# 2.0.0 - Integrates Node.js bindings into core mapbox-gl-native project. - Requires an options object argument to `new mbgl.Map()` (with required `request` and optional `cancel` methods), drops `mbgl.FileSource`. - Requires numerical `ratio` in `mbgl.Map` options argument. Map pixel ratio is now immutable and can no longer be set with render options. - Adds support for rendering v8 styles. - No longer load resources before a render request is made. # 1.1.3 - Removes deprecated mbgl::Environment from NodeLogObserver. # 1.1.2 - Check libuv version semver-ishly, fixes segfaults in Node.js 0.12.x and iojs. - Fixes segfault, throws JavaScript error instead when attempting to render without first loading a style. - Bumps mbgl submodule to v0.4.0 # 1.1.1 - Bumps mbgl submodule to v0.3.5 # 1.1.0 - Adds Node.js v0.12.x and io.js support. - Adds `map.release()` method for manual cleanup of map resources. - Fixes garbage collection of NodeMap objects. - Returns an error callback for failed NodeFileSource requests. - Fixes handling of corrupt NodeFileSource request data. - Implements request coalescing to fix NodeRequest cancellation. - Removes `setAccessToken` method from NodeMap, `mapbox://` URLs should be handled through `NodeFileSource` now. - Updates build scripts and Travis CI configuration. - Logs Environment ID and thread name when in an Environment scope. - Refactors NodeLog to implement mbgl::Log::Observer. - Fixes uncaught exception from missing sprites. - Fixes Unicode glyph range end. # 1.0.3 - Fixes crash during garbage collection by assigning FileSource handle to a v8::Persistent in NodeMap constructor. # 1.0.2 - Initialize shared display connection at module load time to avoid race condition when display connection is initialized on-demand. # 1.0.1 - Adapts NodeFileSource around mbgl::Environment additions. - Adapts to minor changes in mapbox-gl-test-suite. - Adds tests for gzipped vector tile handling. - Cleans up documentation. # 1.0.0 - Initial release.