#import extern NSString * const MGLMapboxAccessTokenDefaultsKey; @interface AppDelegate : NSObject @property (weak) IBOutlet NSWindow *preferencesWindow; // Normally, an application should respect the “Close windows when quitting an // application” setting in the General pane of System Preferences. But the map // would only be restored to its last opened location if the user quits the // application using Quit and Keep Windows. An application that displays only a // map should restore the last viewed map, like Maps.app does. These properties // temporarily hold state for the next map window to be opened. @property (assign) double pendingZoomLevel; @property (copy) MGLMapCamera *pendingCamera; @property (assign) MGLCoordinateBounds pendingVisibleCoordinateBounds; @property (assign) double pendingMinimumZoomLevel; @property (assign) double pendingMaximumZoomLevel; @property (copy) NSURL *pendingStyleURL; @property (assign) MGLMapDebugMaskOptions pendingDebugMask; - (void)watchOfflinePack:(MGLOfflinePack *)pack; @end