#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace mbgl { namespace gl { using namespace platform; static_assert(underlying_type(ShaderType::Vertex) == GL_VERTEX_SHADER, "OpenGL type mismatch"); static_assert(underlying_type(ShaderType::Fragment) == GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, "OpenGL type mismatch"); static_assert(std::is_same::value, "OpenGL type mismatch"); static_assert(std::is_same::value, "OpenGL type mismatch"); static_assert(std::is_same::value, "OpenGL type mismatch"); static_assert(std::is_same::value, "OpenGL type mismatch"); static_assert(std::is_same::value, "OpenGL type mismatch"); static_assert(std::is_same::value, "OpenGL type mismatch"); static_assert(std::is_same::value, "OpenGL type mismatch"); static_assert(underlying_type(UniformDataType::Float) == GL_FLOAT, "OpenGL type mismatch"); static_assert(underlying_type(UniformDataType::FloatVec2) == GL_FLOAT_VEC2, "OpenGL type mismatch"); static_assert(underlying_type(UniformDataType::FloatVec3) == GL_FLOAT_VEC3, "OpenGL type mismatch"); static_assert(underlying_type(UniformDataType::FloatVec4) == GL_FLOAT_VEC4, "OpenGL type mismatch"); static_assert(underlying_type(UniformDataType::Int) == GL_INT, "OpenGL type mismatch"); static_assert(underlying_type(UniformDataType::IntVec2) == GL_INT_VEC2, "OpenGL type mismatch"); static_assert(underlying_type(UniformDataType::IntVec3) == GL_INT_VEC3, "OpenGL type mismatch"); static_assert(underlying_type(UniformDataType::IntVec4) == GL_INT_VEC4, "OpenGL type mismatch"); static_assert(underlying_type(UniformDataType::Bool) == GL_BOOL, "OpenGL type mismatch"); static_assert(underlying_type(UniformDataType::BoolVec2) == GL_BOOL_VEC2, "OpenGL type mismatch"); static_assert(underlying_type(UniformDataType::BoolVec3) == GL_BOOL_VEC3, "OpenGL type mismatch"); static_assert(underlying_type(UniformDataType::BoolVec4) == GL_BOOL_VEC4, "OpenGL type mismatch"); static_assert(underlying_type(UniformDataType::FloatMat2) == GL_FLOAT_MAT2, "OpenGL type mismatch"); static_assert(underlying_type(UniformDataType::FloatMat3) == GL_FLOAT_MAT3, "OpenGL type mismatch"); static_assert(underlying_type(UniformDataType::FloatMat4) == GL_FLOAT_MAT4, "OpenGL type mismatch"); static_assert(underlying_type(UniformDataType::Sampler2D) == GL_SAMPLER_2D, "OpenGL type mismatch"); static_assert(underlying_type(UniformDataType::SamplerCube) == GL_SAMPLER_CUBE, "OpenGL type mismatch"); Context::Context(RendererBackend& backend_) : gfx::Context([] { GLint value; MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, &value)); return value; }()), backend(backend_), stats() {} Context::~Context() { if (cleanupOnDestruction) { reset(); assert(stats.isZero()); } } void Context::initializeExtensions(const std::function& getProcAddress) { if (const auto* extensions = reinterpret_cast(MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS)))) { auto fn = [&]( std::initializer_list> probes) -> ProcAddress { for (auto probe : probes) { if (strstr(extensions, probe.first) != nullptr) { if (ProcAddress ptr = getProcAddress(probe.second)) { return ptr; } } } return nullptr; }; static const std::string renderer = []() { std::string r = reinterpret_cast(MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glGetString(GL_RENDERER))); Log::Info(Event::General, "GPU Identifier: %s", r.c_str()); return r; }(); // Block ANGLE on Direct3D since the debugging extension is causing crashes if (!(renderer.find("ANGLE") != std::string::npos && renderer.find("Direct3D") != std::string::npos)) { debugging = std::make_unique(fn); } // Block Adreno 2xx, 3xx as it crashes on glBuffer(Sub)Data // Block Adreno 4xx as it crashes in a driver when VBOs are destructed (Android 5.1.1) // Block ARM Mali-T720 (in some MT8163 chipsets) as it crashes on glBindVertexArray // Block ANGLE on Direct3D as the combination of Qt + Windows + ANGLE leads to crashes if (renderer.find("Adreno (TM) 2") == std::string::npos && renderer.find("Adreno (TM) 3") == std::string::npos && renderer.find("Adreno (TM) 4") == std::string::npos && (!