#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace mbgl { namespace { size_t getDashPatternHash(const std::vector& dasharray, const LinePatternCap patternCap) { size_t key = patternCap == LinePatternCap::Round ? std::numeric_limits::min() : std::numeric_limits::max(); for (const float part : dasharray) { util::hash_combine(key, part); } return key; } std::vector getDashRanges(const std::vector& dasharray, float stretch) { // If dasharray has an odd length, both the first and last parts // are dashes and should be joined seamlessly. const bool oddDashArray = dasharray.size() % 2 == 1; float left = oddDashArray ? -dasharray.back() * stretch : 0.0f; float right = dasharray.front() * stretch; bool isDash = true; std::vector ranges; ranges.reserve(dasharray.size()); ranges.push_back({left, right, isDash, dasharray.front() == 0.0f}); float currentDashLength = dasharray.front(); for (size_t i = 1; i < dasharray.size(); ++i) { isDash = !isDash; const float dashLength = dasharray[i]; left = currentDashLength * stretch; currentDashLength += dashLength; right = currentDashLength * stretch; ranges.push_back({left, right, isDash, dashLength == 0.0f}); } return ranges; } void addRoundDash( const std::vector& ranges, uint32_t yOffset, float stretch, const int n, AlphaImage& image) { const float halfStretch = stretch * 0.5f; if (ranges.empty()) return; for (int y = -n; y <= n; y++) { int row = static_cast(yOffset) + n + y; const uint32_t index = image.size.width * row; uint32_t currIndex = 0; DashRange range = ranges[currIndex]; for (uint32_t x = 0; x < image.size.width; ++x) { if (range.right == 0) { if (x != 0 && ++currIndex < ranges.size()) { range = ranges[currIndex]; } } else if (x / range.right > 1.0f && ++currIndex < ranges.size()) { range = ranges[currIndex]; } float distLeft = fabsf(x - range.left); float distRight = fabsf(x - range.right); float minDist = fminf(distLeft, distRight); float signedDistance; float distMiddle = static_cast(y) / n * (halfStretch + 1.0f); if (range.isDash) { float distEdge = halfStretch - fabsf(distMiddle); signedDistance = sqrtf(minDist * minDist + distEdge * distEdge); } else { signedDistance = halfStretch - sqrtf(minDist * minDist + distMiddle * distMiddle); } image.data[index + x] = static_cast(fmaxf(0.0f, fminf(255.0f, signedDistance + 128.0f))); } } } void addRegularDash(std::vector& ranges, uint32_t yOffset, AlphaImage& image) { // Collapse any zero-length range for (auto it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end();) { if (it->isZeroLength) { it = ranges.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } if (ranges.empty()) return; if (ranges.size() > 1) { // Collapse neighbouring same-type parts into a single part for (auto curr = ranges.begin(), next = ranges.begin() + 1; next != ranges.end();) { if (next->isDash == curr->isDash) { next->left = curr->left; curr = ranges.erase(curr); } else { ++curr; } next = curr + 1; } } DashRange& first = ranges.front(); DashRange& last = ranges.back(); if (first.isDash == last.isDash) { first.left = last.left - image.size.width; last.right = first.right + image.size.width; } const uint32_t index = image.size.width * yOffset; uint32_t currIndex = 0; DashRange range = ranges[currIndex]; for (uint32_t x = 0; x < image.size.width; ++x) { if (x / range.right > 1.0f && ++currIndex < ranges.size()) { range = ranges[currIndex]; } float distLeft = fabsf(x - range.left); float distRight = fabsf(x - range.right); float minDist = fminf(distLeft, distRight); float signedDistance = range.isDash ? minDist : -minDist; image.data[index + x] = static_cast(fmaxf(0.0f, fminf(255.0f, signedDistance + 128.0f))); } } LinePatternPos addDashPattern(AlphaImage& image, uint32_t yOffset, const std::vector& dasharray, const LinePatternCap patternCap) { const uint8_t n = patternCap == LinePatternCap::Round ? 7 : 0; if (dasharray.size() < 2) { Log::Warning(Event::ParseStyle, "line dasharray requires at least two elements"); return {}; } float length = 0; for (const float part : dasharray) { length += part; } float stretch = image.size.width / length; std::vector ranges = getDashRanges(dasharray, stretch); if (patternCap == LinePatternCap::Round) { addRoundDash(ranges, yOffset, stretch, n, image); } else { addRegularDash(ranges, yOffset, image); } LinePatternPos position; position.y = (0.5f + yOffset + n) / image.size.height; position.height = (2.0f * n + 1) / image.size.height; position.width = length; return position; } } // namespace DashPatternTexture::DashPatternTexture(const std::vector& from_, const std::vector& to_, const LinePatternCap cap) { const bool patternsIdentical = from_ == to_; const uint32_t patternHeight = cap == LinePatternCap::Round ? 15 : 1; const uint32_t height = (patternsIdentical ? 1 : 2) * patternHeight; // The OpenGL ES 2.0 spec, section 3.8.2 states: // // Calling a sampler from a fragment shader will return (R,G,B,A) = (0,0,0,1) if any of the // following conditions are true: // […] // - A two-dimensional sampler is called, the corresponding texture image is a // non-power-of-two image […], and either the texture wrap mode is not CLAMP_TO_EDGE, or // the minification filter is neither NEAREST nor LINEAR. // […] // // This means that texture lookups won't work for NPOT textures unless they use GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE. // We're using GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE for the vertical direction, but GL_REPEAT for the horizontal // direction, which means that we need a power-of-two texture for our line dash patterns to work // on OpenGL ES 2.0 conforming implementations. Fortunately, this just means changing the height // from 15 to 16, and from 30 to 32, so we don't waste many pixels. const uint32_t textureHeight = 1 << util::ceil_log2(height); AlphaImage image({256, textureHeight}); from = addDashPattern(image, 0, from_, cap); to = patternsIdentical ? from : addDashPattern(image, patternHeight, to_, cap); texture = std::move(image); } void DashPatternTexture::upload(gfx::UploadPass& uploadPass) { if (texture.is()) { texture = uploadPass.createTexture(texture.get()); } } gfx::TextureBinding DashPatternTexture::textureBinding() const { // The texture needs to have been uploaded already. assert(texture.is()); return {texture.get().getResource(), gfx::TextureFilterType::Linear, gfx::TextureMipMapType::No, gfx::TextureWrapType::Repeat, gfx::TextureWrapType::Clamp}; } Size DashPatternTexture::getSize() const { return texture.match([](const auto& obj) { return obj.size; }); } LineAtlas::LineAtlas() = default; LineAtlas::~LineAtlas() = default; DashPatternTexture& LineAtlas::getDashPatternTexture(const std::vector& from, const std::vector& to, const LinePatternCap cap) { const size_t hash = util::hash(getDashPatternHash(from, cap), getDashPatternHash(to, cap)); // Note: We're not handling hash collisions here. const auto it = textures.find(hash); if (it == textures.end()) { auto inserted = textures.emplace( std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(hash), std::forward_as_tuple(from, to, cap)); assert(inserted.second); needsUpload.emplace_back(hash); return inserted.first->second; } else { return it->second; } } void LineAtlas::upload(gfx::UploadPass& uploadPass) { for (const size_t hash : needsUpload) { const auto it = textures.find(hash); if (it != textures.end()) { it->second.upload(uploadPass); } } needsUpload.clear(); } } // namespace mbgl