@ECHO OFF SETLOCAL SET EL=0 REM this file is supposed to be called from the root of the repository REM otherwise path references will not work IF NOT EXIST C:\Qt\5.11.1\msvc2017_64\lib SET EL=1 && ECHO QT not found && GOTO ERROR SET PATH=C:\Program Files\7-Zip;%PATH% REM set env vars normally set by AppVeyor SET configuration=Release SET APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER=%CD% SET CMAKE_VERSION=cmake-3.10.1-win64-x64 SET CMAKE_URL=https://cmake.org/files/v3.10/%CMAKE_VERSION%.zip CALL scripts\windows-build-appveyor.bat IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO ERROR GOTO DONE :ERROR SET EL=%ERRORLEVEL% ECHO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ERROR %~f0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ECHO ERRORLEVEL^: %EL% :DONE ECHO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DONE %~f0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXIT /b %EL%