#!/usr/bin/env node require('flow-remove-types/register'); const path = require('path'); const outputPath = 'src/mbgl/shaders'; const zlib = require('zlib'); var shaders = require('../mapbox-gl-js/src/shaders'); require('./style-code'); let concatenated = ''; let offsets = {}; function basicMinify(src) { return src = src.trim() // strip whitespace at the start/end .replace(/\s*\/\/[^\n]*\n/g, '\n') // strip double-slash comments .replace(/\n+/g, '\n') // collapse multi line breaks .replace(/\n\s+/g, '\n') // strip identation .replace(/\s?([+-\/*=,])\s?/g, '$1') // strip whitespace around operators .replace(/([;\(\),\{\}])\n(?=[^#])/g, '$1'); // strip more line breaks } for (const key in shaders) { const vertex = concatenated.length; concatenated += basicMinify(shaders[key].vertexSource); concatenated += '\n\0'; const fragment = concatenated.length; concatenated += basicMinify(shaders[key].fragmentSource); concatenated += '\n\0'; offsets[key] = {vertex, fragment}; } const compressed = zlib.deflateSync(concatenated, {level: zlib.Z_BEST_COMPRESSION}) .toString('hex') .match(/.{1,16}/g) .map(line => line.match(/.{1,2}/g).map(n => `0x${n}`).join(', ')) .join(',\n ') .trim(); function sourceOffset(key, type) { return `source() + ${offsets[key][type]}` } writeIfModified(path.join(outputPath, 'source.hpp'), `// NOTE: DO NOT CHANGE THIS FILE. IT IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. #pragma once namespace mbgl { namespace shaders { const char* source(); } // namespace shaders } // namespace mbgl `); writeIfModified(path.join(outputPath, 'source.cpp'), `// NOTE: DO NOT CHANGE THIS FILE. IT IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. #include #include #include namespace mbgl { namespace shaders { const char* source() { static const uint8_t compressed[] = { ${compressed} }; static std::string decompressed = util::decompress(std::string(reinterpret_cast(compressed), sizeof(compressed))); return decompressed.c_str(); }; } // namespace shaders } // namespace mbgl `); writeIfModified(path.join(outputPath, 'preludes.hpp'), `// NOTE: DO NOT CHANGE THIS FILE. IT IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. #pragma once namespace mbgl { namespace shaders { extern const char* vertexPrelude; extern const char* fragmentPrelude; } // namespace shaders } // namespace mbgl `); writeIfModified(path.join(outputPath, 'preludes.cpp'), `// NOTE: DO NOT CHANGE THIS FILE. IT IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. #include #include namespace mbgl { namespace shaders { const char* vertexPrelude = ${sourceOffset('prelude', 'vertex')}; const char* fragmentPrelude = ${sourceOffset('prelude', 'fragment')}; } // namespace shaders } // namespace mbgl `); for (const key in shaders) { if (key === 'prelude') continue; const shaderName = key.replace(/[A-Z]+/g, (match) => `_${match.toLowerCase()}`); writeIfModified(path.join(outputPath, `${shaderName}.hpp`), `// NOTE: DO NOT CHANGE THIS FILE. IT IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. #pragma once namespace mbgl { namespace shaders { class ${shaderName} { public: static const char* name; static const char* vertexSource; static const char* fragmentSource; }; } // namespace shaders } // namespace mbgl `); writeIfModified(path.join(outputPath, `${shaderName}.cpp`), `// NOTE: DO NOT CHANGE THIS FILE. IT IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. #include #include namespace mbgl { namespace shaders { const char* ${shaderName}::name = "${shaderName}"; const char* ${shaderName}::vertexSource = ${sourceOffset(key, 'vertex')}; const char* ${shaderName}::fragmentSource = ${sourceOffset(key, 'fragment')}; // Uncompressed source of ${shaderName}.vertex.glsl: /* ${shaders[key].vertexSource} */ // Uncompressed source of ${shaderName}.fragment.glsl: /* ${shaders[key].fragmentSource} */ } // namespace shaders } // namespace mbgl `); }