'use strict'; var mbgl = require('../index'); var request = require('request'); var PNG = require('pngjs').PNG; var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); mbgl.on('message', function(msg) { console.log('%s (%s): %s', msg.severity, msg.class, msg.text); }); // Map of map objects by pixel ratio var maps = new Map(); module.exports = function (style, options, callback) { if (options.recycleMap) { if (maps.has(options.pixelRatio)) { var map = maps.get(options.pixelRatio); map.request = mapRequest; } else { maps.set(options.pixelRatio, new mbgl.Map({ ratio: options.pixelRatio, request: mapRequest })); var map = maps.get(options.pixelRatio); } } else { var map = new mbgl.Map({ ratio: options.pixelRatio, request: mapRequest }); } var timedOut = false; var watchdog = setTimeout(function () { timedOut = true; map.dumpDebugLogs(); callback(new Error('timed out after 20 seconds')); }, 20000); options.debug = { tileBorders: options.debug, collision: options.collisionDebug, overdraw: options.showOverdrawInspector, }; options.center = style.center || [0, 0]; options.zoom = style.zoom || 0; options.bearing = style.bearing || 0; options.pitch = style.pitch || 0; map.load(style, { defaultStyleCamera: true }); function mapRequest(req, callback) { request(req.url, {encoding: null}, function (err, response, body) { if (err) { callback(err); } else if (response.statusCode == 404) { callback(); } else if (response.statusCode != 200) { callback(new Error(response.statusMessage)); } else { callback(null, {data: body}); } }); }; applyOperations(options.operations, function() { map.render(options, function (err, pixels) { var results = options.queryGeometry ? map.queryRenderedFeatures(options.queryGeometry, options.queryOptions || {}) : []; if (!options.recycleMap) { map.release(); } if (timedOut) return; clearTimeout(watchdog); callback(err, pixels, results.map(prepareFeatures)); }); }); function applyOperations(operations, callback) { var operation = operations && operations[0]; if (!operations || operations.length === 0) { callback(); } else if (operation[0] === 'wait') { map.render(options, function () { applyOperations(operations.slice(1), callback); }); } else if (operation[0] === 'addImage' || operation[0] === 'updateImage') { var img = PNG.sync.read(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../../../mapbox-gl-js/test/integration', operation[2]))); const testOpts = (operation.length > 3) ? operation[3] : {}; const options = { height: img.height, width: img.width, pixelRatio: testOpts.pixelRatio || 1, sdf: testOpts.sdf || false } map.addImage(operation[1], img.data, options); applyOperations(operations.slice(1), callback); } else if (operation[0] === 'setStyle') { map.load(operation[1]); applyOperations(operations.slice(1), callback); } else { // Ensure that the next `map.render(options)` does not overwrite this change. if (operation[0] === 'setCenter') { options.center = operation[1]; } else if (operation[0] === 'setZoom') { options.zoom = operation[1]; } else if (operation[0] === 'setBearing') { options.bearing = operation[1]; } else if (operation[0] === 'setPitch') { options.pitch = operation[1]; } map[operation[0]].apply(map, operation.slice(1)); applyOperations(operations.slice(1), callback); } } function prepareFeatures(r) { delete r.layer; return r; } };