#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e set -o pipefail directory=$1 export PATH="`pwd`/.mason:${PATH}" MASON_DIR="`pwd`/.mason" command -v ${CLANG_TIDY:-clang-tidy} >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "Can't find ${CLANG_TIDY:-clang-tidy} in PATH." if [ -z ${CLANG_TIDY} ]; then echo "Alternatively, you can set CLANG_TIDY to point to clang-tidy." fi if [ `uname -s` = 'Linux' ]; then echo "On Debian-based distros, you can install them via 'apt-get install clang-tidy'" elif [ `uname -s` = 'Darwin' ]; then echo "On OS X, you can install them via 'brew install llvm --with-clang --with-clang-extra-tools'" fi exit 1 } cd "${directory}" git ls-files '../../../src/mbgl/*.cpp' '../../../platform/*.cpp' '../../../test/*.cpp' | \ xargs -I{} -P ${JOBS} ${CLANG_TIDY:-clang-tidy} -header-filter='\/mbgl\/' {}