format_version: 1.1.0 default_step_lib_source: trigger_map: - pattern: nightly-release workflow: nightly-release - pattern: "*" is_pull_request_allowed: true workflow: primary workflows: primary: steps: - script: title: Build inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash set -eu -o pipefail brew install cmake gem install xcpretty --no-rdoc --no-ri export BUILDTYPE=Debug export XCPRETTY="| tee ${BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR}/raw-xcodebuild-output.txt | xcpretty --color --report html --output ${BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR}/xcode-test-results.html" make run-test - deploy-to-bitrise-io: title: Deploy to inputs: - deploy_path: "test/fixtures" - notify_user_groups: none - is_compress: 'true' - slack: title: Post to Slack inputs: - webhook_url: "$SLACK_HOOK_URL" - channel: "#gl-bots" - from_username: 'Bitrise macOS' - from_username_on_error: 'Bitrise macOS' - message: '<${BITRISE_BUILD_URL}|Build #${BITRISE_BUILD_NUMBER}> for by ${GIT_CLONE_COMMIT_COMMITER_NAME} passed' - message_on_error: '<${BITRISE_BUILD_URL}|Build #${BITRISE_BUILD_NUMBER}> for by ${GIT_CLONE_COMMIT_COMMITER_NAME} failed' - icon_url: - icon_url_on_error: nightly-release: steps: - script: title: Build inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash set -eu -o pipefail brew install cmake pip install awscli gem install xcpretty --no-rdoc --no-ri BUILDTYPE=Release SYMBOLS=NO make xpackage CLOUDWATCH=true platform/macos/scripts/