#include "manifest_parser.hpp" #include "filesystem.hpp" #include "parser.hpp" #include #include #include Manifest::Manifest() { const char* envToken = getenv("MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN"); if (envToken != nullptr) { accessToken = envToken; } } Manifest::~Manifest() = default; const std::vector& Manifest::getTestPaths() const { return testPaths; } const std::vector>& Manifest::getIgnores() const { return ignores; } const std::string& Manifest::getTestRootPath() const { return testRootPath; } const std::string& Manifest::getManifestPath() const { return manifestPath; } const std::string& Manifest::getResultPath() const { return resultPath; } const std::string& Manifest::getCachePath() const { return cachePath; } const std::string& Manifest::getAccessToken() const { return accessToken; } const std::set& Manifest::getProbes() const { return probes; } void Manifest::doShuffle(uint32_t seed) { std::seed_seq sequence{seed}; std::mt19937 shuffler(sequence); std::shuffle(testPaths.begin(), testPaths.end(), shuffler); } namespace { std::vector> parseIgnores(const std::vector& ignoresPaths) { std::vector> ignores; for (const auto& path : ignoresPaths) { auto maybeIgnores = readJson(path); if (!maybeIgnores.is()) { continue; } for (const auto& property : maybeIgnores.get().GetObject()) { const std::string ignore = {property.name.GetString(), property.name.GetStringLength()}; const std::string reason = {property.value.GetString(), property.value.GetStringLength()}; ignores.emplace_back(std::make_pair(ignore, reason)); } } return ignores; } // defaultExpectationPath: absolute path that constains the style.json file for testing // testId: Test case id that used for composing expectation path // expectatedPaths: absolute paths that constain possible expected.png/metrics.json files for result checking std::vector getTestExpectations(const mbgl::filesystem::path& defaultExpectationPath, const std::string& testId, std::vector expectatedPaths) { std::vector expectations{defaultExpectationPath}; for (const auto& expectedPath : expectatedPaths) { expectations.emplace_back(expectedPath / testId); } return expectations; } mbgl::filesystem::path getValidPath(const std::string& manifestPath, const std::string& path) { const static mbgl::filesystem::path BasePath{manifestPath}; mbgl::filesystem::path result{path}; if (result.is_relative()) { result = BasePath / result; } if (mbgl::filesystem::exists(result)) { return result.lexically_normal(); } mbgl::Log::Warning(mbgl::Event::General, "Invalid path is provided inside the manifest file: %s", path.c_str()); return mbgl::filesystem::path{}; } } // namespace mbgl::optional ManifestParser::parseManifest(const std::string& manifestPath, const std::vector& testNames, std::string testFilter) { Manifest manifest; const auto filePath = mbgl::filesystem::path(manifestPath); manifest.manifestPath = manifestPath.substr(0, manifestPath.find(filePath.filename())); auto contents = readJson(filePath); if (!contents.is()) { mbgl::Log::Error(mbgl::Event::General, "Provided manifest file: %s is not a valid json", filePath.c_str()); return mbgl::nullopt; } auto document = std::move(contents.get()); if (document.HasMember("result_path")) { const auto& resultPathValue = document["result_path"]; if (!resultPathValue.IsString()) { mbgl::Log::Warning( mbgl::Event::General, "Invalid result_path is provided inside the manifest file: %s", filePath.c_str()); return mbgl::nullopt; } manifest.resultPath = (getValidPath(manifest.manifestPath, resultPathValue.GetString()) / "").string(); if (manifest.resultPath.empty()) { return mbgl::nullopt; } } if (document.HasMember("cache_path")) { const auto& cachePathValue = document["cache_path"]; if (!cachePathValue.IsString()) { mbgl::Log::Warning( mbgl::Event::General, "Invalid cache_path is provided inside the manifest file: %s", filePath.c_str()); return mbgl::nullopt; } manifest.cachePath = (getValidPath(manifest.manifestPath, ".") / cachePathValue.GetString()).string(); if (manifest.cachePath.empty()) { return mbgl::nullopt; } } if (document.HasMember("access_token")) { const auto& accessTokenValue = document["access_token"]; if (!accessTokenValue.IsString()) { mbgl::Log::Warning(mbgl::Event::General, "Invalid access_token is provided inside the manifest file: %s", filePath.c_str()); return mbgl::nullopt; } manifest.accessToken = accessTokenValue.GetString(); if (manifest.accessToken.empty()) { return mbgl::nullopt; } } mbgl::filesystem::path baseTestPath; if (document.HasMember("base_test_path")) { const auto& testPathValue = document["base_test_path"]; if (!testPathValue.IsString()) { mbgl::Log::Warning(mbgl::Event::General, "Invalid base_test_path is provided inside the manifest file: %s", filePath.c_str()); return