'use strict'; var test = require('tape'); var mbgl = require('../../../../lib/mapbox-gl-native'); var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var style = require('../fixtures/style.json'); test('Map', function(t) { t.test('must be constructed with new', function(t) { t.throws(function() { mbgl.Map(); }, /Use the new operator to create new Map objects/); t.end(); }); t.test('must be constructed with options object', function(t) { t.throws(function() { new mbgl.Map(); }, /Requires an options object as first argument/); t.throws(function() { new mbgl.Map('options'); }, /Requires an options object as first argument/); t.end(); }); t.test('requires request property', function(t) { var options = {}; t.throws(function() { new mbgl.Map(options); }, /Options object must have a 'request' method/); options.request = 'test'; t.throws(function() { new mbgl.Map(options); }, /Options object must have a 'request' method/); options.request = function() {}; t.doesNotThrow(function() { new mbgl.Map(options); }); t.end(); }); t.test('optional cancel property must be a function', function(t) { var options = { request: function() {} }; options.cancel = 'test'; t.throws(function() { new mbgl.Map(options); }, /Options object 'cancel' property must be a function/); options.cancel = function() {}; t.doesNotThrow(function() { new mbgl.Map(options); }); t.end(); }); t.test('optional ratio property must be a number', function(t) { var options = { request: function() {} }; options.ratio = 'test'; t.throws(function() { new mbgl.Map(options); }, /Options object 'ratio' property must be a number/); options.ratio = 1.0; t.doesNotThrow(function() { new mbgl.Map(options); }); t.end(); }); t.test('.load', function(t) { var options = { request: function() {}, ratio: 1 }; t.test('requires a map style as first argument', function(t) { var map = new mbgl.Map(options); t.throws(function() { map.load(); }, /Requires a map style as first argument/); map.release(); t.end(); }); t.test('expect either an object or array at root', { timeout: 1000 }, function(t) { var map = new mbgl.Map(options); mbgl.once('message', function(msg) { t.equal(msg.severity, 'ERROR'); t.equal(msg.class, 'ParseStyle'); t.ok(msg.text.match(/Invalid value/)); map.release(); t.end(); }); map.load('invalid'); }); t.test('accepts an empty stylesheet string', function(t) { var map = new mbgl.Map(options); t.doesNotThrow(function() { map.load('{}'); }); map.release(); t.end(); }); t.test('accepts a JSON stylesheet', { timeout: 1000 }, function(t) { var map = new mbgl.Map(options); t.doesNotThrow(function() { map.load(style); }); map.release(); t.end(); }); t.test('accepts a stringified stylesheet', { timeout: 1000 }, function(t) { var map = new mbgl.Map(options); t.doesNotThrow(function() { map.load(JSON.stringify(style)); }); map.release(); t.end(); }); t.test('does not immediately trigger any tile loads', function(t) { var map = new mbgl.Map({ request: function(req) { t.fail('unexpected request ' + req.url); }, ratio: 1 }); map.load(style); setTimeout(function() { map.release(); t.end(); }, 100); }); }); t.test('.render', function(t) { var options = { request: function(req, callback) { fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, '..', req.url), function(err, data) { callback(err, { data: data }); }); }, ratio: 1 }; t.test('requires an object as the first parameter', function(t) { var map = new mbgl.Map(options); t.throws(function() { map.render(); }, /First argument must be an options object/); t.throws(function() { map.render('invalid'); }, /First argument must be an options object/); map.release(); t.end(); }); t.test('requires a callback as the second parameter', function(t) { var map = new mbgl.Map(options); t.throws(function() { map.render({}); }, /Second argument must be a callback function/); t.throws(function() { map.render({}, 'invalid'); }, /Second argument must be a callback function/); map.release(); t.end(); }); t.test('requires a style to be set', function(t) { var map = new mbgl.Map(options); t.throws(function() { map.render({}, function() {}); }, /Style is not loaded/); map.release(); t.end(); }); t.test('returns an error', function(t) { var map = new mbgl.Map(options); map.load(style); map.render({ zoom: 1 }, function(err, data) { map.release(); t.ok(err, 'returns error'); t.ok(err.message.match(/Failed to load/), 'error text matches'); t.end(); }); }); t.test('double release', function(t) { var map = new mbgl.Map(options); map.release(); t.throws(function() { map.release(); }, /Map resources have already been released/); t.end(); }); t.test('returns an image', function(t) { var map = new mbgl.Map(options); map.load(style); map.render({}, function(err, pixels) { t.error(err); map.release(); t.ok(pixels); t.ok(pixels instanceof Buffer); t.equal(pixels.length, 512 * 512 * 4) t.end(); }); }); t.test('can be called several times in serial', function(t) { var completed = 0; var remaining = 10; var start = +new Date; var map = new mbgl.Map(options); map.load(style); function render() { map.render({}, function(err, data) { t.error(err); t.ok(true, 'render @ ' + ((+new Date) - start) + 'ms'); if (++completed === remaining) { map.release(); t.end(); } else { render(); } }); } render(); }); t.test('throws if called in parallel', function(t) { var map = new mbgl.Map(options); map.load(style); t.throws(function() { map.render({}, function() {}); map.render({}, function() {}); }, /Map is currently rendering an image/); map.release(); t.end(); }); }); });