#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace mbgl { using namespace style; const std::string AnnotationManager::SourceID = "com.mapbox.annotations"; const std::string AnnotationManager::PointLayerID = "com.mapbox.annotations.points"; AnnotationManager::AnnotationManager() = default; AnnotationManager::~AnnotationManager() = default; AnnotationID AnnotationManager::addAnnotation(const Annotation& annotation, const uint8_t maxZoom) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); AnnotationID id = nextID++; Annotation::visit(annotation, [&] (const auto& annotation_) { this->add(id, annotation_, maxZoom); }); return id; } Update AnnotationManager::updateAnnotation(const AnnotationID& id, const Annotation& annotation, const uint8_t maxZoom) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); return Annotation::visit(annotation, [&] (const auto& annotation_) { return this->update(id, annotation_, maxZoom); }); } void AnnotationManager::removeAnnotation(const AnnotationID& id) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); remove(id); } void AnnotationManager::add(const AnnotationID& id, const SymbolAnnotation& annotation, const uint8_t) { auto impl = std::make_shared(id, annotation); symbolTree.insert(impl); symbolAnnotations.emplace(id, impl); } void AnnotationManager::add(const AnnotationID& id, const LineAnnotation& annotation, const uint8_t maxZoom) { ShapeAnnotationImpl& impl = *shapeAnnotations.emplace(id, std::make_unique(id, annotation, maxZoom)).first->second; obsoleteShapeAnnotationLayers.erase(impl.layerID); } void AnnotationManager::add(const AnnotationID& id, const FillAnnotation& annotation, const uint8_t maxZoom) { ShapeAnnotationImpl& impl = *shapeAnnotations.emplace(id, std::make_unique(id, annotation, maxZoom)).first->second; obsoleteShapeAnnotationLayers.erase(impl.layerID); } Update AnnotationManager::update(const AnnotationID& id, const SymbolAnnotation& annotation, const uint8_t maxZoom) { Update result = Update::Nothing; auto it = symbolAnnotations.find(id); if (it == symbolAnnotations.end()) { assert(false); // Attempt to update a non-existent symbol annotation return result; } const SymbolAnnotation& existing = it->second->annotation; if (existing.geometry != annotation.geometry) { result |= Update::AnnotationData; } if (existing.icon != annotation.icon) { result |= Update::AnnotationData | Update::AnnotationStyle; } if (result != Update::Nothing) { removeAndAdd(id, annotation, maxZoom); } return result; } Update AnnotationManager::update(const AnnotationID& id, const LineAnnotation& annotation, const uint8_t maxZoom) { auto it = shapeAnnotations.find(id); if (it == shapeAnnotations.end()) { assert(false); // Attempt to update a non-existent shape annotation return Update::Nothing; } removeAndAdd(id, annotation, maxZoom); return Update::AnnotationData | Update::AnnotationStyle; } Update AnnotationManager::update(const AnnotationID& id, const FillAnnotation& annotation, const uint8_t maxZoom) { auto it = shapeAnnotations.find(id); if (it == shapeAnnotations.end()) { assert(false); // Attempt to update a non-existent shape annotation return Update::Nothing; } removeAndAdd(id, annotation, maxZoom); return Update::AnnotationData | Update::AnnotationStyle; } void AnnotationManager::removeAndAdd(const AnnotationID& id, const Annotation& annotation, const uint8_t maxZoom) { remove(id); Annotation::visit(annotation, [&] (const auto& annotation_) { this->add(id, annotation_, maxZoom); }); } void AnnotationManager::remove(const AnnotationID& id) { if (symbolAnnotations.find(id) != symbolAnnotations.end()) { symbolTree.remove(symbolAnnotations.at(id)); symbolAnnotations.erase(id); } else if (shapeAnnotations.find(id) != shapeAnnotations.end()) { obsoleteShapeAnnotationLayers.insert(shapeAnnotations.at(id)->layerID); shapeAnnotations.erase(id); } else { assert(false); // Should never happen } } std::unique_ptr AnnotationManager::getTileData(const CanonicalTileID& tileID) { if (symbolAnnotations.empty() && shapeAnnotations.empty()) return nullptr; auto tileData = std::make_unique(); auto pointLayer = tileData->addLayer(PointLayerID); LatLngBounds tileBounds(tileID); symbolTree.query(boost::geometry::index::intersects(tileBounds), boost::make_function_output_iterator([&](const auto& val){ val->updateLayer(tileID, *pointLayer); })); for (const auto& shape : shapeAnnotations) { shape.second->updateTileData(tileID, *tileData); } return tileData; } void AnnotationManager::updateStyle(Style::Impl& style) { // Create annotation source, point layer, and point bucket. We do everything via Style::Impl // because we don't want annotation mutations to trigger Style::Impl::styleMutated to be set. if (!style.getSource(SourceID)) { style.addSource(std::make_unique()); std::unique_ptr layer = std::make_unique(PointLayerID, SourceID); layer->setSourceLayer(PointLayerID); layer->setIconImage({SourceID + ".{sprite}"}); layer->setIconAllowOverlap(true); layer->setIconIgnorePlacement(true); style.addLayer(std::move(layer)); } std::lock_guard lock(mutex); for (const auto& shape : shapeAnnotations) { shape.second->updateStyle(style); } for (const auto& image : images) { // Call addImage even for images we may have previously added, because we must support // addAnnotationImage being used to update an existing image. Creating a new image is // relatively cheap, as it copies only the Immutable reference. (We can't keep track // of which images need to be added because we don't know if the style is the same // instance as in the last updateStyle call. If it's a new style, we need to add all // images.) style.addImage(std::make_unique(image.second)); } for (const auto& layer : obsoleteShapeAnnotationLayers) { if (style.getLayer(layer)) { style.removeLayer(layer); } } for (const auto& image : obsoleteImages) { if (style.getImage(image)) { style.removeImage(image); } } obsoleteShapeAnnotationLayers.clear(); obsoleteImages.clear(); } void AnnotationManager::updateData() { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); for (auto& tile : tiles) { tile->setData(getTileData(tile->id.canonical)); } } void AnnotationManager::addTile(AnnotationTile& tile) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); tiles.insert(&tile); tile.setData(getTileData(tile.id.canonical)); } void AnnotationManager::removeTile(AnnotationTile& tile) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); tiles.erase(&tile); } // To ensure that annotation images do not collide with images from the style, // we prefix input image IDs with "com.mapbox.annotations". static std::string prefixedImageID(const std::string& id) { return AnnotationManager::SourceID + "." + id; } void AnnotationManager::addImage(std::unique_ptr image) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); const std::string id = prefixedImageID(image->getID()); images.erase(id); images.emplace(id, style::Image(id, image->getImage().clone(), image->getPixelRatio(), image->isSdf())); obsoleteImages.erase(id); } void AnnotationManager::removeImage(const std::string& id_) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); const std::string id = prefixedImageID(id_); images.erase(id); obsoleteImages.insert(id); } double AnnotationManager::getTopOffsetPixelsForImage(const std::string& id_) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); const std::string id = prefixedImageID(id_); auto it = images.find(id); return it != images.end() ? -(it->second.getImage().size.height / it->second.getPixelRatio()) / 2 : 0; } } // namespace mbgl