(renderer.find("ANGLE") != std::string::npos && renderer.find("Direct3D") != std::string::npos)) && renderer.find("Mali-T720") == std::string::npos && renderer.find("Sapphire 650") == std::string::npos && !disableVAOExtension) { vertexArray = std::make_unique(fn); } #if MBGL_USE_GLES2 constexpr const char* halfFloatExtensionName = "OES_texture_half_float"; constexpr const char* halfFloatColorBufferExtensionName = "EXT_color_buffer_half_float"; #else constexpr const char* halfFloatExtensionName = "ARB_half_float_pixel"; constexpr const char* halfFloatColorBufferExtensionName = "ARB_color_buffer_float"; #endif if (strstr(extensions, halfFloatExtensionName) != nullptr && strstr(extensions, halfFloatColorBufferExtensionName) != nullptr) { supportsHalfFloatTextures = true; } if (!supportsVertexArrays()) { Log::Warning(Event::OpenGL, "Not using Vertex Array Objects"); } } } void Context::enableDebugging() { if (!debugging || !debugging->debugMessageControl || !debugging->debugMessageCallback) { return; } // This will enable all messages including performance hints // MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(debugging->debugMessageControl(GL_DONT_CARE, GL_DONT_CARE, GL_DONT_CARE, 0, nullptr, GL_TRUE)); // This will only enable high and medium severity messages MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(debugging->debugMessageControl(GL_DONT_CARE, GL_DONT_CARE, GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH, 0, nullptr, GL_TRUE)); MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(debugging->debugMessageControl(GL_DONT_CARE, GL_DONT_CARE, GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_MEDIUM, 0, nullptr, GL_TRUE)); MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(debugging->debugMessageControl(GL_DONT_CARE, GL_DONT_CARE, GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_NOTIFICATION, 0, nullptr, GL_FALSE)); MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(debugging->debugMessageCallback(extension::Debugging::DebugCallback, nullptr)); } UniqueShader Context::createShader(ShaderType type, const std::initializer_list& sources) { UniqueShader result { MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glCreateShader(static_cast(type))), { this } }; MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glShaderSource(result, static_cast(sources.size()), sources.begin(), nullptr)); MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glCompileShader(result)); GLint status = 0; MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glGetShaderiv(result, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status)); if (status != 0) { return result; } GLint logLength; MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glGetShaderiv(result, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &logLength)); if (logLength > 0) { const auto log = std::make_unique(logLength); MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glGetShaderInfoLog(result, logLength, &logLength, log.get())); Log::Error(Event::Shader, "Shader failed to compile: %s", log.get()); } throw std::runtime_error("shader failed to compile"); } UniqueProgram Context::createProgram(ShaderID vertexShader, ShaderID fragmentShader, const char* location0AttribName) { UniqueProgram result { MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glCreateProgram()), { this } }; MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glAttachShader(result, vertexShader)); MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glAttachShader(result, fragmentShader)); // It is important to have attribute at position 0 enabled: conveniently, // position attribute is always first and always enabled. The integrity of // this assumption is verified in AttributeLocations::queryLocations and // AttributeLocations::getFirstAttribName. MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glBindAttribLocation(result, 0, location0AttribName)); linkProgram(result); return result; } void Context::linkProgram(ProgramID program_) { MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glLinkProgram(program_)); verifyProgramLinkage(program_); } void Context::verifyProgramLinkage(ProgramID program_) { GLint status; MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glGetProgramiv(program_, GL_LINK_STATUS, &status)); if (status == GL_TRUE) { return; } GLint logLength; MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glGetProgramiv(program_, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &logLength)); const auto log = std::make_unique(logLength); if (logLength > 0) { MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glGetProgramInfoLog(program_, logLength, &logLength, log.get())); Log::Error(Event::Shader, "Program failed to link: %s", log.get()); } throw std::runtime_error("program failed to link"); } UniqueTexture Context::createUniqueTexture() { if (pooledTextures.empty()) { pooledTextures.resize(TextureMax); MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glGenTextures(TextureMax, pooledTextures.data())); stats.numCreatedTextures += TextureMax; } TextureID id = pooledTextures.back(); pooledTextures.pop_back(); stats.numActiveTextures++; // NOLINTNEXTLINE(performance-move-const-arg) return UniqueTexture{std::move(id), {this}}; } bool Context::supportsVertexArrays() const { return vertexArray && vertexArray->genVertexArrays && vertexArray->bindVertexArray && vertexArray->deleteVertexArrays; } VertexArray Context::createVertexArray() { if (supportsVertexArrays()) { VertexArrayID id = 0; MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(vertexArray->genVertexArrays(1, &id)); // NOLINTNEXTLINE(performance-move-const-arg) UniqueVertexArray vao(std::move(id), { this }); return { UniqueVertexArrayState(new VertexArrayState(std::move(vao)), VertexArrayStateDeleter { true })}; } else { // On GL implementations which do not support vertex arrays, attribute bindings are global state. // So return a VertexArray which shares our global state tracking and whose deleter is a no-op. return { UniqueVertexArrayState(&globalVertexArrayState, VertexArrayStateDeleter { false }) }; } } UniqueFramebuffer Context::createFramebuffer() { FramebufferID id = 0; MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glGenFramebuffers(1, &id)); stats.numFrameBuffers++; // NOLINTNEXTLINE(performance-move-const-arg) return UniqueFramebuffer{ std::move(id), { this } }; } std::unique_ptr Context::createTextureResource( const Size size, const gfx::TexturePixelType format, const gfx::TextureChannelDataType type) { auto obj = createUniqueTexture(); int textureByteSize = gl::TextureResource::getStorageSize(size, format, type); stats.memTextures += textureByteSize; std::unique_ptr resource = std::make_unique(std::move(obj), textureByteSize); // Always use texture unit 0 for manipulating it. activeTextureUnit = 0; texture[0] = static_cast(*resource).texture; // Creates an empty texture with the specified size and format. MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, Enum::to(format), size.width, size.height, 0, Enum::to(format), Enum::to(type), nullptr)); // We are using clamp to edge here since OpenGL ES doesn't allow GL_REPEAT on NPOT textures. // We use those when the pixelRatio isn't a power of two, e.g. on iPhone 6 Plus. MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE)); MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE)); MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST)); MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST)); return resource; } std::unique_ptr Context::createRenderbufferResource(const gfx::RenderbufferPixelType type, const Size size) { RenderbufferID id = 0; MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glGenRenderbuffers(1, &id)); // NOLINTNEXTLINE(performance-move-const-arg) UniqueRenderbuffer renderbuffer{ std::move(id), { this } }; bindRenderbuffer = renderbuffer; MBGL_CHECK_ERROR( glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, Enum::to(type), size.width, size.height)); bindRenderbuffer = 0; return std::make_unique(std::move(renderbuffer)); } std::unique_ptr Context::readFramebuffer(const Size size, const gfx::TexturePixelType format, const bool flip) { const size_t stride = size.width * (format == gfx::TexturePixelType::RGBA ? 4 : 1); auto data = std::make_unique(stride * size.height); // When reading data from the framebuffer, make sure that we are storing the values // tightly packed into the buffer to avoid buffer overruns. pixelStorePack = { 1 }; MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glReadPixels(0, 0, size.width, size.height, Enum::to(format), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data.get())); if (flip) { auto tmp = std::make_unique(stride); uint8_t* rgba = data.get(); for (int i = 0, j = size.height - 1; i < j; i++, j--) { std::memcpy(tmp.get(), rgba + i * stride, stride); std::memcpy(rgba + i * stride, rgba + j * stride, stride); std::memcpy(rgba + j * stride, tmp.get(), stride); } } return data; } #if not MBGL_USE_GLES2 void Context::drawPixels(const Size size, const void* data, gfx::TexturePixelType format) { pixelStoreUnpack = { 1 }; // TODO if (format != gfx::TexturePixelType::RGBA) { format = gfx::TexturePixelType::Luminance; } MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glDrawPixels(size.width, size.height, Enum::to(format), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data)); } #endif // MBGL_USE_GLES2 namespace { void checkFramebuffer() { GLenum status = MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER)); if (status != