.emplace_back(SymbolSDFIconProgram::layoutVertex(labelAnchor.point, bl, symbol.glyphOffset.y, tex.x, tex.y + tex.h, sizeData)); buffer.vertices.emplace_back(SymbolSDFIconProgram::layoutVertex(labelAnchor.point, br, symbol.glyphOffset.y, tex.x + tex.w, tex.y + tex.h, sizeData)); // Dynamic/Opacity vertices are initialized so that the vertex count always agrees with // the layout vertex buffer, but they will always be updated before rendering happens auto dynamicVertex = SymbolSDFIconProgram::dynamicLayoutVertex(labelAnchor.point, 0); buffer.dynamicVertices.emplace_back(dynamicVertex); buffer.dynamicVertices.emplace_back(dynamicVertex); buffer.dynamicVertices.emplace_back(dynamicVertex); buffer.dynamicVertices.emplace_back(dynamicVertex); auto opacityVertex = SymbolSDFIconProgram::opacityVertex(1.0, 1.0); buffer.opacityVertices.emplace_back(opacityVertex); buffer.opacityVertices.emplace_back(opacityVertex); buffer.opacityVertices.emplace_back(opacityVertex); buffer.opacityVertices.emplace_back(opacityVertex); // add the two triangles, referencing the four coordinates we just inserted. buffer.triangles.emplace_back(index + 0, index + 1, index + 2); buffer.triangles.emplace_back(index + 1, index + 2, index + 3); segment.vertexLength += vertexLength; segment.indexLength += 6; placedSymbol.glyphOffsets.push_back(symbol.glyphOffset.x); return index; } void SymbolLayout::addToDebugBuffers(SymbolBucket& bucket) { if (!hasSymbolInstances()) { return; } for (const SymbolInstance &symbolInstance : symbolInstances) { auto populateCollisionBox = [&](const auto& feature) { SymbolBucket::CollisionBuffer& collisionBuffer = feature.alongLine ? static_cast(bucket.getOrCreateCollisionCircleBuffer()) : static_cast(bucket.getOrCreateCollisionBox()); for (const CollisionBox &box : feature.boxes) { auto& anchor = box.anchor; Point tl{box.x1, box.y1}; Point tr{box.x2, box.y1}; Point bl{box.x1, box.y2}; Point br{box.x2, box.y2}; static constexpr std::size_t vertexLength = 4; const std::size_t indexLength = feature.alongLine ? 6 : 8; if (collisionBuffer.segments.empty() || collisionBuffer.segments.back().vertexLength + vertexLength > std::numeric_limits::max()) { collisionBuffer.segments.emplace_back(collisionBuffer.vertices.elements(), feature.alongLine ? bucket.collisionCircle->triangles.elements() : bucket.collisionBox->lines.elements()); } auto& segment = collisionBuffer.segments.back(); uint16_t index = segment.vertexLength; collisionBuffer.vertices.emplace_back(CollisionBoxProgram::layoutVertex(anchor, symbolInstance.anchor.point, tl)); collisionBuffer.vertices.emplace_back(CollisionBoxProgram::layoutVertex(anchor, symbolInstance.anchor.point, tr)); collisionBuffer.vertices.emplace_back(CollisionBoxProgram::layoutVertex(anchor, symbolInstance.anchor.point, br)); collisionBuffer.vertices.emplace_back(CollisionBoxProgram::layoutVertex(anchor, symbolInstance.anchor.point, bl)); // Dynamic vertices are initialized so that the vertex count always agrees with // the layout vertex buffer, but they will always be updated before rendering happens auto dynamicVertex = CollisionBoxProgram::dynamicVertex(false, false, {}); collisionBuffer.dynamicVertices.emplace_back(dynamicVertex); collisionBuffer.dynamicVertices.emplace_back(dynamicVertex); collisionBuffer.dynamicVertices.emplace_back(dynamicVertex); collisionBuffer.dynamicVertices.emplace_back(dynamicVertex); if (feature.alongLine) { bucket.collisionCircle->triangles.emplace_back(index, index + 1, index + 2); bucket.collisionCircle->triangles.emplace_back(index, index + 2, index + 3); } else { bucket.collisionBox->lines.emplace_back(index + 0, index + 1); bucket.collisionBox->lines.emplace_back(index + 1, index + 2); bucket.collisionBox->lines.emplace_back(index + 2, index + 3); bucket.collisionBox->lines.emplace_back(index + 3, index + 0); } segment.vertexLength += vertexLength; segment.indexLength += indexLength; } }; populateCollisionBox(symbolInstance.textCollisionFeature); if (symbolInstance.verticalTextCollisionFeature) { populateCollisionBox(*symbolInstance.verticalTextCollisionFeature); } populateCollisionBox(symbolInstance.iconCollisionFeature); } } } // namespace mbgl