#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e set -o pipefail set -u # dynamic environment variables: # VERSION_TAG={determined automatically}: Version tag in format macos-vX.X.X-pre.X # GITHUB_RELEASE=true: Upload to github # BINARY_DIRECTORY=build/macos/deploy: Directory in which to save test packages # environment variables and dependencies: # - You must run "mbx auth ..." before running # - Set GITHUB_TOKEN to a GitHub API access token in your environment to use GITHUB_RELEASE # - "wget" is required for downloading the zip files from s3 # - The "github-release" command is required to use GITHUB_RELEASE function step { >&2 echo -e "\033[1m\033[36m* $@\033[0m"; } function finish { >&2 echo -en "\033[0m"; } trap finish EXIT buildPackageStyle() { local package=$1 style="" if [[ ${#} -eq 2 ]]; then style="$2" fi step "Building: make ${package} ${style}" make ${package} step "Publishing ${package} with ${style}" local file_name="" if [ -z ${style} ] then file_name=mapbox-macos-sdk-${PUBLISH_VERSION}.zip else file_name=mapbox-macos-sdk-${PUBLISH_VERSION}-${style}.zip fi step "Compressing ${file_name}…" cd build/macos/pkg rm -f ../deploy/${file_name} zip -yr ../deploy/${file_name} * cd - if [[ "${GITHUB_RELEASE}" == true ]]; then echo "Uploading ${file_name} to GitHub" github-release upload \ --tag "macos-v${PUBLISH_VERSION}" \ --name ${file_name} \ --file "${BINARY_DIRECTORY}/${file_name}" > /dev/null fi if [[ ${DEPLOY_APP} == true ]]; then cd build/macos/app rm -f 'Mapbox GL.app.zip' zip -yr '../deploy/Mapbox GL.app.zip' 'Mapbox GL.app' cd - if [[ "${GITHUB_RELEASE}" == true ]]; then echo "Uploading ${file_name} to GitHub" github-release upload \ --tag "macos-v${PUBLISH_VERSION}" \ --name ${file_name} \ --file "${BINARY_DIRECTORY}/${file_name}" > /dev/null fi fi } export TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG=mapbox-gl-native export GITHUB_USER=mapbox export GITHUB_REPO=mapbox-gl-native export BUILDTYPE=Release VERSION_TAG=${VERSION_TAG:-''} PUBLISH_VERSION= BINARY_DIRECTORY=${BINARY_DIRECTORY:-build/macos/deploy} GITHUB_RELEASE=${GITHUB_RELEASE:-true} PUBLISH_PRE_FLAG='' if [[ ${GITHUB_RELEASE} = "true" ]]; then GITHUB_RELEASE=true # Assign bool, not just a string if [[ -z `which github-release` ]]; then step "Installing github-release…" brew install github-release if [ -z `which github-release` ]; then echo "Unable to install github-release. See: https://github.com/aktau/github-release" exit 1 fi fi fi if [[ -z ${VERSION_TAG} ]]; then step "Determining version number from most recent relevant git tag…" VERSION_TAG=$( git describe --tags --match=macos-v*.*.* --abbrev=0 ) echo "Found tag: ${VERSION_TAG}" fi if [[ $( echo ${VERSION_TAG} | grep --invert-match macos-v ) ]]; then echo "Error: ${VERSION_TAG} is not a valid macOS version tag" echo "VERSION_TAG should be in format: macos-vX.X.X-pre.X" exit 1 fi if [[ $( wget --spider -O- https://api.github.com/repos/${GITHUB_USER}/${GITHUB_REPO}/releases/tags/${VERSION_TAG} 2>&1 | grep -c "404 Not Found" ) == 0 ]]; then echo "Error: ${VERSION_TAG} has already been published on GitHub" echo "See: https://github.com/${GITHUB_USER}/${GITHUB_REPO}/releases/tag/${VERSION_TAG}" exit 1 fi PUBLISH_VERSION=$( echo ${VERSION_TAG} | sed 's/^macos-v//' ) git checkout ${VERSION_TAG} step "Deploying version ${PUBLISH_VERSION}…" if [[ ${#} -eq 3 && $3 == "-g" ]]; then GITHUB_RELEASE=true fi make clean && make distclean mkdir -p ${BINARY_DIRECTORY} if [[ "${GITHUB_RELEASE}" == true ]]; then step "Create GitHub release…" if [[ $( echo ${PUBLISH_VERSION} | awk '/[0-9]-/' ) ]]; then PUBLISH_PRE_FLAG='--pre-release' fi github-release release \ --tag "macos-v${PUBLISH_VERSION}" \ --name "macos-v${PUBLISH_VERSION}" \ --draft ${PUBLISH_PRE_FLAG} fi buildPackageStyle "xpackage" "symbols" DEPLOY_APP=true buildPackageStyle "xpackage SYMBOLS=NO" step "Finished deploying ${PUBLISH_VERSION} in $(($SECONDS / 60)) minutes and $(($SECONDS % 60)) seconds"