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) { switch (status) { case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT: throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't create framebuffer: incomplete attachment"); case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT: throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't create framebuffer: incomplete missing attachment"); #ifdef GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DRAW_BUFFER case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DRAW_BUFFER: throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't create framebuffer: incomplete draw buffer"); #endif #ifdef GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_READ_BUFFER case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_READ_BUFFER: throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't create framebuffer: incomplete read buffer"); #endif #ifdef GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS: throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't create framebuffer: incomplete dimensions"); #endif case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED: throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't create framebuffer: unsupported"); default: throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't create framebuffer: other"); } } } void bindDepthStencilRenderbuffer( const gfx::Renderbuffer& depthStencil) { auto& depthStencilResource = depthStencil.getResource(); #ifdef GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, depthStencilResource.renderbuffer)); #else MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, depthStencilResource.renderbuffer)); MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, depthStencilResource.renderbuffer)); #endif } } // namespace Framebuffer Context::createFramebuffer(const gfx::Renderbuffer& color, const gfx::Renderbuffer& depthStencil) { if (color.getSize() != depthStencil.getSize()) { throw std::runtime_error("Renderbuffer size mismatch"); } auto fbo = createFramebuffer(); bindFramebuffer = fbo; auto& colorResource = color.getResource(); MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_RENDERBUFFER, colorResource.renderbuffer)); bindDepthStencilRenderbuffer(depthStencil); checkFramebuffer(); return { color.getSize(), std::move(fbo) }; } Framebuffer Context::createFramebuffer(const gfx::Renderbuffer& color) { auto fbo = createFramebuffer(); bindFramebuffer = fbo; auto& colorResource = color.getResource(); MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_RENDERBUFFER, colorResource.renderbuffer)); checkFramebuffer(); return { color.getSize(), std::move(fbo) }; } Framebuffer Context::createFramebuffer(const gfx::Texture& color, const gfx::Renderbuffer& depthStencil) { if (color.size != depthStencil.getSize()) { throw std::runtime_error("Renderbuffer size mismatch"); } auto fbo = createFramebuffer(); bindFramebuffer = fbo; MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, color.getResource().texture, 0)); bindDepthStencilRenderbuffer(depthStencil); checkFramebuffer(); return { color.size, std::move(fbo) }; } Framebuffer Context::createFramebuffer(const gfx::Texture& color) { auto fbo = createFramebuffer(); bindFramebuffer = fbo; MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, color.getResource().texture, 0)); checkFramebuffer(); return { color.size, std::move(fbo) }; } Framebuffer Context::createFramebuffer(const gfx::Texture& color, const gfx::Renderbuffer& depth) { if (color.size != depth.getSize()) { throw std::runtime_error("Renderbuffer size mismatch"); } auto fbo = createFramebuffer(); bindFramebuffer = fbo; MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, color.getResource().texture, 0)); auto& depthResource = depth.getResource(); MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, depthResource.renderbuffer)); checkFramebuffer(); return { depth.getSize(), std::move(fbo) }; } std::unique_ptr Context::createOffscreenTexture(const Size size, const gfx::TextureChannelDataType type) { return std::make_unique(*this, size, type); } std::unique_ptr Context::createDrawScopeResource() { return std::make_unique(createVertexArray()); } void Context::reset() { std::copy(pooledTextures.begin(), pooledTextures.end(), std::back_inserter(abandonedTextures)); pooledTextures.resize(0); performCleanup(); } void