module: Mapbox author: Mapbox author_url: github_url: dash_url: copyright: '© 2014–2019 [Mapbox]( See [license]( for more details.' head: | objc: Yes skip_undocumented: Yes hide_documentation_coverage: Yes umbrella_header: src/Mapbox.h framework_root: ../darwin/src custom_categories: - name: Appendices children: - Working with GeoJSON Data - Predicates and Expressions - For Style Authors - Migrating to Expressions - Tile URL Templates - Info.plist Keys - name: Maps children: - MGLAccountManager - MGLMapCamera - MGLMapView - MGLMapViewDelegate - MGLMapSnapshot - MGLMapSnapshotOptions - MGLMapSnapshotter - name: Shapes and Annotations children: - MGLAnnotation - MGLAnnotationImage - MGLOverlay - MGLShape - MGLMultiPoint - MGLPointAnnotation - MGLPointCollection - MGLPolygon - MGLPolyline - MGLMultiPolygon - MGLMultiPolyline - MGLShapeCollection - name: Styling the Map children: - MGLStyle - MGLLight - name: Content Primitives children: - MGLFeature - MGLPointFeature - MGLPolygonFeature - MGLPolylineFeature - MGLMultiPolygonFeature - MGLMultiPolylineFeature - MGLPointCollectionFeature - MGLShapeCollectionFeature - name: Content Sources children: - MGLSource - MGLShapeSource - MGLComputedShapeSource - MGLTileSource - MGLRasterTileSource - MGLRasterDEMSource - MGLVectorTileSource - MGLImageSource - name: Style Layers children: - MGLStyleLayer - MGLForegroundStyleLayer - MGLBackgroundStyleLayer - MGLRasterStyleLayer - MGLVectorStyleLayer - MGLCircleStyleLayer - MGLFillStyleLayer - MGLFillExtrusionStyleLayer - MGLHeatmapStyleLayer - MGLHillshadeStyleLayer - MGLLineStyleLayer - MGLSymbolStyleLayer - name: Offline Maps children: - MGLOfflineRegion - MGLOfflineStorage - MGLOfflinePack - MGLOfflinePackProgress - MGLOfflinePackState - MGLTilePyramidOfflineRegion - MGLShapeOfflineRegion - name: Geometry children: - MGLCoordinateBounds - MGLCoordinateBoundsEqualToCoordinateBounds - MGLCoordinateBoundsGetCoordinateSpan - MGLCoordinateBoundsIntersectsCoordinateBounds - MGLCoordinateBoundsIsEmpty - MGLCoordinateBoundsMake - MGLCoordinateBoundsOffset - MGLCoordinateInCoordinateBounds - MGLCoordinateSpan - MGLCoordinateSpanEqualToCoordinateSpan - MGLCoordinateSpanMake - MGLCoordinateSpanZero - MGLDegreesFromRadians - MGLRadiansFromDegrees - MGLStringFromCoordinateBounds - name: Formatters children: - MGLClockDirectionFormatter - MGLCompassDirectionFormatter - MGLCoordinateFormatter - MGLDistanceFormatter