#!/bin/bash set -e set -o pipefail # Inspect binary. if [[ ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} == "linux" ]]; then ldd ./lib/mapbox-gl-native.node else otool -L ./lib/mapbox-gl-native.node fi COMMIT_MESSAGE=$(git show -s --format=%B $TRAVIS_COMMIT | tr -d '\n') PACKAGE_JSON_VERSION=$(node -e "console.log(require('./package.json').version)") if [[ ${TRAVIS_TAG} == node-v${PACKAGE_JSON_VERSION} ]] || test "${COMMIT_MESSAGE#*'[publish binary]'}" != "$COMMIT_MESSAGE"; then source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh nvm use $NODE_VERSION npm install aws-sdk ./node_modules/.bin/node-pre-gyp package if [[ ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} == "linux" ]]; then ./node_modules/.bin/node-pre-gyp testpackage fi ./node_modules/.bin/node-pre-gyp publish info if [[ ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} == "linux" ]]; then source ./scripts/${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}/setup.sh rm -rf build rm -rf lib npm install --fallback-to-build=false npm test fi fi if [[ ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} == "linux" ]] && [ ! -z "${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}" ] && [ ! -z "${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}" ] ; then # Install and add awscli to PATH for uploading the results pip install --user awscli export PATH="`python -m site --user-base`/bin:${PATH}" REPO_NAME=$(basename $TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG) gzip --stdout node_modules/mapbox-gl-test-suite/render-tests/index.html | \ aws s3 cp --acl public-read --content-encoding gzip --content-type text/html \ - s3://mapbox/$REPO_NAME/render-tests/$TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER/index.html echo http://mapbox.s3.amazonaws.com/$REPO_NAME/render-tests/$TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER/index.html fi