Context::setDirtyState() { // Note: does not set viewport/scissorTest/bindFramebuffer to dirty // since they are handled separately in the view object. stencilFunc.setDirty(); stencilMask.setDirty(); stencilTest.setDirty(); stencilOp.setDirty(); depthRange.setDirty(); depthMask.setDirty(); depthTest.setDirty(); depthFunc.setDirty(); blend.setDirty(); blendEquation.setDirty(); blendFunc.setDirty(); blendColor.setDirty(); colorMask.setDirty(); clearDepth.setDirty(); clearColor.setDirty(); clearStencil.setDirty(); cullFace.setDirty(); cullFaceSide.setDirty(); cullFaceWinding.setDirty(); program.setDirty(); lineWidth.setDirty(); activeTextureUnit.setDirty(); pixelStorePack.setDirty(); pixelStoreUnpack.setDirty(); #if not MBGL_USE_GLES2 pointSize.setDirty(); pixelZoom.setDirty(); rasterPos.setDirty(); pixelTransferDepth.setDirty(); pixelTransferStencil.setDirty(); #endif // MBGL_USE_GLES2 for (auto& tex : texture) { tex.setDirty(); } vertexBuffer.setDirty(); bindVertexArray.setDirty(); globalVertexArrayState.setDirty(); } void Context::clear(optional color, optional depth, optional stencil) { GLbitfield mask = 0; if (color) { mask |= GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT; clearColor = *color; colorMask = value::ColorMask::Default; } if (depth) { mask |= GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT; clearDepth = *depth; depthMask = value::DepthMask::Default; } if (stencil) { mask |= GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT; clearStencil = *stencil; stencilMask = value::StencilMask::Default; } MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glClear(mask)); stats.numDrawCalls = 0; } void Context::setCullFaceMode(const gfx::CullFaceMode& mode) { cullFace = mode.enabled; // These shouldn't need to be updated when face culling is disabled, but we // might end up having the same isssues with Adreno 2xx GPUs as noted in // Context::setDepthMode. cullFaceSide = mode.side; cullFaceWinding = mode.winding; } void Context::setDepthMode(const gfx::DepthMode& depth) { if (depth.func == gfx::DepthFunctionType::Always && depth.mask != gfx::DepthMaskType::ReadWrite) { depthTest = false; // Workaround for rendering errors on Adreno 2xx GPUs. Depth-related state should // not matter when the depth test is disabled, but on these GPUs it apparently does. // https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/issues/9164 depthFunc = depth.func; depthMask = depth.mask; depthRange = depth.range; } else { depthTest = true; depthFunc = depth.func; depthMask = depth.mask; depthRange = depth.range; } } void Context::setStencilMode(const gfx::StencilMode& stencil) { if (stencil.test.is() && !stencil.mask) { stencilTest = false; } else { stencilTest = true; stencilMask = stencil.mask; stencilOp = { stencil.fail, stencil.depthFail, stencil.pass }; apply_visitor([&] (const auto& test) { stencilFunc = { test.func, stencil.ref, test.mask }; }, stencil.test); } } void Context::setColorMode(const gfx::ColorMode& color) { if (color.blendFunction.is()) { blend = false; } else { blend = true; blendColor = color.blendColor; apply_visitor([&] (const auto& blendFunction) { blendEquation = gfx::ColorBlendEquationType(blendFunction.equation); blendFunc = { blendFunction.srcFactor, blendFunction.dstFactor }; }, color.blendFunction); } colorMask = color.mask; } std::unique_ptr Context::createCommandEncoder() { backend.updateAssumedState(); if (backend.contextIsShared()) { setDirtyState(); } return std::make_unique(*this); } gfx::RenderingStats& Context::renderingStats() { return stats; } const gfx::RenderingStats& Context::renderingStats() const { return stats; } void Context::finish() { MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glFinish()); } void Context::draw(const gfx::DrawMode& drawMode, std::size_t indexOffset, std::size_t indexLength) { switch (drawMode.type) { case gfx::DrawModeType::Points: #if not MBGL_USE_GLES2 // In OpenGL ES 2, the point size is set in the vertex shader. pointSize = drawMode.size; #endif // MBGL_USE_GLES2 break; case gfx::DrawModeType::Lines: case gfx::DrawModeType::LineLoop: case gfx::DrawModeType::LineStrip: lineWidth = drawMode.size; break; default: break; } MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glDrawElements( Enum::to(drawMode.type), static_cast(indexLength), GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, reinterpret_cast(sizeof(uint16_t) * indexOffset))); stats.numDrawCalls++; } void