#!/usr/bin/env node 'use strict'; const fs = require('fs'); const ejs = require('ejs'); const spec = require('./style-spec'); const colorParser = require('csscolorparser'); // FIXME: https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/issues/15008 delete spec.layout_circle["circle-sort-key"] require('./style-code'); function parseCSSColor(str) { const color = colorParser.parseCSSColor(str); return [ color[0] / 255 * color[3], color[1] / 255 * color[3], color[2] / 255 * color[3], color[3] ]; } global.isLightProperty = function (property) { return property['light-property'] === true; }; global.isOverridable = function (property) { return ['text-color'].includes(property.name); }; global.expressionType = function (property) { switch (property.type) { case 'boolean': return 'BooleanType'; case 'number': case 'enum': return 'NumberType'; case 'image': return 'ImageType'; case 'string': return 'StringType'; case 'color': return `ColorType`; case 'formatted': return `FormattedType`; case 'array': return `Array<${expressionType({type: property.value})}>`; default: throw new Error(`unknown type for ${property.name}`) } }; global.evaluatedType = function (property) { if (/-translate-anchor$/.test(property.name)) { return 'TranslateAnchorType'; } if (/-(rotation|pitch|illumination)-alignment$/.test(property.name)) { return 'AlignmentType'; } if (/^(text|icon)-anchor$/.test(property.name)) { return 'SymbolAnchorType'; } if (/position/.test(property.name)) { return 'Position'; } switch (property.type) { case 'boolean': return 'bool'; case 'number': // TODO: Check if 'Rotation' should be used for other properties, // such as icon-rotate if (/bearing$/.test(property.name) && property.period == 360 && property.units =='degrees') { return 'Rotation'; } return /location$/.test(property.name) ? 'double' : 'float'; case 'resolvedImage': return 'expression::Image'; case 'formatted': return 'expression::Formatted'; case 'string': return 'std::string'; case 'enum': return (isLightProperty(property) ? 'Light' : '') + `${camelize(property.name)}Type`; case 'color': return `Color`; case 'array': if (property.length) { return `std::array<${evaluatedType({type: property.value, name: property.name})}, ${property.length}>`; } else { return `std::vector<${evaluatedType({type: property.value, name: property.name})}>`; } default: throw new Error(`unknown type for ${property.name}`) } }; function attributeUniformType(property, type) { const attributeNameExceptions = { 'text-opacity': ['opacity'], 'icon-opacity': ['opacity'], 'text-color': ['fill_color'], 'icon-color': ['fill_color'], 'text-halo-color': ['halo_color'], 'icon-halo-color': ['halo_color'], 'text-halo-blur': ['halo_blur'], 'icon-halo-blur': ['halo_blur'], 'text-halo-width': ['halo_width'], 'icon-halo-width': ['halo_width'], 'line-gap-width': ['gapwidth'], 'line-pattern': ['pattern_to', 'pattern_from'], 'line-floor-width': ['floorwidth'], 'fill-pattern': ['pattern_to', 'pattern_from'], 'fill-extrusion-pattern': ['pattern_to', 'pattern_from'] } const names = attributeNameExceptions[property.name] || [ property.name.replace(type + '-', '').replace(/-/g, '_') ]; return names.map(name => { return `attributes::${name}, uniforms::${name}` }).join(', '); } global.layoutPropertyType = function (property) { switch (property['property-type']) { case 'data-driven': case 'cross-faded-data-driven': return `DataDrivenLayoutProperty<${evaluatedType(property)}>`; default: return `LayoutProperty<${evaluatedType(property)}>`; } }; global.paintPropertyType = function (property, type) { switch (property['property-type']) { case 'data-driven': if (isOverridable(property)) return `DataDrivenPaintProperty<${evaluatedType(property)}, ${attributeUniformType(property, type)}, true>`; return `DataDrivenPaintProperty<${evaluatedType(property)}, ${attributeUniformType(property, type)}>`; case 'cross-faded-data-driven': return `CrossFadedDataDrivenPaintProperty<${evaluatedType(property)}, ${attributeUniformType(property, type)}>`; case 'cross-faded': return `CrossFadedPaintProperty<${evaluatedType(property)}>`; default: return `PaintProperty<${evaluatedType(property)}>`; } }; global.propertyValueType = function (property) { switch (property['property-type']) { case 'color-ramp': return `ColorRampPropertyValue`; default: return `PropertyValue<${evaluatedType(property)}>`; } }; global.defaultValue = function (property) { // https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/issues/5258 if (property.name === 'line-round-limit') { return 1; } if (property.name === 'fill-outline-color') { return '{}'; } if (property['property-type'] === 'color-ramp') { return '{}'; } switch (property.type) { case 'number': if (property.default === undefined) { return 0; } else { return property.default; } case 'formatted': case 'string': case 'resolvedImage': return property.default ? `{${JSON.stringify(property.default)}}` : '{}'; case 'enum': if (property.default === undefined) { return `${evaluatedType(property)}::Undefined`; } else { return `${evaluatedType(property)}::${camelize(property.default)}`; } case 'color': const color = parseCSSColor(property.default).join(', '); switch (color) { case '0, 0, 0, 0': return '{}'; case '0, 0, 0, 1': return 'Color::black()'; case '1, 1, 1, 1': return 'Color::white()'; default: return `{ ${color} }`; } case 'array': const defaults = (property.default || []).map((e) => defaultValue({ type: property.value, default: e })); if (property.length) { return `{{${defaults.join(', ')}}}`; } else { return `{${defaults.join(', ')}}`; } default: return property.default; } }; const layerHpp = ejs.compile(fs.readFileSync('include/mbgl/style/layers/layer.hpp.ejs', 'utf8'), {strict: true}); const layerCpp = ejs.compile(fs.readFileSync('src/mbgl/style/layers/layer.cpp.ejs', 'utf8'), {strict: true}); const propertiesHpp = ejs.compile(fs.readFileSync('src/mbgl/style/layers/layer_properties.hpp.ejs', 'utf8'), {strict: true}); const propertiesCpp = ejs.compile(fs.readFileSync('src/mbgl/style/layers/layer_properties.cpp.ejs', 'utf8'), {strict: true}); const collator = new Intl.Collator("en-US"); // Add this mock property that our SDF line shader needs so that it gets added to the list of // "data driven" properties. spec.paint_line['line-floor-width'] = { "type": "number", "default": 1, "property-type": "data-driven" }; const layers = Object.keys(spec.layer.type.values).map((type) => { const layoutProperties = Object.keys(spec[`layout_${type}`]).reduce((memo, name) => { if (name !== 'visibility') { spec[`layout_${type}`][name].name = name; memo.push(spec[`layout_${type}`][name]); } return memo; }, []); // JSON doesn't have a defined order. We're going to sort them alphabetically // to get a deterministic order. layoutProperties.sort((a, b) => collator.compare(a.name, b.name)); const paintProperties = Object.keys(spec[`paint_${type}`]).reduce((memo, name) => { spec[`paint_${type}`][name].name = name; memo.push(spec[`paint_${type}`][name]); return memo; }, []); // JSON doesn't have a defined order. We're going to sort them alphabetically // to get a deterministic order. paintProperties.sort((a, b) => collator.compare(a.name, b.name)); return { type: type, layoutProperties: layoutProperties, paintProperties: paintProperties, doc: spec.layer.type.values[type].doc, layoutPropertiesByName: spec[`layout_${type}`], paintPropertiesByName: spec[`paint_${type}`], }; }); for (const layer of layers) { const layerFileName = layer.type.replace('-', '_'); writeIfModified(`src/mbgl/style/layers/${layerFileName}_layer_properties.hpp`, propertiesHpp(layer)); writeIfModified(`src/mbgl/style/layers/${layerFileName}_layer_properties.cpp`, propertiesCpp(layer)); // Remove our fake property for the external interace. if (layer.type === 'line') { layer.paintProperties = layer.paintProperties.filter(property => property.name !== 'line-floor-width'); } writeIfModified(`include/mbgl/style/layers/${layerFileName}_layer.hpp`, layerHpp(layer)); writeIfModified(`src/mbgl/style/layers/${layerFileName}_layer.cpp`, layerCpp(layer)); } // Light const lightProperties = Object.keys(spec[`light`]).reduce((memo, name) => { var property = spec[`light`][name]; property.name = name; property['light-property'] = true; memo.push(property); return memo; }, []); // JSON doesn't have a defined order. We're going to sort them alphabetically // to get a deterministic order. lightProperties.sort((a, b) => collator.compare(a.name, b.name)); const lightHpp = ejs.compile(fs.readFileSync('include/mbgl/style/light.hpp.ejs', 'utf8'), {strict: true}); const lightCpp = ejs.compile(fs.readFileSync('src/mbgl/style/light.cpp.ejs', 'utf8'), {strict: true}); writeIfModified(`include/mbgl/style/light.hpp`, lightHpp({properties: lightProperties})); writeIfModified(`src/mbgl/style/light.cpp`, lightCpp({properties: lightProperties}));