mbgl::nullopt; } baseTestPath = getValidPath(manifest.manifestPath, testPathValue.GetString()); if (baseTestPath.empty()) { return mbgl::nullopt; } } mbgl::filesystem::path expectedMetricPath; if (document.HasMember("metric_path")) { const auto& metricPathValue = document["metric_path"]; if (!metricPathValue.IsString()) { mbgl::Log::Warning( mbgl::Event::General, "Invalid metric_path is provided inside the manifest file: %s", filePath.c_str()); return mbgl::nullopt; } expectedMetricPath = getValidPath(manifest.manifestPath, metricPathValue.GetString()); if (expectedMetricPath.empty()) { return mbgl::nullopt; } } std::vector expectationPaths{}; if (document.HasMember("expectation_paths")) { const auto& expectationPathValue = document["expectation_paths"]; if (!expectationPathValue.IsArray()) { mbgl::Log::Warning(mbgl::Event::General, "Provided expectation_paths inside the manifest file: %s is not a valid array", filePath.c_str()); return mbgl::nullopt; } for (const auto& value : expectationPathValue.GetArray()) { if (!value.IsString()) { mbgl::Log::Warning(mbgl::Event::General, "Invalid expectation path item is provided inside the manifest file: %s", filePath.c_str()); return mbgl::nullopt; } expectationPaths.emplace_back(getValidPath(manifest.manifestPath, value.GetString())); if (expectationPaths.back().empty()) { return mbgl::nullopt; } } } std::vector ignorePaths{}; if (document.HasMember("ignore_paths")) { const auto& ignorePathValue = document["ignore_paths"]; if (!ignorePathValue.IsArray()) { mbgl::Log::Warning(mbgl::Event::General, "Provided ignore_paths inside the manifest file: %s is not a valid array", filePath.c_str()); return mbgl::nullopt; } for (const auto& value : ignorePathValue.GetArray()) { if (!value.IsString()) { mbgl::Log::Warning(mbgl::Event::General, "Invalid ignore path item is provided inside the manifest file: %s", filePath.c_str()); return mbgl::nullopt; } ignorePaths.emplace_back(getValidPath(manifest.manifestPath, value.GetString())); if (ignorePaths.back().empty()) { return mbgl::nullopt; } } manifest.ignores = parseIgnores(ignorePaths); } if (document.HasMember("probes")) { const auto& probesValue = document["probes"]; if (!probesValue.IsArray()) { mbgl::Log::Warning(mbgl::Event::General, "Provided probes inside the manifest file: %s is not a valid array", filePath.c_str()); return mbgl::nullopt; } for (const auto& value : probesValue.GetArray()) { if (!value.IsString()) { mbgl::Log::Warning(mbgl::Event::General, "Invalid probe type is provided inside the manifest file: %s", filePath.c_str()); return mbgl::nullopt; } manifest.probes.emplace(value.GetString()); } } if (testFilter.empty() && document.HasMember("filter")) { const auto& filterValue = document["filter"]; if (!filterValue.IsString()) { mbgl::Log::Warning( mbgl::Event::General, "Invalid filter is provided inside the manifest file: %s", filePath.c_str()); return mbgl::nullopt; } testFilter = filterValue.GetString(); } manifest.testRootPath = baseTestPath.string(); if (manifest.testRootPath.back() == '/') { manifest.testRootPath.pop_back(); } if (manifest.manifestPath.back() == '/') { manifest.manifestPath.pop_back(); } if (manifest.resultPath.empty()) { manifest.resultPath = manifest.manifestPath; } else if (manifest.resultPath.back() == '/') { manifest.resultPath.pop_back(); } std::vector paths; for (const auto& id : testNames) { paths.emplace_back(manifest.testRootPath + "/" + id); } if (paths.empty()) { paths.emplace_back(manifest.testRootPath); } // Recursively traverse through the test paths and collect test directories containing "style.json". auto& testPaths = manifest.testPaths; testPaths.reserve(paths.size()); for (const auto& path : paths) { if (!mbgl::filesystem::exists(path)) { mbgl::Log::Warning( mbgl::Event::General, "Provided test folder '%s' does not exist.", path.string().c_str()); continue; } for (auto& testPath : mbgl::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator(path)) { // Skip paths that fail regexp search. if (!testFilter.empty() && !std::regex_search(testPath.path().string(), std::regex(testFilter))) { continue; } if (testPath.path().filename() == "style.json") { const auto defaultExpectationPath{std::move(mbgl::filesystem::path(testPath).remove_filename())}; const auto rootLength = manifest.testRootPath.length(); auto testId = defaultExpectationPath.string(); testId = testId.substr(rootLength + 1, testId.length() - rootLength - 1); std::vector expectedMetricPaths{expectedMetricPath}; #if defined(__ANDROID__) expectedMetricPaths.emplace_back("/sdcard/baselines/"); #endif testPaths.emplace_back(testPath, getTestExpectations(defaultExpectationPath, testId, expectationPaths), getTestExpectations(defaultExpectationPath, testId, expectedMetricPaths)); } } } return mbgl::optional(manifest); }