Context::performCleanup() { // TODO: Find a better way to unbind VAOs after we're done with them without introducing // unnecessary bind(0)/bind(N) sequences. { activeTextureUnit = 1; texture[1] = 0; activeTextureUnit = 0; texture[0] = 0; bindVertexArray = 0; } for (auto id : abandonedPrograms) { if (program == id) { program.setDirty(); } MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glDeleteProgram(id)); } abandonedPrograms.clear(); for (auto id : abandonedShaders) { MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glDeleteShader(id)); } abandonedShaders.clear(); if (!abandonedBuffers.empty()) { for (const auto id : abandonedBuffers) { if (vertexBuffer == id) { vertexBuffer.setDirty(); } else if (globalVertexArrayState.indexBuffer == id) { globalVertexArrayState.indexBuffer.setDirty(); } } MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glDeleteBuffers(int(abandonedBuffers.size()), abandonedBuffers.data())); stats.numBuffers -= int(abandonedBuffers.size()); abandonedBuffers.clear(); } if (!abandonedTextures.empty()) { for (const auto id : abandonedTextures) { for (auto& binding : texture) { if (binding == id) { binding.setDirty(); } } } MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glDeleteTextures(int(abandonedTextures.size()), abandonedTextures.data())); stats.numCreatedTextures -= int(abandonedTextures.size()); assert(stats.numCreatedTextures >= 0); abandonedTextures.clear(); } if (!abandonedVertexArrays.empty()) { assert(supportsVertexArrays()); for (const auto id : abandonedVertexArrays) { if (bindVertexArray == id) { bindVertexArray.setDirty(); } } MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(vertexArray->deleteVertexArrays(int(abandonedVertexArrays.size()), abandonedVertexArrays.data())); abandonedVertexArrays.clear(); } if (!abandonedFramebuffers.empty()) { for (const auto id : abandonedFramebuffers) { if (bindFramebuffer == id) { bindFramebuffer.setDirty(); } } MBGL_CHECK_ERROR( glDeleteFramebuffers(int(abandonedFramebuffers.size()), abandonedFramebuffers.data())); stats.numFrameBuffers -= int(abandonedFramebuffers.size()); assert(stats.numFrameBuffers >= 0); abandonedFramebuffers.clear(); } if (!abandonedRenderbuffers.empty()) { MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glDeleteRenderbuffers(int(abandonedRenderbuffers.size()), abandonedRenderbuffers.data())); abandonedRenderbuffers.clear(); } } void Context::reduceMemoryUsage() { performCleanup(); // Ensure that all pending actions are executed to ensure that they happen before the app goes // to the background. MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glFinish()); } #if not defined(NDEBUG) void Context::visualizeStencilBuffer() { #if not MBGL_USE_GLES2 setStencilMode(gfx::StencilMode::disabled()); setDepthMode(gfx::DepthMode::disabled()); setColorMode(gfx::ColorMode::unblended()); program = 0; // Reset the value in case someone else changed it, or it's dirty. pixelTransferStencil = gl::value::PixelTransferStencil::Default; // Read the stencil buffer const auto viewportValue = viewport.getCurrentValue(); auto image = readFramebuffer(viewportValue.size, false); // Scale the Stencil buffer to cover the entire color space. auto it = image.data.get(); auto end = it + viewportValue.size.width * viewportValue.size.height; const auto factor = 255.0f / *std::max_element(it, end); for (; it != end; ++it) { *it *= factor; } pixelZoom = { 1, 1 }; rasterPos = { -1, -1, 0, 1 }; drawPixels(image); #endif } void Context::visualizeDepthBuffer(const float depthRangeSize) { (void)depthRangeSize; #if not MBGL_USE_GLES2 setStencilMode(gfx::StencilMode::disabled()); setDepthMode(gfx::DepthMode::disabled()); setColorMode(gfx::ColorMode::unblended()); program = 0; // Scales the values in the depth buffer so that they cover the entire grayscale range. This // makes it easier to spot tiny differences. const float base = 1.0f / (1.0f - depthRangeSize); pixelTransferDepth = { base, 1.0f - base }; // Read the stencil buffer auto viewportValue = viewport.getCurrentValue(); auto image = readFramebuffer(viewportValue.size, false); pixelZoom = { 1, 1 }; rasterPos = { -1, -1, 0, 1 }; drawPixels(image); #endif } #endif void Context::clearStencilBuffer(const int32_t bits) { MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glClearStencil(bits)); MBGL_CHECK_ERROR(glClear(GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT)); } } // namespace gl } // namespace mbgl