import {run} from '../../../mapbox-gl-js/test/integration/lib/expression'; import mbgl from '../index'; import ignores from './ignores.json'; let tests; if (process.argv[1] === __filename && process.argv.length > 2) { tests = process.argv.slice(2); } function getExpectedType(spec) { if (spec.type === 'array') { const itemType = getExpectedType({ type: spec.value }); const array = { kind: 'array', itemType: itemType || { kind: 'value' }, }; if (typeof spec.length === 'number') { array.N = spec.length; } return array; } if (spec.type === 'enum') { return { kind: 'string' }; } return typeof spec.type === 'string' ? {kind: spec.type} : null; } run('native', {ignores, tests}, (fixture) => { const compiled = {}; const recompiled = {}; const result = { compiled, recompiled }; const spec = fixture.propertySpec || {}; const expression = mbgl.Expression.parse(fixture.expression, getExpectedType(spec)); const evaluateExpression = (expression, compilationResult) => { if (expression instanceof mbgl.Expression) { compilationResult.result = 'success'; compilationResult.isFeatureConstant = expression.isFeatureConstant(); compilationResult.isZoomConstant = expression.isZoomConstant(); compilationResult.type = expression.getType(); const evaluate = fixture.inputs || []; const evaluateResults = []; for (const input of evaluate) { const feature = Object.assign({ type: 'Feature', properties: {}, geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [0, 0] } }, input[1]); const output = expression.evaluate(input[0], feature); evaluateResults.push(output); } if (fixture.inputs) { return evaluateResults; } } else { compilationResult.result = 'error'; compilationResult.errors = expression; } }; result.outputs = evaluateExpression(expression, compiled); if (expression instanceof mbgl.Expression) { result.serialized = expression.serialize(); const recompiledExpression = mbgl.Expression.parse(result.serialized, getExpectedType(spec)); result.roundTripOutputs = evaluateExpression(recompiledExpression, recompiled); // Type is allowed to change through serialization // (eg "array" -> "array") // Override the round-tripped type here so that the equality check passes recompiled.type = compiled.type; } return result; });