#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace mbgl; SpritePosition::SpritePosition(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint8_t pixelRatio) : x(x), y(y), width(width), height(height), pixelRatio(pixelRatio) { } std::shared_ptr Sprite::Create(const std::string& base_url, float pixelRatio, const std::shared_ptr &fileSource) { std::shared_ptr sprite(std::make_shared(Key(), base_url, pixelRatio)); sprite->load(fileSource); return sprite; } Sprite::Sprite(const Key &, const std::string& base_url, float pixelRatio) : valid(base_url.length() > 0), pixelRatio(pixelRatio), spriteURL(base_url + (pixelRatio > 1 ? "@2x" : "") + ".png"), jsonURL(base_url + (pixelRatio > 1 ? "@2x" : "") + ".json"), raster(), loadedImage(false), loadedJSON(false), future(promise.get_future()) { } void Sprite::waitUntilLoaded() const { future.wait(); } Sprite::operator bool() const { return valid && isLoaded() && !pos.empty(); } // Note: This is a separate function that must be called exactly once after creation // The reason this isn't part of the constructor is that calling shared_from_this() in // the constructor fails. void Sprite::load(const std::shared_ptr &fileSource) { if (!valid) { // Treat a non-existent sprite as a successfully loaded empty sprite. loadedImage = true; loadedJSON = true; promise.set_value(); return; } std::shared_ptr sprite = shared_from_this(); fileSource->load(ResourceType::JSON, jsonURL, [sprite](platform::Response *res) { if (res->code == 200) { sprite->body.swap(res->body); sprite->parseJSON(); sprite->complete(); } else { Log::Warning(Event::Sprite, "Failed to load sprite info: Error %d: %s", res->code, res->error_message.c_str()); if (!sprite->future.valid()) { sprite->promise.set_exception(std::make_exception_ptr(std::runtime_error(res->error_message))); } } }); fileSource->load(ResourceType::Image, spriteURL, [sprite](platform::Response *res) { if (res->code == 200) { sprite->image.swap(res->body); sprite->parseImage(); sprite->complete(); } else { Log::Warning(Event::Sprite, "Failed to load sprite image: Error %d: %s", res->code, res->error_message.c_str()); if (!sprite->future.valid()) { sprite->promise.set_exception(std::make_exception_ptr(std::runtime_error(res->error_message))); } } }); } void Sprite::complete() { if (loadedImage && loadedJSON) { Log::Info(Event::Sprite, "loaded %s", spriteURL.c_str()); promise.set_value(); } } bool Sprite::isLoaded() const { return loadedImage && loadedJSON; } void Sprite::parseImage() { raster = std::make_unique(image); image.clear(); loadedImage = true; } void Sprite::parseJSON() { rapidjson::Document d; d.Parse<0>(body.c_str()); body.clear(); if (d.HasParseError()) { Log::Warning(Event::Sprite, "sprite JSON is invalid"); } else if (d.IsObject()) { for (rapidjson::Value::ConstMemberIterator itr = d.MemberBegin(); itr != d.MemberEnd(); ++itr) { const std::string& name = itr->name.GetString(); const rapidjson::Value& value = itr->value; if (value.IsObject()) { uint16_t x = 0; uint16_t y = 0; uint16_t width = 0; uint16_t height = 0; uint8_t pixelRatio = 1; if (value.HasMember("x")) x = value["x"].GetInt(); if (value.HasMember("y")) y = value["y"].GetInt(); if (value.HasMember("width")) width = value["width"].GetInt(); if (value.HasMember("height")) height = value["height"].GetInt(); if (value.HasMember("pixelRatio")) pixelRatio = value["pixelRatio"].GetInt(); pos.emplace(name, SpritePosition { x, y, width, height, pixelRatio }); } } } else { Log::Warning(Event::Sprite, "sprite JSON root is not an object"); } loadedJSON = true; } const SpritePosition &Sprite::getSpritePosition(const std::string& name) const { if (!isLoaded()) return empty; auto it = pos.find(name); return it == pos.end() ? empty : it->second; }