#include "allocation_index.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "manifest_parser.hpp" #include "metadata.hpp" #include "parser.hpp" #include "runner.hpp" #define ANSI_COLOR_RED "\x1b[31m" #define ANSI_COLOR_GREEN "\x1b[32m" #define ANSI_COLOR_YELLOW "\x1b[33m" #define ANSI_COLOR_BLUE "\x1b[34m" #define ANSI_COLOR_MAGENTA "\x1b[35m" #define ANSI_COLOR_CYAN "\x1b[36m" #define ANSI_COLOR_GRAY "\x1b[37m" #define ANSI_COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY "\x1b[90m" #define ANSI_COLOR_RESET "\x1b[0m" #if !defined(SANITIZE) void* operator new(std::size_t sz) { void* ptr = AllocationIndex::allocate(sz); if (!ptr) throw std::bad_alloc{}; return ptr; } void operator delete(void* ptr) noexcept { AllocationIndex::deallocate(ptr); } void operator delete(void* ptr, size_t) noexcept { AllocationIndex::deallocate(ptr); } #endif namespace { using ArgumentsTuple = std:: tuple, std::string>; ArgumentsTuple parseArguments(int argc, char** argv) { const static std::unordered_map updateResultsFlags = { {"default", TestRunner::UpdateResults::DEFAULT}, {"platform", TestRunner::UpdateResults::PLATFORM}, {"metrics", TestRunner::UpdateResults::METRICS}, {"rebaseline", TestRunner::UpdateResults::REBASELINE}}; args::ArgumentParser argumentParser("Mapbox GL Test Runner"); args::HelpFlag helpFlag(argumentParser, "help", "Display this help menu", {'h', "help"}); args::Flag recycleMapFlag(argumentParser, "recycle map", "Toggle reusing the map object", {'r', "recycle-map"}); args::Flag shuffleFlag(argumentParser, "shuffle", "Toggle shuffling the tests order", {'s', "shuffle"}); args::Flag onlineFlag( argumentParser, "online", "Toggle online mode (by default tests will run offline)", {'o', "online"}); args::ValueFlag seedValue(argumentParser, "seed", "Shuffle seed (default: random)", {"seed"}); args::ValueFlag testPathValue( argumentParser, "manifestPath", "Test manifest file path", {'p', "manifestPath"}); args::ValueFlag testFilterValue(argumentParser, "filter", "Test filter regex", {'f', "filter"}); args::MapFlag testUpdateResultsValue( argumentParser, "update", "Test results update mode. Supported values are: \n\"default\" Updates generic render test expectations. \ \n\"platform\" Updates platform specific render test expectations. \ \n\"metrics\" Updates expected metrics for configuration defined by a manifest.\ \n\"rebaseline\" Updates or creates expected metrics for configuration defined by a manifest.", {'u', "update"}, updateResultsFlags); args::PositionalList testNameValues(argumentParser, "URL", "Test name(s)"); try { argumentParser.ParseCLI(argc, argv); } catch (const args::Help&) { std::ostringstream stream; stream << argumentParser; mbgl::Log::Info(mbgl::Event::General, stream.str()); exit(0); } catch (const args::ParseError& e) { std::ostringstream stream; stream << argumentParser; mbgl::Log::Info(mbgl::Event::General, stream.str()); mbgl::Log::Error(mbgl::Event::General, e.what()); exit(1); } catch (const args::ValidationError& e) { std::ostringstream stream; stream << argumentParser; mbgl::Log::Info(mbgl::Event::General, stream.str()); mbgl::Log::Error(mbgl::Event::General, e.what()); exit(2); } mbgl::filesystem::path manifestPath{testPathValue ? args::get(testPathValue) : std::string{TEST_RUNNER_ROOT_PATH}}; if (!mbgl::filesystem::exists(manifestPath) || !manifestPath.has_filename()) { mbgl::Log::Error(mbgl::Event::General, "Provided test manifest file path '%s' does not exist", manifestPath.string().c_str()); exit(3); } auto testNames = testNameValues ? args::get(testNameValues) : std::vector{}; auto testFilter = testFilterValue ? args::get(testFilterValue) : std::string{}; const auto shuffle = shuffleFlag ? args::get(shuffleFlag) : false; const auto online = onlineFlag ? args::get(onlineFlag) : false; const auto seed = seedValue ? args::get(seedValue) : 1u; TestRunner::UpdateResults updateResults = testUpdateResultsValue ? args::get(testUpdateResultsValue) : TestRunner::UpdateResults::NO; return ArgumentsTuple{recycleMapFlag ? args::get(recycleMapFlag) : false, shuffle, online, seed, manifestPath.string(), updateResults, std::move(testNames), std::move(testFilter)}; } } // namespace namespace mbgl { int runRenderTests(int argc, char** argv, std::function testStatus) { int returnCode = 0; bool recycleMap; bool shuffle; bool online; uint32_t seed; std::string manifestPath; std::vector testNames; std::string testFilter; TestRunner::UpdateResults updateResults; std::tie(recycleMap, shuffle, online, seed, manifestPath, updateResults, testNames, testFilter) = parseArguments(argc, argv); auto manifestData = ManifestParser::parseManifest(manifestPath, testNames, testFilter); if (!manifestData) { exit(5); } mbgl::util::RunLoop runLoop; TestRunner runner(std::move(*manifestData), updateResults); if (shuffle) { printf(ANSI_COLOR_YELLOW "Shuffle seed: %d" ANSI_COLOR_RESET "\n", seed); runner.doShuffle(seed); } NetworkStatus::Set(online ? NetworkStatus::Status::Online : NetworkStatus::Status::Offline); const auto& manifest = runner.getManifest(); const auto& ignores = manifest.getIgnores(); const auto& testPaths = manifest.getTestPaths(); std::vector metadatas; metadatas.reserve(testPaths.size()); TestStatistics stats; for (auto& testPath : testPaths) { TestMetadata metadata = parseTestMetadata(testPath, manifest); if (!recycleMap) { runner.reset(); } std::string& id = metadata.id; std::string& status = metadata.status; std::string& color = metadata.color; const std::string::size_type rootLength = manifest.getTestRootPath().length(); id = testPath.defaultExpectations(); id = id.substr(rootLength + 1, id.length() - rootLength - 2); bool shouldIgnore = false; std::string ignoreReason; const std::string ignoreName = id; const auto it = std::find_if(ignores.cbegin(), ignores.cend(), [&ignoreName](auto pair) { return pair.first == ignoreName; }); if (it != ignores.end()) { metadata.ignoredTest = shouldIgnore = true; ignoreReason = it->second; if (ignoreReason.rfind("skip", 0) == 0) { printf(ANSI_COLOR_GRAY "* skipped %s (%s)" ANSI_COLOR_RESET "\n", id.c_str(), ignoreReason.c_str()); continue; } } if (metadata.document.ObjectEmpty()) { metadata.metricsErrored++; metadata.renderErrored++; } else { runner.run(metadata); } bool errored = metadata.metricsErrored || metadata.renderErrored; bool passed = !errored && !metadata.metricsFailed && !metadata.renderFailed; if (shouldIgnore) { if (passed) { status = "ignored passed"; color = "#E8A408"; stats.ignorePassedTests++; printf(ANSI_COLOR_YELLOW "* ignore %s (%s)" ANSI_COLOR_RESET "\n", id.c_str(), ignoreReason.c_str()); } else { status = "ignored failed"; color = "#9E9E9E"; stats.ignoreFailedTests++; printf(ANSI_COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY "* ignore %s (%s)" ANSI_COLOR_RESET "\n", id.c_str(), ignoreReason.c_str()); } } else { // Only fail the bots on render errors, this is a CI limitation that we need // to succeed on metrics failed so the rebaseline bot can run next in the // pipeline and collect the new baselines. The rebaseline bot will ultimately // report the error and block the patch from being merged. if (metadata.renderErrored || metadata.renderFailed) { returnCode = 1; } if (passed) { status = "passed"; color = "green"; stats.passedTests++; printf(ANSI_COLOR_GREEN "* passed %s" ANSI_COLOR_RESET "\n", id.c_str()); } else if (errored) { status = "errored"; color = "red"; stats.erroredTests++; printf(ANSI_COLOR_RED "* errored %s" ANSI_COLOR_RESET "\n", id.c_str()); printf(ANSI_COLOR_RED "* error: %s" ANSI_COLOR_RESET "\n", metadata.errorMessage.c_str()); } else { status = "failed"; color = "red"; stats.failedTests++; printf(ANSI_COLOR_RED "* failed %s" ANSI_COLOR_RESET "\n", id.c_str()); } } metadatas.push_back(std::move(metadata)); if (testStatus) { testStatus(); } } const auto manifestName = std::string("_").append(mbgl::filesystem::path(manifestPath).stem()); const auto resultPath = manifest.getResultPath() + "/" + (testNames.empty() ? "render-tests" : testNames.front()) + manifestName + "_index.html"; std::string resultsHTML = createResultPage(stats, metadatas, shuffle, seed); mbgl::util::write_file(resultPath, resultsHTML); const uint32_t count = stats.erroredTests + stats.failedTests + stats.ignoreFailedTests + stats.ignorePassedTests + stats.passedTests; if (stats.passedTests) { printf(ANSI_COLOR_GREEN "%u passed (%.1lf%%)" ANSI_COLOR_RESET "\n", stats.passedTests, 100.0 * stats.passedTests / count); } if (stats.ignorePassedTests) { printf(ANSI_COLOR_YELLOW "%u passed but were ignored (%.1lf%%)" ANSI_COLOR_RESET "\n", stats.ignorePassedTests, 100.0 * stats.ignorePassedTests / count); } if (stats.ignoreFailedTests) { printf(ANSI_COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY "%u ignored (%.1lf%%)" ANSI_COLOR_RESET "\n", stats.ignoreFailedTests, 100.0 * stats.ignoreFailedTests / count); } if (stats.failedTests) { printf(ANSI_COLOR_RED "%u failed (%.1lf%%)" ANSI_COLOR_RESET "\n", stats.failedTests, 100.0 * stats.failedTests / count); } if (stats.erroredTests) { printf(ANSI_COLOR_RED "%u errored (%.1lf%%)" ANSI_COLOR_RESET "\n", stats.erroredTests, 100.0 * stats.erroredTests / count); } printf("Results at: %s\n", mbgl::filesystem::canonical(resultPath).c_str()); return returnCode; } } // namespace mbgl